英语八年级上册Unit 5 Self Check课时练习

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英语八年级上册Unit 5 Self Check课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lindas diet is as _ as mineAhealthBhealthyChealthierDless healthy2 . We love spring(春天) _ there are beautiful flowers everywhere.AandBbutCbecauseDor3 . The Changjiang River is _ in the world .Athe longer riverBthe long riverCone of the longest riversDone of the long river4 . Peter is not a boy. His things are everywhere in the bedroom.AtidyBhealthyCniceDdirty5 . Zheng He, a Ming dynasty explorer,illness on his way back to China from Africa in 1433.Alived onBtried outCdied of6 . His brother only thinks about himself , and he doesnt _other people.Adecide onBagree withCcare aboutDthought about7 . I couldnt get through the door because there was a big box _.Aby the wayBon the wayCout of the wayDin the way8 . he practices, he does.AMuch;betterBThe much;the betterCThe more;the betterDThe more;the well9 . Why did you open the window? Because I want to _ more fresh air.Aturn downBtake upCput upDtake in10 . How much did it cost to build the science lab? Five _ yuan.AmillionsBmillionCmillions of11 . The steel bridge is 100,000 tons. The model bridge is only about 1.5 tons. So it is _ the steel bridge.Aas heavy asBnot so heavy asCheavier thanDas heavier as12 . Whats _ with your car? It doesnt matter.AmatterBthe matterCproblemDtrouble13 . I would like to watch a movie online this weekend.Why not watch it in the movie theater? It is much _ .AwonderfulBmore wonderfulCmost wonderful14 . Your advice is very _to me. Im sure our activity will be more meaningful.AvaluableBcomfortableCimpossible15 . Jim is taller than I _.AamBdoCisDdoes16 . Mary is _ girl.Aa 8 years-oldBa 8-year-oldCan 8-years-oldDan 8-year-old17 . This book is that one,but than that one.Aas difficult as;expensiveBas more difficult as;more expensiveCas difficult as;more expensiveDmore difficult as;as expensive18 . English isnt asas ChineseAeasyBeasilyCeasierDeasiest19 . “BBC”means(意思是) .A美国篮球协会B英国广播公司C不明飞行物D英国电视台20 . Try to keep asas you can when you are in the libraryAquietBquietlyCnoisy21 . volunteers are working for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition in Qingdao.AThousands ofBTwo thousandsCThousandDTwo thousands of22 . I like talking with others. But Tom doesnt. He often reads books. So Tom is than I am.AfunnierBmore outgoingCwilderDcalmer23 . Its time _ basketball. Lets go.AplayedBplayingCto playDplay24 . 一Who is , Tom,Jim or David?I think Jim is.AstrongerBstrongestCthe strongerDthe strongest25 . - Mom, can you buy me a skirt like this on my birthday?- Sure, we can buy _ than this, but _ this.Aa worse one; as well asBa cheaper one; as good asCa better one; the same withDa much beautiful one; the same as26 . Where is my raincoat?You _ take it. Its quite sunny today.Aneednt B. shouldntBmustnt D. cant27 . Mom,why do you let me do the work alone?Because youre not a child but _ adult.A/BtheCaDan28 . Can I ask you some questions about todays class?_AOf course notBYes, feel freeCIts not a big deal29 . he classroom is_ clean_ it was yesterday.Sorry, I forgot to clean it.Aas, asBso, asCnot so, asDmore, than二、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子):30 . Mrs White did shopping with her daughter just now.(改为否定句)Mrs White _ shopping with her daughter just now.31 . Tom didnt go to school yesterday because he was ill.(对划线部分提问)_ Tom go to school yesterday?32 . Yesterday my father got a letter from a friend of his.(保持句意基本不变)Yesterday my father _ a friend of his.33 . watched, last, for, hours, three, Sunday, I, TV(连词成句)_.句型转换34 . The company will print millions of new books.(改为被动语态)Millions of new books _ by the company.35 . We can keep the information on computers.(对画线部分提问)_ you _ the information?36 . The hall is filled with people.(改为同义句)The hall _ people.37 . He didnt walk here. He drove his car instead.(改为同义句)He drove his car _ walking here.38 . Thank you very much for the nice present.(改为同义句)Thank you _ for the nice present.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentenced with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)39 . Thomas Edison _ a lot of things for us.(invention)40 . The weather is very _ these days. Lots of students have caught a bad cold.(change)41 . Shanghai is one of the most beautiful _ in the world.(city)42 . I am about to jump out of _ skin.(I)43 . Sometimes toys can really make the children _.(happily)44 . _ is more important than anything else.(healthy)45 . I prefer to _ a long story short.(cut)46 . The No. 2 underground has reached Xujing. It helps us travel to Shanghai _.(quick)四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词47 . 我们上课不能迟到。We cant be _ class.48 . 我能准时到那儿。I can get there _.49 . 你能把你的电脑游戏带到学校来吗?Can you _ your computer games _ school?50 . 周末迈克经常在外面吃饭。Mike often _ on weekends.51 . 星期天你不必早起。You _ get up early on Sundays.52 . 不要听音乐!请安静!Dont listen to music! Please_ !五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空come out;think of;be like; try ones best;be ready to53 . His first novel _ in 1992.54 . We should _ to study hard.55 . I _ my mother,and we both have big eyes.56 . When I saw my pen,I _ my old friend,Jack.57 . Li Feng _ help other people every day.六、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英文58 . 我喜欢这种艺术形式。_.59 . 比起流行音乐,他更喜欢绘画。_.60 . 她的绘画天赋令人惊讶。_.61 . 我已经发现一些比跳舞更令人开心的事情。_.62 . 谁是你最喜欢的老师。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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