英语八年级下册Module 7 Unit 3课时练习

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英语八年级下册Module 7 Unit 3课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A person who will travel to a foreign country must carry a .AdictionaryBpassportCticketDnotebook2 . We are going to the park in Millies car. You can come with us _you canmeet us there later.AbutBandCthenDor3 . The government(政府)has done much, _ the housing price in Shanghai is still very high.AbutBandCafterDbefore4 . Its really _ him to drive after drinking so much wine.Acrazy ofBgentle ofCbrave forDwise for5 . My father has made a _ that he will take me to climb Mount Tai next week.AfaceBpromiseCadvice6 . Eric has got two aunts,_ he hasnt got any unclesAandBbutCorDso7 . (2017年安徽)Hold your dream, _ you might regret some day.AandBorCbutDso8 . He is different _ his brother , but he is similar _ his father.Afrom, fromBto, toCto, fromDfrom, to9 . Kate is really a polite girl.Yes. She always well.AlearnsBeducatesCbehavesDdevelops10 . I like chocolate, _ I dont eat a lot.AandBbutCbecauseDor二、补全对话6选5.从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(六选五)AI like a quiet place.BEnjoy yourself in the countryside.CWhy do you want to live in the countryside?DWhat are you going to do in the summer holidays?EBecause animals give us joy and can help us do some useful things.FWhy do you want to go sightseeing?A: Hi , Darren! Its a nice day , isnt it?B: Yes , it is.11 . A: I plan to visit my grandparents during the summer holidays in the countryside.B: Really?12 . A: Because of too much noise in the city.13 . Whats more , there are many green plants in the countryside. I like plants.B: I also like plants , but I like animals better.A: Why do you think so?B:14 . They are our friends.A: I think I should also make an animal friend.B:15 . A: Thank you.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空16 . Do you still remember _(meet)Yao Ming in Beijing three years ago?17 . Try _(remember)eight or ten words a day.18 . There are some boys _(play)soccer on the playground.19 . Which is _(difficult),Maths,English or Physics?20 . Well go shopping if we _(be)free this Sunday.四、完成句子21 . 他有一个乒乓球拍吗?是的,他有。_ he _ a ping-pong _?Yes,he _.22 . 让我们一起玩吧!Lets_!23 . 他们有一个篮球吗?_they _a basketball?24 . 那听起来好极了。That _.第 3 页 共 3 页

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