英语八年级上册Unit6 The Unexpected基础练习

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英语八年级上册Unit6 The Unexpected基础练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I saw Mr. Smith in the office at ten yesterday morning. Thats impossible. He an English party with us then.AhasBhadCwas havingDhas had2 . We on the playground when it began to rain yesterday afternoon.ArunBranCare runningDwere running3 . We heard a cry when we TV last night.Awere watchingBwould watchCwatchDwatched4 . Tim Cook called his mother every week even while he_ around the world.Awas travelingBis travelingCtraveledDtravels5 . Our teacher says that the classroom must _ every day.AcleanBwill cleanCbe cleaningDbe cleaned6 . They _ her to the party,so she was very happy.AinviteBinvitedCwill inviteDare inviting7 . London the 2012 Olympic Games.AholdBholdsCis holdingDheld8 . Televisions have made _ possible for us to watch movies at home.AthatBthisCitDthey9 . The thieves the bicycles when the policemen caught them.AstoleBwere stealingChave stolenDwill steal10 . I met my teacher _ I was walking in the street, but I didnt say hello to him.Abefore B. after C. until D. while11 . I cant stand the smell of the stinking tofu.Would you like to have a try? It _ quite delicious!AlooksBsoundsCtastes12 . - What heavy rain it was!- Yes, but I love air after it rains. It smells so fresh.Athe; aBa; theCthe; theDa; a二、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)13 . Please show me how to _(搜索) the internet.14 . My father often listens to light music to _(放松) after work.15 . Lets hope our difficulties will soon _(消失).16 . Half an hour later she _(醒来) up and began to cry.17 . You have ever _(乱扔) things about, havent you?18 . I looked up and saw my geography teacher walking _(朝,向) me.19 . She looked round when she heard so much _(噪音) behind her.20 . I dont like eating the lemon. It _(尝起来) too sour.21 . I like to stay in _(自然的) world to spend my holiday.22 . There are _(大概) ten apples in the basket over there.23 . Lily and I like playing tennis.This is our _(共同的) hobby.24 . We must _(认识到) the importance of the food safety.25 . Dont be _(恐惧的). It is only a picture.26 . You can see something _(奇怪的) in this museum.27 . They will never forget these _(令人惊奇的) animals they saw yesterday.A) 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入个适当的单词(每空限词) 。28 . Its important to understand people from different _. (背景)29 . People in the USA celebrate Halloween on _ 31st.(十月)30 . Its amazing how well the English poem was _ into Chinese.(翻译)31 . Those _complaint letters mainly have something to do with the service.(顾客)32 . We should wait for our turns to get on the bus _.(礼貌地)第 3 页 共 3 页

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