英语九年级全册Unit4 Lesson23-24课时练习

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英语九年级全册Unit4 Lesson23-24课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ dangerous the animals are!AWhat aBWhatCHow aDHow2 . The light is still on in his room. Do you know _ ?Maybe he has to study for a test.Aif he works hardBwho he is studying withCwhat he is busy withDwhen he will stop working3 . The boy is _. He always thinks of himself.AbraveBfriendlyChelpfulDselfish4 . Sally works very hard . _ ,she won the first place.AAt the end ofBAt leastCAt lastDFinal5 . How long do you often spend _ this book , boys?AreadsBto be readCto readingDreading6 . -What do you think of Frank?-Hesboy and he shows great interest in anything new.Athe creativeBa curiousCthe curiousDa creative7 . He does _ in Maths, but he doesnt play football _.Awell/ wellBgood/ wellCgood/ goodDwell/ good8 . Sue is getting fatter. So she decides _ too much food.AeatingBto eatCnot eatingDnot to eat9 . You should _ the right meaning of this word in the dictionary.Alook upBget upCtake upDpick up二、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。10 . 从机场到市中心有多远?How far is it _ the airport _ the city centre?11 . 你最好按时完成这项工作。_ the work on time.12 . 别忘了买一张地图。_ buy a map.13 . 十分钟后太阳开始变成金黄色。Ten minutes later, the sun started to _.14 . 你可以在任何时候游览中国。You can visit China at _.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子选择方框中的短语, 并用其适当形式填空。in disbelief, take off, in line with, stare at, jump out of15 . When I turned around, I found someone _me. This made me a bit frightened.16 . Although it was raining heavily, the plane _on time.17 . I stood _the others who were waiting for the bus.18 . Dont _the window. Its dangerous.19 . She kept shaking her head _.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确class monitor, start, just like, good, do cleaning20 . The trip was good from _ to finish.21 . Is that boy your_? I have something to talk with him.22 . He is one of the _ tennis players.23 . How often do you _ at home?24 . She wants to study in a good school, _ her brothers school.四、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。25 . livenext to the I would like to cinema_26 . home isat the foot of a hill my dream_27 . often bedlisten to music we in_28 . my favourite him I like to share room with_29 . like to chatin the sitting room would you_第 4 页 共 4 页


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