英语八年级上册Module 7 Unit 3同步测试卷

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英语八年级上册Module 7 Unit 3同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What _ you _ from 7 pm to 9 pm last night? I _ my homework.Aare; doing; am doingBdid; do; didCwere; doing; was doingDdoes; do; do2 . It is time for class. Lets stop _.Aplay footballBplaying footballCfrom playing footballDto play football3 . When he saw a wallet on the playground , heat once .Apicked it upBgave it up.Cpicked up it.4 . Stop _ about the food safety. Just think about what we can do to improve it.AcomplainBto complainCcomplainingDcomplained5 . -In Chinese culture, children born in the Year of the Monkey are said to be smart.-Yes. They are always full of energy, so I think they are also_;AhonestBgenerousClivelyDmodest二、完型填空Grow deep rootsWhen I was young, I had an old neighbor, Dr. Gibbs. He _invited us to play in this yard, but he was a very kind person.Dr. Gibbs had some _ideas about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants would spoil them. If you watered them, each young tree would grow weaker and weaker. So you had to make things difficult for them and _the weaker trees early.He talked about how watered trees grew shallow roots, and how trees that werent watered had to grow deep roots in _of water under the earth by themselves. Deep roots were very important. So he never watered his trees.Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left home. When I came back home, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I watched him plant about 25 years ago. They were very big and strong. I planted some trees a few years later and carried water to them for a whole summer. After two years of caring too much, whenever a cold wind blow in, they _a lot.Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. Mostly I hope that their lives will be _. But now its time to change my thought . I know my children are going to face difficulties. Theres always a cold wind blowing somewhere, so what we need to do is get roots that reach deep into the brave heart. When the rains fall and the winds blow, we can face them strongly and wont be beaten down.6 . AalwaysBneverCprobablyDdirectly7 . AgeneralBcrazyCinterestingDwrong8 . Alook upBput offCdepend onDpick up9 . AsearchBneedCchargeDfavour10 . AgrowBcoverCshakeDchange11 . AlongBeasyCdifficultDhorrible三、阅读单选Miguel gathered his guitar and all the Ernesto de la Cruz albums he could carry and rushed down from the rooftop. His family surrounded him when he reached the yard.Abuelitas eyes darted from the guitar to the albums. “What is all this?” she said. “You keep secrets from your own family?”“Its all that time he spends in the plaza,” Tio Berto said.“Fills his head with crazy fantasies,” Tia Gloria added. “Its not a fantasy (幻想)!” Miguel protested. He handed his father the old photograph of Mama Imelda, Coco, and the unidentified (未知身份的) man and pointed to the guitar. “That man was Ernesto de la Cruz! The greatest musician of all time!”“Weve never known anything about this man. But whoever he was, he still left his family,” Miguels father said. “This is no future for my son.”“But, Papa, you told me to look to the ofrenda (灵坛). You said my family would guide me! Well, Ernesto de la Cruz is my family! Im supposed to play music!”“Never! That mans music was a curse (诅咒)! I will not allow it!” Abuelita said, raising her voice.“You will listen to your family. No more music,” added Miguels father.“Just listen to me play ” “End of argument,” Papa said.Miguel thought theyd change their minds if they heard him play. He lifted his guitar and prepared to strum, but Abuelita snatched it from his hands. She pointed to the photo. “You want to end up like that man? Forgotten? Left off your familys ofrenda?”“I dont care if Im on some stupid ofrenda!” The words burst out before Miguel could stop them. He couldnt take them back, even though he wanted to.The family gasped. Abuelitas brow hardened. She raised the guitar in the air.“No!” Miguel cried.“Mama,” Miguels dad said just as Abuelita smashed (撞击) the guitar against the ground.“There! No guitar, no music,” she said.The whole family was silent as Miguel stared at his guitar, shattered into a hundred pieces on the ground. Miguel couldnt move he felt like someone had smashed him to pieces.12 . Where would this passage most likely be found?AIn a book of travel.BIn a history book.CIn a book of nature.DIn a novel.13 . What does “it” in the passage refer to?AphotographBguitarCmusicDcurse14 . How did Miguels feelings change in the passage?Ahopeful hopelessBexcited hopefulChopeless hopefulDhopeful excited15 . Why did Miguels father say “This is no future for my son.”?ABecause he thought his son Miguel was crazy about fantasies because of a curse.BBecause he thought it impossible for Miguel to be a great musician like his hero.CBecause he thought Miguel shouldnt only dream for music after leaving his family.DBecause he thought music couldnt guide Miguel to a bright future instead of family.四、看图识词根据句意及所给图片提示写出所缺单词16 . Some students were looking for and buying books at the _.17 . I was eating lunch at _ with my family last Wednesday.18 . In the past, people paid in _.19 . Now more and more young people like sending _ as gifts五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据语境及括号内所给动词提示用适当的时态填空。20 . David _(wash) his clothes at 8:00 pm yesterday.21 . I _(lie) on the bed at 7:30 last night.22 . I _(shout) to you at the gate, but you didnt hear me.Really? I _(call) my father then.23 . My parents _(cook) at home at this time yesterday.24 . My dad _(check) my homework yesterday evening.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子25 . 嘲笑别人不礼貌。Its not _ at others.26 . 当老板走进会议室时,员工们都不讲话了。The employees _ f when the boss came into the meeting room.27 . 木兰的故事代代相传。The story of Mulan _ generation to generation.28 . 这是我一生中去过的最蠢的茶话会。This is the stupidest _ Ive been to in all my life.(根据中文提示完成句子)29 . 丹尼的父亲迅速穿好衣服。Dannys father _ quickly.30 . - Would you mind _? (刷盘子)- OK. Ill do it _. (我马上就做)31 . 你认为富人是因为冒险才变富的吗?Do you think the rich are rich because they _?32 . 我养成了每天晚上听音乐的习惯。I _ listening to music every night.33 . Our teachers often ask us to _ (与保持距离) the cigarettes.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单膝或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51-55的相应位置上.A: Youve been to Australia, havent you?B: Yea, I have. I was working in Australia for a year and I traveled 34 . the country.A: What kind of work were you doing?B; I was teaching Chinese 35 . things Kung Fu and paper cut in a school.A: Did you see kangaroos?B: Yes. One weekend, I was driving in the countryside. I saw a kangaroo jumping right to my car! When I stopped the car, it stopped jumping and 36 . me. Then I saw it was carrying its baby in its front.A: What was the best place you visited in Australia?B: Uluru! It is a red mountain in the desert. Its very special 37 . for Australians.A: Did you miss your family 38 . you were in Australia?B; Yes, I missed them, but I never forget the experience in Australia!八、填空任务型阅读(每空一词)On September 2, 2013, swimmer Diana Nyad reached Key West, Florida. At age 64, Nyad made history by becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without using a shark cage(防鲨笼). It took her nearly 53 hours to finish the 103-mile swim.“Youre never too old to achieve your dream,” Nyad said after finishing the swim. “Never give up.”This was Nyads fifth attempt(尝试) to complete the swim. She first tried in 1978, then made three more attempts between 2011 and 2012. What finally helped her succeed? She had trained for years, and sometimes practiced swimming for days at a time. But even more important than that was her mind. Besides, she had a team that helped her along the way.Other swimmers had made the trip before, swimming inside shark cages which protected them as they moved through the dangerous waters. But Nyad did not want to use a cage.Although Nyad faced many challenges along the way, she thought it was all worth it to achieve a lifelong dream. She wrote on her blog, “I am so proud of my team, and . I am also very proud of myself.” Many others are proud of Nyad too. Even President Barack Obama offered his congratulations.Never, Ever give upDiana Nyad has become the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida 39 . a shark cage which could protect her 40 . being hurt.Dianas attemptsShe had tried 41 . times before she successfully completed the swim.She swam 103 42 . within 53 hours on September 2, 2013.43 . why she succeededShe had 44 . years training for it.She had a 45 . that helped her along the way.Voices from different peopleNyad were proud of 46 . and her teamPeople believed she was the 47 . of the country, even President Obama 48 . congratulations. 九、回答问题Turtle(海龟)mother has three sons.The first son is seven years old.The second one is five and the third is four.They often have a running game. They think they run fastOne day, the three sons decided to have some coffee .When they got into the caf (咖啡馆),it started to rain.The first turtle said to his brother ,Go home and get the umbrellaThe little turtle answered ,I will, if you dont drink my coffeeOK. We wont drink your coffee .The other two promised.Two years later ,the first turtle said to the second turtle, Well, I dont think our brother is coming back ,so lets drink his coffeeJust then a voice(声音)called from outside the door ,If you do that, I wont go.根据短文内容,回答下列问题49 . How many sons does turtle mother have?50 . How old is the second turtle?51 . What did three turtles decide to do one day?52 . Why did the little turtle go home?53 . Did the little turtle run very fast?第 8 页 共 8 页

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