英语八年级下册Unit 1 Comic strip&.Welcome to the unit课时练习

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英语八年级下册Unit 1 Comic strip&.Welcome to the unit课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How did you learn to cook this dish?I have learnt to cook _ watching videos.AonBforCbyDin2 . Do you know that there are many_ animals in the zoo? Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are _ scary.Akinds of; kind ofBkinds of; kinds ofCkind of; kinds ofDkind of; kind of3 . What time do you usually get up _ Sunday morning? _eight oclock.Aon, AtBat, InCat, OnDin, For4 . Cheeseburgers are made _ hamburgers and cheese.AofBwithCfromDin5 . Lisa put off writing to me until today because she was busy AfinallyBsuddenlyCgraduallyDlately6 . I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents. . They often use them to play games instead.AI hope soBI disagreeCNo problemDGood idea7 . Mother puts the desk _ the two beds .AonBatCbetweenDin8 . I usually go to school _.Aride a bikeBby bikeCon my bikeDB or C9 . They their holidays in Paris last summerAspendBspentCwill spendDare spending10 . Lucy is my friend. She _in this school since she came here.Ahas studiedBwill studyCam studyingDstudied二、补全对话7选5A)根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在答题纸上,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。AA. I think its closed now.B. so it must belong to him.C. Do you think the library is open at this time of day?D. but I think it must be crowded now.E. Whose backpack is it?F. Would you please go with me?G. Who is he?A. I think its closed now.B. so it must belong to him.C. Do you think the library is open at this time of day?D. but I think it must be crowded now.E. Whose backpack is it?F. Would you please go with me?G. Who is he?Linda: Helen, its time for supper. Lets go to the dinning hall together.Helen: Yes, its supper time11 . Linda: Then, what shall we do now?Helen: I want to go to the library and return these books to the library first. 12 . Linda: Of course!13 . Helen: Yes. I think so.Linda: Lets go there first, then well go to the dinning hall to have supper, OK?Helen: No problem. Look! Linda! Whats that on the ground?Linda: Let me see. Oh, its a backpack.14 . Helen: Er, its brown. It might be Janes, and hers is brown.Linda: Oh, no. Look at the notebook. Tims name is on it, 15 . Helen: Lets go and find Tim first.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空III. Fill in the blanks with proper words whose first letters are given according to the contexts.The American sportsman Glen Cowan first met Zhuang Zedong coming from China in 1971 because of the World Table Tennis Championship in Japan. Its s16 . for all the people to see them talking with each other. Zedong gave Cowan a s17 . scarf as a present to show the friendship of the Chinese people. The t18 . told his meaning to Cowan. Then Cowan b19 . a T-shirt with a p20 . flag on it back to Zedong. The US team got an i21 . to China in the same year, and US president had a h22 . visit to China in February. A lot of people say that the Ping Pong friendship changed the r23 . between the two countries.Different people have different understanding of success. Lewis is a successful person in our mind. He was interested in car caring when he was six. Four years later, when he m24 . the boss of the McLaren Formula 1 team, Ron Dennis, Lewis asked for his a25 . and introduced himself. A few years later, Lewis really became the y26 . person to join the “Young Drivers p27 . ” because he was a q28 . driver. There are some pieces of a29 . from a 90-year-old American writer. They are for helping us to keep fit. First of all, you should believe in yourself. Of course, you should be p 30 . , too. At last, please love people and enjoy h31 . others around you. Some women from Japan are also healthy and live a long life. Their s32 . is doing some exercise every day. Its important to keep a healthy d33 . , too. For example, youd better not eat bad f34 . from sweets and fried food. Youd better keep away from the packets of crisp if you feel hungry and a35 . deep-fried food.The best language l36 . in the world is Giuseppe Mezzofanti. He could speak his n37 . Italian and other five languages when he was 12 years old. He could speak over 38 languages well in total. Although he never left Italy, he still spoke theses languages without an a38 . , so a lot of people from different countries came to talk with him with their mother t39 . . They were all surprised at his f40 . .Although these young f41 . lost their lives, they still tried to save the people who were trapped in the forest fire.You will prepare more clean water if you decide to travel to the d42 . in Africa, because you can just see the sand when you feel very thirsty.Chinese students always c43 . that they have too much homework to do. Actually, most of the American teenagers have the same situation like them.Winter is a good season for us to go s44 . with our friends from the top of the mountain with a lot of snow.I find it i45 . for me to eat more than a hundred beef hamburgers in ten minutes. Would you like to try?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空46 . Your shirt needs _(iron).47 . He is always the last one _(go) back home in our class.48 . Everything here _( go )wrong since he came .49 . Robots are often _(design ) to have a human-like appearance.50 . Doing some exercises _(keep) us healthy.51 . We _(not know) the exact news until is it spread.52 . It is important for us to pay attention to_(change) our bad habits.53 . Dont forget_(brush) your teeth before_(eat) breakfast.五、单词填空短文填空April 2nd, Sunday FineWang Qiang and I went f54 . in the river near our village this morning. We stayed at the bank of it almost the whole day, b55 . we got nothing. The water in it was very dirty. Maybe fish cant live there.A few years ago, the w56 . here was clean and people could see lots of fish in it. But after many factories moved here, they gave off many poisonous(有毒的) things into the river. They m57 . the river very dirty. The flowers, the grass and many other living things near the river died. It even made some people sick. The balance (平衡) of nature (自然)near the river was broken. We both feel s58 . .六、汉译英:单词/短语单词翻译:59 . 他的_60 . 第一_61 . 女儿_62 . 他(她、它)们.(主格)_63 . 图书馆_64 . 词典;字典_65 . 她(宾格)_66 . 认为;想;思考_67 . 处处;到处;各个地方_68 . 美妙的;伟大的_69 . 容易的;不费力的_70 . 蔬菜_71 . .健康的_72 . 需要_73 . 二十_74 . 二月_75 . 忙碌的;无暇的_76 . 地理(学)_77 . 星期日_78 . 写作;写字_第 6 页 共 6 页

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