英语八年级下册Unit 2 Grammar课时练习

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英语八年级下册Unit 2 Grammar课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、用所给单词的正确形式填空B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空不限一词)1 . Watching the baby grow up_(healthy), the man felt so proud.2 . There are many robots_(make) in Japan in the exhibition.3 . The operation was moving along _(smooth).4 . Look out! The car is _ (complete) out of control.5 . Im _sorry for keeping you waiting so long. (terrible)6 . Who _(cook) meals in your family tomorrow evening? My father is.7 . Antibiotics (抗生素) were one of the greatest _ (discover) of the 20th century.8 . As the babys mother, I cant risk _(leave) him alone, even for a short time.9 . Dont worry. All the problems _(deal) with by the government very soon.10 . Are your parents in _( agree) that you can deal with it by yourself?二、用单词的正确形式完成句子.用have/ has been或have/ has gone完成句子11 . My father _ to Beijing. He will be back in two days.12 . The Greens _ to the USA twice.13 . Where is your aunt now? I havent seen her for a long time.She _ to Xiamen.14 . The Class 1, Grade 8 students _ to many places of interest in our city.15 . _ Tommy _ to Nanjing?Yes. He went there last month and hasnt come back yet.三、选用适当的单词补全对话.根据对话内容及首字母提示,补全对话Andy: Hello, Wendy. You look busy. What are you busy with?Wendy: I am p16 . for a trip now. I want to put these snacks in this bag.Andy: Are you going on a trip?Wendy: Yeah Its Womens Day next week. To c17 . it, my mothers company organize a two-day trip. They plan to go to the Yellow mountain.Andy: And you can j18 . them?Wendy: Of course. My mother agrees to t19 . me out for two days, And I havent b20 . to the Yellow Mountain before. I think the Yellow Mountain is a good place to go h21 . , isnt it?Andy: Yes. I have already travelled to the Yellow Mountain three t22 . .Wendy: How do you like it?Andy: Well, its really a good place. Every time you c23 . the mountain, you can enjoy something new about it. Its a good place to go on h24 . .Wendy: And what do you enjoy most?Andy: The Guest-greeting pine(迎客松). Its the s25 . of the Yellow Mountain.四、填写适当的单词补全对话补全对话Jim:Have you 26 . (see) Ling Feng?Mike:Yes.Why?Jim:Ive 27 . (find) his watch.He 28 . (leave) it on my desk yesterday.Mike:Im afraid you have to 29 . (wait).He has30 . (go) with his group to plant trees.Jim:Didnt he do that last month?Mike:Yes,he 31 . (do).Jim:Why has he gone to do it again?Mike:Why?We should32 . (plant) more trees to make our city greener.Dont you think so?Jim:Yes,of course.The more trees we plant,the better our environment is.When are you 33 . (go) there again?Mike:I suppose well34 . (go) there next week.Jim:Dont forget 35 . (tell) me the time.Id like to join you.五、单词填空Most people, who visit the theatre to see a play, hope that they will learn something from it. The actors too, hope that their audiences(观众)will learn from their performances. So, in a sense, the theatre is a form of t _ .However, its not often that teachers themselves decide to act. But this is exactly what the founders of the English Teaching Theatre did. The English Teaching Theatre, or ETT, aims to entertain and a _ to help people to learn English. The i _ of a teaching theatre started in 1969 at a large English Language school in London, International House. The Director of the school, John Haycraft, suggested that his teachers put on a show. The teachers did this, with the help of some of their students. The show was so popular t _ very soon teachers and actors formed a full-time theatre group, the ETT.The ETT does a summer season in England and performs a _ for six or seven months, the rest of the year. I went to s _ the show at International house and found it very excitinga picture with movements, words, music, and laughter. Afterwards I spoke to Doug Case, a founder member of the theatre. He explained h_ the actors teach English to the students in the shows.36 . _37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _41 . _42 . _六、汉译英:整句. 翻译句子43 . 海南是旅游的最好的地方。_44 . 乘地铁去市中心大约需要10分钟。_45 . 第五天我们有空,所以我们打算去购物。_46 . 我们需要一公斤火腿和更多的鸡蛋。_47 . 沿着这条河走,当你看见一棵大树时向左转。_第 4 页 共 4 页


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