英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A课时练习

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英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . About _ of the students this year were born in the 1990s.Athree fiveBthree fifthsCthird fifthsDthird fifth2 . 40,000 rabbits died because of this terrible disease.AillnessBaccidentCpollution3 . Its good your health_.Afor; to drink milkBfor ; to drink a milkCof ; drink milkDof ;to drink milk4 . -How do you go to school ? - Itake a bus , but now Iwalking .Aused to ; used toBused to ; am used toCam used to ; used to5 . This is the key _ the door of our classroom. Its my turn _ the door.Aof ; lockingBof ; to lockCto ; lockingDto ; to lock6 . Who are these? .AThey are my friendsBHe is my friendsCThose are my friendsDThese are my friends7 . My time in the middle school was one of_ periods of my life.AexcitingBmore excitingCthe more excitingDthe most exciting8 . you smile at others,they will smile back.ABeforeBWhenCUntilDThough9 . You should find a _ chance to explain everything to your mother, because shes still angry with you.Aserious Bdifficult Cproper Dnormal二、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写:根据句子意思并结合中文或音标提示,在横线上填上一个形式正确的单词。请将答案填写在答卷相应的位置上。(本题共10小题,10 . Parents always tell their children not to play with _(火). Its too dangerous .11 . I think we should _(遵守) the traffic rules , or there will be accidents .12 . Look at your coat . Its too _(脏的) . You must wash it by yourself .13 . These days more and more students go to school _(没有) having breakfast . Its not good for their health .14 . He put the scissors _(在某处) in his room yesterday , but he cant find them .15 . You can ask the policeman for help. _ (或许) he knows the way .16 . The little boy came into the office and asked in a low _(说话声) , “Could you give me some water ?”17 . The dentist told the boy to brush his _(牙齿) twice a day .18 . If you feel tired after the long walk , youd better drink some water with sugar and _/s:lt/ in it.19 . Usually the _/grand/ in the forest is very wet and many little plants grow there .词汇填空20 . She was a young woman of good a_ . Yes,she is beautiful.21 . When we are in Russia,England is a w_ country.22 . All the people were a_ when they heard the good news.23 . Michael Jacksons death was a great l_ to the music industry.24 . T_ of old Beijing is a documentary directed by Zhang Xiaoping.25 . I sit between Alice and Jenny,in the third _(排)in the classroom.26 . Mr. Smith is a good _(讲故事的人)and his stories are all attractive.27 . Tony said he did something _(愚蠢的)when he was very young.28 . Tom said he wants to be an _(演员)when he grows up.29 . She cant swim,_(也不)can Jack.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)30 . We all hope we can hold a_China International Import Expo in Shanghai(success)31 . Organic tea tastes better but it costs_ than non organic tea(much)32 . Some boys are playing basketball there These uniforms are perhaps_(they)33 . The_ and the excitement have disappeared from her voice(happy)34 . When John was in his_, he became a very popular singer on Tik Tok (抖音)(forty)35 . Although he is twenty years old, he still completely_ on his parents(independent)36 . Our soldiers did not fire until the_ were close enough(enemy)37 . _, all the money I lost on the train was returned to me(lucky)四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子38 . 你妈妈几点起床?_ your mother _?39 . 我们一起去散步吧。Lets _ together.40 . 要么我,要么我弟弟必须待在家里。_ I _ my brother _ to stay at home.41 . 你必须马上穿好衣服。You must _ right now.42 . 他通常晚上八点洗淋浴。He usually _ at eight oclock in the evening.完成句子43 . 即使我们不能通过这次考试, 我们也要尽最大努力。Wewilltryourbest_wecantpasstheexam.44 . 如果他不邀请我, 我不会去参加他的晚会。Iwontgotohisparty_heinvitesme.45 . 通过这个望远镜, 我没能看到任何星星。Icantseeanystars_thistelescope.46 . 在其他行星上有生命吗?Istherelife_?47 . 太阳、地球和月亮都属于太阳系。Thesun, theearthandthemoon_thesolarsystem.48 . 去年, 多达300名学生参加了校运动会. _300studentstookpartintheschoolsportsmeetinglastyear.49 . 越来越多的人对科学感兴趣了。Moreandmorepeople_science.50 . 大自然的秘密是很有趣的. The_of_areveryinteresting.51 . 人们把这些树全部砍倒了。Peoplehave_allthetrees.52 . 这些树几乎完全被覆盖了。Thesetrees_almostcompletely.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词53 . Mike is ten years old. Bill is ten years old, too.(合并成一句)Mike is _ Bill.54 . My room is cooler than his.(改为同义句)His room is _ than _.55 . Im not as tall as my brother.(改为同义句)Im _ my brother.56 . He has shorter hair than Sam.(改为同义句)Sams hair _ than his.57 . Japanese is not as popular as English.(改为同义句)English is _ than Japanese.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空tourist, wide, meter, achieve, nature58 . Bill _ his dream of becoming a teacher at last.59 . Every year a large number of _ come to Beijing for vacation.60 . Jenny has a _ circle of friends.61 . The tree is 5 _ tall.62 . We grew up in the countryside, surrounded(环绕)by the beauty of _.第 6 页 共 6 页

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