英语八年级下册Module 1 Unit 1课时练习

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英语八年级下册Module 1 Unit 1课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Peter is not a boy. His things are everywhere in the bedroom.AtidyBhealthyCniceDdirty2 . Can you help me _the exercise books to the students?Awork outBgive outCtake in3 . -Your school things are here and there. Will you please _?-OK, Ill do it right away.Agive them outBput them awayCgive up themDput them on4 . - Would you like to have dinner with me when you are available.- Sure, I would love to.ApleasedBfreeCspare二、完型填空完形填空(共1小题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。IMAGINE a life without arms or legs! You cant hold anyone in your armsYou cant walk anywhere with your feetHow would you last a day like that? Would you_at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic, the 29-year-old Australian?Nick was born without limbs(四肢), so life was not_for himAt school many students played jokes on him_he looked different from everyone elseHe was refused to be their friends, so he always felt_However, he faced that bravelyHe learned to type and write with two toes(脚趾)when he was six, and he could_surf the Internet and play golfIn university, he achieved great success and was among the excellent students in the studiesAnd he decided on _to do later in his lifeto encourage others to work hard for their dreams.Now Nick is one of the most popular_in the worldHe travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story_difficulties“Living life fully is about looking at what you have, not what you_,” he saidHis story encourages millions of people.“I tell people to keep on getting up when they_and to always love themselves,” he said“If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.”5 . AlaughBcryCsmileDshout6 . AoldBeasyCmodernDdifficult7 . AbecauseBifCuntilDbut8 . AexcitedBrelaxedClonelyDsurprised9 . AevenBeverCprobablyDnever10 . AhowBwhoCwhatDwhere11 . AdoctorsBspeakersCscientistsDengineers12 . AatBforCbeyondDagainst13 . AmakeBhopeCwantDlose14 . AfallBplayClistenDExercise三、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentenced with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)15 . They have put their house up for _. (sale)16 . This town is _ for its beautiful buildings. (fame)17 . _, life on Mars will be better in many ways. (hope)18 . It a great _ to us to have a grand banquet in your honour here. (happy)19 . I tried to tell her but she _ me. (ignorance)20 . Her mother is _ with the service there. (satisfy)21 . Our neighbours a very _ bus driver, he never thinks about what hes responsible for. (carefully)22 . Supper is _ between 6 and 10 p. m. (serve)四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词23 . 第一节课几点钟开始?What_ does the first class_?24 . 他上学从不迟到。Hes never _ school.25 . 我通常在早上洗淋浴。I usually_ a_ in the morning.26 . 我们有时做半个小时的运动。We sometimes play _ for half _ hour.27 . 你们可以要么踢足球,要么去游泳。You can either play soccer _.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用括号中所给提示完成句子28 . Which _ (季节) do you like best in a year? I like spring and summer best because the days are longer.29 . Do you know that _ (劳动) Day is on May 1st in China?30 . Linda spent about two hours _ (paint) the picture.31 . The days are getting _ (long) and the nights are getting shorter.32 . Happy National Day and enjoy _ (you), boys and girls!第 4 页 共 4 页

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