英语八年级上Unit 2 Topic3同步测试卷

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英语八年级上Unit 2 Topic3同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The meeting is starting. Im afraid we leave now. OK. Lets go.AmustBhave toCcanDmay2 . Li Xing isnt_. Can I take a message_him?Ain, forBon, forCat, ofDin, of3 . Must I turn off the TV now? No, you _.Today is Saturday.AmustntBdontCcantDdont have to4 . MyEnglishteacherisayoung_AFranceBAmericaCGermanyDGerman5 . Watching TV helps us open our mind. _, it is also bad for our health.ABecauseBSoCAndDOn the other hand6 . He wasnt with the knife. He cut(割)himself badly.Acarefully enoughBenough carefullyCcareful enoughDenough careful7 . What should we do to fight SARS? We _ eat healthy food and do more exercise.AcouldBcanCmayDmust8 . -Purple doesnt look good _ you, but you look cool _ black.-Really? Let me try .Aon, onBin, inCon, inDin, on9 . Doing sports every day me very healthy.AmakesBmakeCmadeDmaking10 . Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning.It doesnt matter.Dont forget _ it here this afternoon.Aleft;to takeBforgot;bringingCleft;to bring11 . Daniel put the books away from the little table in order to make _ for the television.AareaBplaceCroomDfield12 . A person likes asking questions.AcreativeBpracticalCpatientDcurious13 . People give me their money _ get their money _ me.Aor, toBand, toCor, from14 . You shouldnt do everything for her. She can do by_.AherselfBhimselfCitselfDthemselves15 . My parents always _ me talking with my friends online.ApreventBwantCaskDallow16 . He spends as much time as he can _ English every day.Apractising speakingBpractise to speakCpractise speakingDto practise to speak17 . Let me tell you the path _ to the station.AservingBleadingCendingDdirecting18 . _ the old camera, what about the new one?ACompared withBCompare withCCompare toDBe compared with19 . I like dogs, because they are _ and clever.AfriendsBfriendCfriendlyDa friend20 . The school is across _ the park.AtoBfromConDnear21 . -The shoes are nice. Could I _ ?-Sure, take your time.Atry them onBtry on themCtry it onDtry on it22 . (2017甘肃白银9)Did you do the homework _?AyouByourselfCyourDyours23 . Linda offered_ her seat to the old man on the bus.AgiveBgivesCgivingDto give二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词24 . I want to have a_(谈话)with you in English.25 . Singing English songs can_(改进)our English.26 . The girl was too_(羞怯的)to say a word in front of the group.27 . Whats the_(基础的)question about learning English?28 . Its_(合乎常情的)to help each other.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空29 . Do you often _ (watch) basketball matches at the weekend?30 . Some students just dont know how _(learn) English well.31 . It is too late, I want _ (go) home.32 . My father_ (not fly) kites on windy days.33 . Are you good at _ ( dance) ?34 . Im glad _ (meet) you again .35 . Tom and I_(be)good at English.36 . I am not very good at_ (sing).37 . Millie _ (not do) her homework on Sundays.38 . Sometimes Sandy_ (fly) a kite in the field when spring comes.四、完成句子完成句子,每空一词。39 . 不参加选拔就不能被选入这个队。You wont make the team if you dont _40 . 请把这些阅读材料分发给那些学生。Please _ the reading materials to the students.41 . 吉米昨天摔倒了伤到了他的胳膊。Jimmy _and hurt his arm yesterday.42 . 你像你爸爸呢还是像你妈妈?Do you _ your father or your mother?43 . 只剩一周时间了,我们不能推迟制定我们的计划了。Only one week left,we cant_ making our plan.五、语法填空完成句子,根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(横线不限定一个单词)Whats the most(最) important thing in the world? I think it is to be healthy. You can live 44 . (with) money, houses, cars or computers, but you wont live a happy life if you are not healthy. Then how can we 45 . healthy?First we must have healthy eating 46 . hbts. We should eat meat, vegetables, fruit and other 47 . (kind) 48 . food. Dont eat too 49 . salt or sugar. We must drink 50 . nf water every day. Whats51 . (many), wed 52 . (good) eat regularly. Dont eat too much or too littleSecond, taking 53 . ekssaz is also very important. It can help us build a strong body. If you dont like sports you can walk for half an hour after meals. Third, we should have a good sleep. Wed better go to bed early and get up early. It will keep us active for a whole day.Finally, we must stay happy all the time. 54 . a word, keeping healthy is very important. Lets take good care 55 . ourselves.六、汉译英:单词/短语汉译英。56 . 参加考试_57 . 发表演讲_58 . 变得紧张_59 . 变得害怕_60 . 去看牙医_61 . 感到害羞_62 . 在公众场所说英语_63 . 变胖_64 . 摔下自行车_65 . 在周末_66 . 步行上学_67 . 乘坐地铁_68 . 骑自行车_69 . 坐公共汽车去公园_70 . 坐火车去上海_词组翻译71 . 寻找线索_72 . 失踪_73 . 中等个头_74 . 说实话_75 . 看起来不整洁,紧张_76 . 侦探故事_77 . 谁是谋杀者_78 . 对某人做笔录_翻译词组(中英互译)79 . 洗淋浴_80 . 在周末_81 . 在学习日_82 . 吃早餐_83 . 去上班_84 . 去上学_85 . 回家_86 . 起床_七、看图写短语或句子87 . 看图说话important, do exercise_.看图说话1.老师,我们必须及时做作业吗?88 . in time, _?Yes,_. / No,_.2.你最好按时服药,多喝点水。89 . medicine, enough_.3.小孩子不准去拥挤的地方。90 . kid, place _.4.小孩子应该远离火。91 . keep, fire, _.看图说话1.92 . afraid,_.2.93 . ask, help, now_.3. 老师告诉我们94 . tell, smoke_4.妈妈,你现在有空吗?95 . free_5.在电脑的帮助下,我按时的完成了作业。96 . with, computer, time_.6.97 . should, up_看图说话98 . if, healthy_.99 . early, rise_.八、其他情景交际100 . 做完作业,你问妈妈可以看电视吗?妈妈说去看吧,她可以这样说_.101 . 你昨晚发烧,今天去看医生,你可以这样跟医生说_.102 . 家长会,老师跟家长说必须阻止学生玩手机(cellphone),她这样表达_.103 . Jim身体素质不好,你可以这样建议他_.104 . 你感冒,身体疲惫,医生这么建议你_.四,情景交际105 . 班会课上,老师说了禁止我们在街上玩。她可以这么说_.106 . 你打电话找李叔叔,你可以这样说_?107 . 你感冒了,妈妈跟你说你应该服用点感冒药,她这么说_.108 . 妈妈说每天锻炼身体对健康有好处,可以这样表达_.109 . 老师说对学生而言,远离抽烟,喝酒是必需的。要这样说_.二、词汇综合110 . build_(名词)111 . bore_(形容词)112 . swim_(动名词)113 . wonder_(形容词)114 . also_(同义词)115 . shelf_(复数)116 . sit_(现在分词)117 . return_(反义词)118 . Japan_(形容词)119 . picture_(同义词)选择动词的适当形式填空120 . Its difficult for students _ English well.AlearnBto learnClearningDlearned121 . Shall we hang out in Great Bazzar(大巴扎) tomorrow?Im afraid not. _the final game of the World Cup on TV.AThere isBThere will beCThere will haveDThere is going to have122 . Teacher often tells me _ in the street.Ato playBnot to playCplayingDplay123 . Why dont you _ talking when you came into the library.AstoppedBstoppingCto stopDstop124 . Last year, we _ more than two thousand words.AlearnedBwould learnCwill learnDhas learned第 12 页 共 12 页


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