英语八年级上册Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister单元检测

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英语八年级上册Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We can get _ in many kinds of ways such as reading newspapers, watching TV and surfing the Internet.AgradesBinformationCprogramsDmagazine2 . Dont_ your deskmate in class.AtalkBtalk toCspeakDtell3 . My sister is as _ as her friend Joe, so they are good friends.AoutgoingBmore outgoingCmost outgoingDthe most outgoing4 . Bad luck! On my way home, I had my watch _. Im sorry to hear that. Maybe you will have no choice but _ another one.Astolen; to buyBstolen; buyCstole; to buyDstole; buy5 . He is honest boy. He likes playing _baseball at weekendsAa ; theBan ; theCa ; /Dan ; /6 . -I took lots of photos in Hainan.-Really? Could you show _ to me?AitBtheirCtheyDthem7 . We will have two family parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and is at Thanksgiving.AotherBanotherCthe otherDthe others8 . Dont worry! We will take_ to wash dishes.AturnsBturnCordersDorder9 . A true friend can _ his happiness(幸福)and sadness(忧伤)with you.AhaveBshareCforgetDmake10 . Tom is ill in hospital.He a cold for several days.AisBcatchesChas caughtDhas had11 . Steven asked the taxi driver to drive a little because he had to catch the last train.AquicklyBthe most quicklyCmore quicklyDless quickly12 . My father walks backevery day. And I go to schoolevery day.Ato home; on bikeBhome; on my bikeChome; by the bikeDto home; by bike13 . My parents _ at home on weekends.Aare allBare bothCall are14 . (2017湖北鄂州28)What would you like to drink,tea or coffee?_ is OK,but I prefer coffee _ milk.AEither;toBEither;withCNeither;toDNeither;with15 . Though Betty and Lily are twins,Betty isnt so_as Lily.Amore outgoingBmost outgoingCoutgoing16 . _my opinion, the Victoria Falls are more fantastic.AForBOnCInDAt17 . My sister is much at painting than me.AgoodBwellCbetterDbest18 . What makes you_ so outgoing?AbecomesBbecomingCto becomeDbecome19 . - Hes never stolen anything before, _ he?- _. Its his third time to be taken to the police station.Ahasnt; YesBhas; NoChas; YesDis; No20 . My cousin is _ heavy because he often eats _ fast food.Amuch too; too manyBtoo much; too muchCtoo many; too muchDmuch too; too much21 . Su Bingtian broke the record. He runs than anyone else in Asia.AfastBfasterCfastestDthe fastest22 . The girl _ shorter hair is my sister Linda.AwithBhasChaveDis23 . _ do you _ geography?I like it very much.AHow; think ofBWhat; likeCHow; like aboutDWhat; think of24 . Which one is _ , football,baseball or basketball?Amore popularBthe most popularCpopularestDmuch popular25 . Peter is busy _ at school, but he never forgets _ exercise every day.Aworking; doingBworking; to doCat work; doing26 . Its easy to find a good hotel in our city because we have _ of them here.AnoneBfewCmanyDeach27 . David is very busy. He moves_ furniture to peoples new flats every day.Aa fewBmanyCa lot ofDlittle28 . The street was _ people yesterday.Afulled ofBfilled withCfilled ofDfull with29 . Mr. Brown is a humorous teacher. Its _ to talk with him.ApleasedBpleasureCpleasantDpleasantly30 . The story made everyonehappy.AfeelBfeltCfeelingDfeels二、补全短文7选5Which lunar(农历的)new year began in February this year? Of course, the answer is the Year of the Pig. But how much do you know about pigs? Most people think pigs are fat, lazy and dirty 31 . 32 . It is true that pigs are fat. They eat a lot. But they are helpful to us in many ways. We get more than just pork from pigs. We can use their skin(皮)to make shoes. We can use their hair to make brushes. Pigs also provide us with ingredients(成分)for drugs like insulin(胰岛素).Pigs are smart animals. People sometimes say, “You are as stupid as a pig. But pigs are not stupid.33 . They have a good memory and can tell different shapes apart. Many experts think pigs are easier to train than dogs or cats. In France, people teach pigs to find truffles(松露). In the UK, the Peppa Pig is popular, and everyone likes her in real life.Why are pigs dirty? When you see pigs , they are usually in dirty water or mud.Thats because pigs have no sweat glands(汗腺). On hot days, they have to cool themselves in water or mud. This keeps insects off of them as well.34 . Are pigs lazy? This may not be true for all the pigs. 35 . In Houston, US, there are pig races every year. Pigs have to run fast to win the races.AAre they lovely?BAre these things true?CPigs can be useful to us.DMost pigs are heavy sleepers.ESome pigs can be good runners.FPigs are one of the 10 smartest animals.GMud can also protect their skin from sunburns.三、完型填空One summer I met my best friend Lisa for the first time. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother, _ to look at each other. But soon, we started playing with each other. None of my new friends liked her_ they knew she had family problems. However, we always had great _ together. Last year I noticed the problem. I guessed she needed_there for her. Well, she made a new best friend and so did I. Then I didnt know why, but she started cutting herself She had to go to _ during the day. I was very _ at first, but later we got in touch (取得联系). I wanted to be there for her and I knew I still cared about her like a sister. Yesterday she came to me and said, I never knew _ a best friend was before, you were the only person that would _ me cutting, the only person that ever made me feel_ about myself. You didnt even know you were helping me. We both_ . So if a friend needs you, and you care for him or her, you can be friends forever (永远).36 . AafraidBhappyCfriendlyDkind37 . AtillBbeforeCifDbecause38 . AluckBideasCtoysDfun39 . AsomeoneBno oneCeveryoneDanyone40 . AschoolBfactoryChomeDhospital41 . AhappyBexcitedCworriedDtired42 . AwhereBhowCwhatDwhy43 . AhelpBstopCseeDhear44 . AworseBbetterCafraidDsadder45 . AcriedBjumpedCranDfailed四、阅读单选It was one oclock in the morning when I at last succeeded in creating life.As I looked at the lifeless human being, I saw one eye slowly open. Then he began to breathe and move his arms. At first, I thought he would be a fine-looking man. He had yellow skin, black hair and very white teeth. Unluckily, his eyes were watery, and his lips were thin and colorless. I soon realized that there was nothing beautiful about him. I ran out of the room, disgusted (恶心) by the creature I had created. I tried to sleep, but for hours I could not. Then, when I did get to sleep, I had bad dreams. When Iawoke the next morning, I did not want to return to my laboratory and the monster I had created.I went for a long walk until I came to an inn. There, to my pleasure and surprise, I found my friend, Henry Clerval. “Tell me about my family,” I asked him. “And Elizabeth, How is she?”“They are all well, Frankenstein,” he said. “But you do not look well, my friend. Your eyes look as if you have not slept for many weeks.”I knew this was true. “I have been so busy,” I explained, “that I have been working without rest.” Henry walked back with me to my department. I did not want him to, but I could not stop him. I was afraid that the creature I had left there might be alive and walking about. When we reached my apartment, I asked Henry to wait outside for a few minutes. I did not explain why. I slowly opened the door and entered the room. To my surprise, it was empty. The creature had gone. I was so overcome by the feeling that I fainted. I was ill for many months.During my illness, Henry was my only nurse. He heard me talking in my sleep about a monster. At first, he thought I was just having a bad dream, but then he realized that something very bad happened in my life. At last, I began to get better.46 . What is this passage probably taken from?AA news report.BA science fiction.CA travel guide.Da history book.47 . Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?AThe birth of the creature.BThe personalities of the creature.CThe happy feeling of creating life.DThe spirit of the creature.48 . What does the underlined word “fainted” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?Abroke downBcheeredClost sensesDwent wrongIt was a cold winter afternoon before Christmas. My parents and I sat on the beach in Washington, D.Cs Union Station, waiting for the train. Inside the waiting hall were many people.A boy sat nearly. His worn jacket, pale face, dirty hands all seemed to tell me that he was homeless.“He must be cold and hungry. Maybe I should help him,” I said to myself.Just at that moment, a well- dressed young couple walked towards him.“Excuse me,” the man bent down. “My wife and I thought two meal boxes but one was enough for us. We hate to waste good food. Can you help us out and put this to use?” He handed the boy a meal box.The boy thanked them and opened the box with joy and care. Suddenly he stopped. In the direction to which he looked, I saw an old man in rags(衣衫褴褛) in a worn sweater, worn trousers and open shoes, entering the hall.Putting the meal box aside, the boy stood up and helped the old man to his seat. He took off his jacket and covered the old mans shoulders, saying, “A gentleman brought me this warm meal but I just finished eating. I hate to waste good food. Can you help me out?” He placed the stillwarm meal box in the old mans hands without waiting for an answer.“Sure, son, but if only you share that sandwich with me. Its too much for a man at my age.”We were all touched. Dad went away and soon returned with cups of hot chocolate and a big pizza. Mum and Dad went up to those in rags, “Excuse me”I rushed into a KFC and took out my pocket money.It was so cold that afternoon but I felt much warmer than I had ever though possible.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。49 . When did the story happen?AAfter Christmas afternoon.BOn Christmas afternoon.COn Christmas DayDOn Christmas Eve afternoon.50 . Who gave the boy a meal box?AThe young man.BThe old manCThe young woman.DMum and Dad.51 . Why dont the boy have the meal?AHe was not hungry.BHe wanted to help the old man.CHe didnt like the food.DHe saw a sandwich in the meal box.52 . What did the writer most probably do at the end of the story?AHe bought some food for the homeless.BHe told his story to people in the KFC.C.He gave his pocket money to the homeless.CHe asked the other passengers to help the homeless.53 . Whats the best title for the passage?AA Poor Boy.BA Worn Jacket.CA Big Pizza.DA Warm Meal BoxJerry has a happy family his parents, his sister and he. They live in a small town, and it is not far from the city.One day, Jerry goes to a shopping centre in the city to buy a new pair of trousers. There are too many people in the shop, so he doesnt want to try them on there.He goes back home and tries on the trousers in his bedroom. They are too long for him and he wants to ask hismother or sister to shorten ( 剪短 ) them for him. When he goes to his mother, she is cooking lunch and doesnt have any time to help him. He goes to his sister, but she is washing clothes and shoes. “The new trousers are too long. Can you help me to shorten them five centimetres?” His mother and sister are busy, and they dont say anything. Jerry goes out to fly kites with his classmates.Jerrys father is not busy, so he helps his son to shorten the trousers and plays computer games again in the study. When his mother finishes cooking, she goes to Jerrys bedroom and helps him to shorten the trousers five centimetres, too. But she doesnt tell her daughter about it and goes out.After an hour, Jerrys sister remembers her brothers trousers. So she goes quietly into the room and also helps her brother to shorten the trousers five centimetres.Can you guess the look on Jerrys face when he wears the trousers next time?54 . There arepeople in Jerrys family.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix55 . Why doesnt Jerry try on the trousers in the shop?ABecause it is cold today.BBecause they are too long for him.CBecause there are too many people in the shop.DBecause he wants to ask his mother or sister to shorten the trousers.56 . Jerry will feelwhen he wears the trousers next time.AexcitedBhappyCgreatDangry57 . What can we know from the story?AJerrys sister is cooking lunch and doesnt have time.BJerrys father is playing computer games and doesnt help Jerry.CJerrys mother helps Jerry shorten the trousers and tells her daughter about it.DJerrys parents and sister help him shorten the trousers fifteen centimetres together.五、句型转换. 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近,每空一词。58 . Maybe he is in the library. He _ in the library.59 . This book is more interesting than that one.That book is _ interesting _ this one.60 . How do you like this trip?What do you _ this trip?61 . Why dont you tell him about it?_ tell him about it?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子首字母,写出空缺处的单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。62 . When we meet at 14:00 we can say “Good a_!” to each other63 . Sunday is the f_ day of the week.64 . This is a beautiful house w_a big garden.65 . Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are both our school t_.66 . E_me, whats this?67 . It isnt yours. It is m_.68 . Mr. Smith has a son and a d_.69 . T_for your help.70 . I have two nice p_of my family71 . In my pencil box are some pens, two rulers and an e_.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。72 . I think Tom sang _(clear)than the others.73 . Its important for us _(have)a good sleep at night.74 . The most important thing is _(relax)yourself and make yourself happy.75 . You may find out many _(kid)dont get enough exercise.76 . He is _(true)friendly to us.八、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。77 . 学校每个学期都有各种各样的活动。There are_ activities in the school each term.78 . 咱们到外面吃饭还是呆在家里?你决定吧。Shall we eat out or stay in? Its_.79 . 他们对艺术、音乐、书籍等感兴趣。They are interested in art, music, books_.80 . 网上订外卖变得越来越流行。Ordering takeaways online is getting _ popular.81 . 这是今年最令人兴奋的比赛。This is_ competition this year.82 . 哪所学校离你家最近?Which school is the_ your home?83 . 到目前为止你觉得这场演出怎么样?What do you think of the show_ ?84 . 你觉得这个英语网站怎么样?_do you _ this English website?85 . 在我们办公室里,杰克工作最细心。Jack works the_in our office.86 . 这是城里最好的电影院。This is_ cinema _.九、材料作文87 . Write passage of at least5 500 words on the topic “My Introduction” with the table below(以下面的表格里的信息写“我的自我介绍”,词数不少于50个):Sentence patterns for reference(以下句型仅供参考)NameBrownSexmaleAge13NationalityAmericanHeight160Weight55Family members4PersonalitiesoutgoingSchoolNo. 1 Junior High SchoolFavourite subjectsMaths; HistoryFavourite sportsbaseballInterestsmusic_第 13 页 共 13 页

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