英语八年级下册unit 7综合能力检测

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英语八年级下册unit 7综合能力检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I want to know if it _ tomorrow. If it _, we will go hiking.Arains; rainsBwill rain; wont rainCwill rain; doesnt rainDrains; wont rain2 . You_be hungry after walking. Please come in and eat something.AcanBneedChave toDmust3 . Please tell me to improve my English.Awhat I can doBwhat can I doChow I can doDhow can I do4 . How long does it take you _ your homework every day?AfinishingBto finishCfinish5 . With Xu Mings help, Zhang Lin does his homework _ than before.Amore carefulBmore carefullyCmuch carefulDmuch carefully6 . Eddie prefers when he has time.AsleepBto sleepCto sleepingDsleeps7 . Parents oftentheir childrensome good advice.Aotter; withBoffer; /Cprovide; withDboth B and C8 . Did the teacher tell you _ this afternoon?Yes, we will go to visit the Great Wall.Ato go whereBhow to doCwhat to doDto do what9 . They had to make a decision that could mean _.Alive and dieBlife or dieClive and deathDlife or death10 . What do you think of the movie “Titanic”It is _ a wonderful movie that I want to see it again.AquiteBsuchCso二、补全对话5选5情景交际T(Tony): Hello, Nancy!N(Nancy): Hi, Tony!T: 11 . ?N: I Think so. Whats up?T: 12 . ? Theres a new restaurant near the station.N: Id love to, but Im sorry I cant.13 . .T: Oh, thats too bad. 14 . ?N: Sunday? Let me see. Yes, I think I will be free.T: Great. When shall we meet?N: At six oclock, OK?T: Sounds great. 15 . .N: All right. See you then. T: See you.三、补全短文5选5任务型阅读Customs on EatingFood in China and western countries is different. China has about five thousand years history. Chinese people may spend half of their time on food. They choose food very carefully. They only use fresh materials to make food. For example, they only eat fresh fish. Chinese people have a lot of ideas for cooking. They can cook a chicken in over ten ways. 16 . Western countries, like England or America, dont have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarkets. They only sell stored materials. 17 . They are unhealthy for peoples body. Western people are very good at making desserts and chocolates. They can make very good cakes and chocolates. 18 . In China, when people invite others for a meal, they would pay for the meal, but its not the same way in western countries. 19 . They wont be happy if you pay for them.Another difference in eating is that: 20 . Chinese people only have three meals in a day. But western people may have more. They usually have afternoon tea when they would have fruit or cakes with cheese.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。AThese food are very sweet and can make people fat quickly.BChinese people use chopsticks but western people use knives and forks.CWestern people also prefer fast food like hamburgers and chips.DSo Chinese food is very popular around the world.EIn western countries, people will think you only invite them but dont need to pay for them.四、完型填空This is _ English boy. _ name is John. He is a _ at school. He _lots of healthy _. _breakfast, he has three eggs, four hamburgers and salad. For lunch, he has some _, two apples and many _. For dinner he _ broccoli, tomatoes and hamburgers. He _ have dessert.21 . AaBanCtheD/22 . AHerBHesCHisDMy23 . ArunBrunningCrunerDrunner24 . AeatsBeatCeatingDeates25 . AfoodsBfoodCfoodsDfoodes26 . AAtBInCOfDFor27 . AchickenBchickensCchickensDchickenes28 . AvegetableBvegetablesCvegetablesDa vegetable29 . AhaveBhasCto haveDhaving30 . AdontBisntCarentDdoesnt五、阅读单选The following is part of Marias diaries (日记) about her holiday. The 3rd Day Yesterday we arrived in London in the rain. We went to some famous shops. The 4th dayWe came to Paris. The day was cloudy and the food wasnt good. We enjoyed the shops in Paris, but the things were expensive. The 5th dayWe got to Rome (罗马) in the hot weather. We had lunch in a cheap restaurant, but the food was excellent. The shops we visited were all wonderful. The 6th dayWe arrived in New York and the shops were the most expensive. But we liked the warm weather in New York. The 7th dayToday we visited New York city. The weather was still fine. Well go back home tomorrow after a weeks holiday.31 . How many days did Maria spend on her holiday?AThree.BFive.CSeven.32 . In every city, Maria always visited _.AshopsBmuseumsCrestaurants33 . Maria liked the food in _.ANew YorkBRomeCParis34 . From the diary we can see that Maria visited _ cities.AfourBfiveCsix35 . Which of the following cities had the best weather?ALondon.BRome.CNew York.Taking part in charity is not just for adult people . Kids can do it too! Melvin, 14,an American student , has done charity work for eight years . He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.Melvin studies at a middle school in Philadelphia. Recently, he collected 1,500 by himself and 487 from his classmates to donate to Cooper University Hospital .Melvin was born nine weeks premature(早产的) in Cooper University Hospital , weighing 2.4 kg . His father told him how Cooper saved his life, so he feels thankful to the hospital.Melvins classmates joined him once they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Michael also held a class with them about helping others. Michael said that it was not really about the money but about the fact they were doing something good.“It feels great, helping someone that I know,” said one of Melvins classmates. Melvins neighbors also helped out.Since Melvin was 8, he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year. This year, Stahl, the head of the hospital, went to Melvins school to accept the money.The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients(病人) every year.” When they leave, we call them graduates,” Stahl said he and his workmates are “pleased when our graduates and their families do well, like Melvin and his family .”36 . When did Melvin begin to do charity work?AAt the age of 6.BAt the age of 8.CAt the age of 14DFrom the moment he was born.37 . How much did Melvin and his classmates collect recently ?A487.B1,013C1,500D1,987.38 . Who does the underlined word “them” in the passage refer to (指) ?AMelvin and his familyBThe hospitals patients.CStahls workmatesDMelvin and his classmates.39 . Which of the following is True?AMelvin gives money to his school every year.BMelvins parents show little interest in charity.CMelvin was born nine weeks earlier than expected.DMelvins classmates think that he is wasting time.40 . What can we learn from the passage ?AKids can hardly do anything for charity.BEveryone is supposed to do charity work.CDoing charity work is only about money.DTheres no doubt that adults can do charity work better that kids.六、语法填空根据短文内容及括号内所给动词的提示,用正确的时态和语态补全短文,使短文完整、通顺。A billion cans or bottles of Coca-Cola 41 . (drink) every day all over the world!This famous drink 42 . (invent) in 1886 by an American chemist (药剂师), Dr. John Pemberton, in Atlanta, USAHe43 . (call) it a health drink. At first, it 44 . (make) from the cola nut and coca plant. Pembertons partner, Frank Robinson, 45 . (give) it the name “Coca-Cola”.The business didnt start well. In the first year, only nine drinks a day46 . (sell). In 1888, the business 47 . (buy) by a man named Asa Candler. He 48 . (open) the first factory, in Texas, in 1895. Since then, billions and billions of gallons (加仑) have been sold in over 200 countries.Coca-Cola49 . still _(make) in that factory in Texas today.第 7 页 共 7 页


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