英语八年级上册Unit 6 I am going to study computer science单元检测

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英语八年级上册Unit 6 I am going to study computer science单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My grandparents havethe house for fifty years.AboughtBownedCleftDborrowed2 . is your home to your school?Ten kilometers.AHow farBHow longCHow manyDHow much3 . People in the USA dont celebrate _AThanksgiving DayBHalloweenCEasterDMid-Autumn Festival4 . (题文)Could you please _here? Its a no-smoking area.Anot smokeBnot to smokeCdont smoke5 . I cant relax on weekends,.AsoBneitherCeitherDalso6 . My father is in Beijing for a long time. Im really looking forward _ himAmeetBto meetCto meetingDmet7 . They _ all over the country. So they plan _ some other country.Ahave traveled, visitBtraveled, to visitCtraveled, visitingDhave traveled, to travel8 . Does he want _ to the party? Yes, he does.AcomeBcomesCto comeDcoming9 . _are these oranges?They are mine.AWhatBWhoCHowDWhose10 . The plane is about to _, please_ your mobile phone.Aput off; turn downBtake off; turn offCtake away; put offDput up; turn down11 . Whats Lisas opinion? Sorry, I dont know. I havent got her reply.Aso farBat timesCsome dayDthe other day12 . _ books did you sell last Sunday? About 100.AHow manyBHow muchCHow heavyDHow long13 . (题文)Therestill some milk in the kitchen. We dont need to go to the store.AbeBisCare14 . Alex would you mind_down the music? Its too noisySorry, dad I ll do it right awayAturnBturningCto turn15 . Steven is a hardworking boy and he always listens to the teacher _ in class.AcarefullyBbeautifullyCloudlyDcheaply二、补全短文7选5At present, more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before. 16 . Because they have too much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents. Also, 17 . They are not careful enough while they are doing their homework, 18 . Some students spend much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike. 19 . It will probably make them sleepy during school hours.Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. For children, they should make full use of their time20 . they will find it much better for both their study and health.A Some homework is too difficult.BMost students sleep less than nine hours every night,CWhen they have enough time for sleeping.DIt can be a long way from home to school.Eso it takes them a lot of time.FSome students dont know how to save time.GSome students like to stay up late.三、完型填空Mr Marley is_, scrooge replied. He died seven years ago today, on Christmas Eve.Im sure that you are just as _ to the poor as your partner, said the gentleman, smiling.What was true was that Scrooge was just as_as Marley, and Marley had been just as mean as Scrooge.At this happy time of year, Mr Scrooge, the gentleman went on, taking up his pen, we should help poor people who have no food or clothes or _.Are there no prisons? asked Scrooge coldly._prisons, said the gentleman.And the workhouses, where poor people can live and work? Are they still open?Yes, they are, Im sorry to say.Im happy to hear It, said Scrooge. I thought, from_ you said at first, that perhaps these useful places were closed, for some reason.But some of us feel, replied the gentleman, that these places dont _enough to poor people. Were hoping to give some meat and drink, and _for a fire, to people who need all these things. This is a time when we should all be able to enjoy ourselves._will you give, sir?Nothing! scrooge replied. I dont have a _ Christmas myself, and I wont pay for other people to be merry. We all have to pay for prisons and workhouses - they cost enough. The _ will have to go there.Many cant go there, and many_to die.If they prefer to die, why dont they die, then? There are too many people in the world, so its a good thing if some of them die. All this is _ of my business! Its enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to_other peoples. Im a very busy man. Good afternoon, gentlemen! The gentlemen shook their heads a little sadly, and left the office. Scrooge went back to his work, feeling _ with himself.21 . AdieBdyingCdeadDdeath22 . AkindBcoldCrudeDfriendly23 . ArichBpoorCfriendlyDmean24 . AmoneyBchildrenChomesDbuildings25 . AMuchBA great deal ofCFewDPlenty of26 . AwhatBthatCwhichDhow27 . AprovideBdonateCofferDraise28 . ApaperBwoodCmoneyDwater29 . AHow muchBHow manyCWhatDWhen30 . ArichBsadCinterestingDmerry31 . AchildrenBworkersCrichDpoor32 . AwantBpreferClikeDhope33 . AoutBfewCnothingDnone34 . Aforget aboutBworry aboutCfind outDthink about35 . ApleasedBsadCsorryDbad四、阅读单选CToday most people cant live without a television set! During the 1980s and 1990s the quality (质量) of both pictures and sound became very, very good. The first VCR (video cassette recorder) was introduced in 1977 in the USA. With VCRs, people could record their favorite programs, but the quality was not perfect. The invention of the CD and the DVD during the 1990s produced a better quality of both pictures and sound. The first DVD player was introduced in 1997 in the USA. At that time you could not record programs with DVD players, but today DVD recorders are available.During recent years, people began to develop new ways to record television programs with machines that had memory. This way your television set can save films, almost like a computer. This new invention is called TiVo, and it has become very popular in the USA. With TiVo, television sets are similar to computers, but at the same time computers are similar to television sets. With a computer you can now pay to download (下载) films and TV programs from the Internet and watch them on the computer screen. In the future, computers will probably take the place of television sets.Living rooms with large-screen TV sets and big speakers (扬声器) are like small cinemas at home: they are called “home movie theaters”. Watching movies at home or in the cinema are both great and fun, but some people think that cinemas are still the best places to watch movies.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。36 . Which of the following isTRUEabout early VCRs?AThe quality of pictures was very good.BThe quality of sound was very good.CThey could be used to record programs.DThey soon got very popular in the USA.37 . DVD appeared _ years later than VCR.A7B9C13D2038 . Which of the following has memory?AVCR.BCD.CDVD.DTiVo.39 . What does the underlined word “save” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A存储B拯救C节省D储蓄40 . According to the writer, “home movie theaters” are _.Aa great choiceBnot good for healthCbetter than cinemasDnot popular with AmericansMost people have ambitions (雄心).An ambition is something we want to do,want to be or want to have.A students ambition,for example,might be to pass his or her exams and then get a good job.An athletes ambition could be to win an important competition.A businessmans ambition is usually to make a lot of money.Not all ambitions are about success at work,however.Some people just want to be good people,have a family or help others.Bens ambition is to be a sports writer.He writes sports reports for his class newspaper.He likes most sports,and swimming and football are his favorites.Trudys ambition is to be a concert pianist.She is very serious about it and practices the piano every day with her best friend Lily.It is very important to her.Harrys ambition changes every day!Today he wants to be an astronaut.Tomorrow he wants to be a pop singer.The day after tomorrow he wants to drive a racing car.His mother would be happy if his ambition is to get up in time for school every day!Whats your ambition?41 . What do most businessmen want?ATo make a lot of money.BTo travel everywhere.CTo get a lot of things.DTo buy a lot of things.42 . What does Ben want to be?AA businessman.BA sports writer.CA pilot.DA computer programmer.43 . Why does Trudy practice the piano every day?ABecause she wants to be a concert pianist.BBecause she wants to be an astronaut.CBecause she wants to be a pop singer.DBecause she wants to be a sports writer.44 . Whos Trudys best friend?ABen.BHarry.CLily.DLucy.45 . What does Harrys mother want him to do?ATo work hard.BTo do his homework.CTo exercise more every day.DTo get up in time for school every day.Most people enjoy hiking(徒步旅行). Hiking is not only a healthy but also a relaxing activity. Why do people like to go hiking? The answers are different. Here are some of the most popular reasons.First of all, hiking is good exercise. It can make your body strong and it can make you become smart.Secondly, hiking is simple and cheap. All you need is to wear a pair of hiking shoes and take your smile to start.Finally, hiking is the best way to get away from your everyday life. You can hike alone or go with you friends. After hiking, you may have a clear mind. So why not plan your hiking route right away?46 . Hiking can make us.AboredBmovedCrelaxedDtired47 . How many reasons are mentioned in the passage?AtwoBthreeCfourDfive48 . Whats the structure(结构)of the passage?ABCDTo most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades, and tests. But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, school is very different.Firstly, there are no lessons. All the children, aged between 4 and 19, do whatever they want. There are no teachers, only “staff members (职员)”. The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn, because children want to learn anyway. “You do not need to say to a three-year-old. Go explore your environment. You cant stop them!” says Daniel Greenberg, a founder of the school. “But if you make children do what you want all day, they will lose all taste for learning.”At Sudbury Valley School, you will allow children to talk, read, paint, cook, work on computers, study French, play the piano, climb trees, or just run around. Two boys spent three years just fishing!The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules. Every week, there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote each even the four-year-olds. They decide the school rules, how to spend the school budget(预算), and even which staff they want and do not want any more.When the school first opened in 1968, people said it would never work. But today, the school has 200 students, and 80% of its students go on to college. Even the two boys who went fishing all time have successful careers today. One of them is a musician and the other is a computer scientist.49 . What does the school believe?ATeachers cannot teach children well.BChildren learn best when they do what they want to do.CLearning is for adults children should only play.DChildren should only learn about one thing at a time.50 . What does Daniel Greenberg say about three-year-olds?AThey love learning.BThey are very naughty.CThey want to be outside all the time.DThey are too young to learn anything.51 . What happens to the children after they leave this school?AThey do the same things as children from other schools.BThey have problems getting into college or getting a job.CThey usually do very unusual jobs.DThey are not successful in their business.52 . What is the main topic of the article?AChildrens hobbiesBEducation in the USCA school without rulesDAn unusual school五、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。53 . This is Toms friend.(改为复数句)_ Toms _.54 . The baseball is under the chair. (对划线部分提问)_ the baseball?55 . Here is my family photo. ( 改为同义句)Here is _ family.56 . Are these your teachers?(做否定回答)No, _.57 . My fathers phone number is 123-9738._ your _ phone number?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子。每空一词。58 . We should also buy _ (产品) made from recycled materials.59 . Autumn is coming. The ground will be covered with yellow _ (叶子).60 . Its too beautiful. There are many colorful _ (气球) rising into the sky.61 . I prefer _ (鲜艳的) clothes because they make me look smart.62 . The _ (当地的) primary school was closed down.七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词63 . 每次考试结束后,我都担心结果。Every time the exam is over. I will _the result.64 . 我来自中国。你呢?I come from China._you?65 . 我与他们友好相处。I _them.66 . 这个小女孩经常帮妈妈做饭。The little girl often_.67 . 汤姆擅长唱歌和跳舞。Tom_ singing and dancing.八、单词填空A: Hey, Cynthia! Are you68 . about the coming Christmas holiday?B: Of course! Its exciting! My family and I even start 69 . our trip.A: Oh, really? Where are you going? Around Europe or in Southeast Asian countries?B: Neither. Well, our destination is Australia-a country that is famous for its kangaroos and koala bears!A: Wow, how amazing it is! I always dream of travelling there someday. 70 . are you going there?B: Well, we are leaving on 26 December this month and coming back home in one71 . time-thats on 3rd January next year.A: Sounds fantastic! What are you planning to do there? Can you 72 . your travel arrangement with us?B: Sure. Were 73 . from London Heathrow Airport to Sydney International Airport and are staying in Hilton Sydney-a five-star hotel. Were going to the Bondi Beach-the best beach forsunbathing and sand volleyball,74 . the sunshine isnt strong and sands are so soft. You 75 . find another better place!A: Are you going to Blue Mountain?B: 76 . ! Thats the best bit of it! Were going hiking and camping in Blue Mountain. The mountain is gorgeous with various kinds of beautiful trees and flowers.A: What a brilliant arrangement! I cant wait to see you uploading(上传)some travel 77 . !Enjoy your nice trip! Im going to have my Chinese lesson now, bye.B: All right. Huawei is good for picture taking. Bye.九、话题作文78 . Write at least 60 words about the topic How to be healthy.(以“如何保持健康”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格)Suggested questions:What did you use to do?What were healthy in your past life?What were unhealthy in your past life?What are you going to do to be healthy?_第 13 页 共 13 页

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