英语九年级全册Unit 13 SectionB课时练习(青岛专版)

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英语九年级全册Unit 13 SectionB课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Douyin makes _ possible for us to watch different kinds of short videos.AitBthatCthis2 . I am feeling ill. What should I do?eating junk food andbreakfast every day.AStop; havingBStop; haveCTo stop; have.DTo stop; to have3 . Stop making so much noise. It is _ to the sleeping children.AcomfortableBrelaxedCharmfulDuseful4 . What _ your sister want _?Ado; to beBdoes; to beCdoes; beDdo; be5 . What should I do to be a good waiter?You should try your best to the customers needs.AchooseBcatchCsatisfy二、补全短文6选5Arunning away is anythingBthey often find them in risky situationsCit may be naturalDthese kids are more easy to get affected(感染)Eno one cares about themFyou probably imagineWhen you think about running away,6 . that there will be no more rules, no parent to tell you what to do, no more fights. Sounds great and exciting, right? In fact, 7 . but fun. Kids who run away face new problems like not having any money, food to eat, a safe place to sleep, or anyone to take care of them.People with no home and no money become ready to do anything just to meet their everyday needs. Because of this, 8 . that would be terrible even for adults. Runaway kids join in dangerous crimes(犯罪) much more often than kids who live at home.Kids who live on the streets often have to steal(偷) for a living. Many take drugs to get through the day because they become so sad and feel that 9 . . Some are forced(被迫) to do things they wouldnt normally do to make money. The number of kids with HIV or AIDS and other diseases is higher on streets, too, because10 . . This problem is attracting more and more attention.三、完型填空完形填空Some animals, such as tigers and lions, are called wild animals._like sheep and dogs are called domestic(家养的) animals. These animals are very different_one another, but we can divide them into big groups. For example, animals like the_belong to the group that eats other animals while animals like the sheep belong to the group that eats grass and leaves.Animals are_to us. Men hunt wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are even more important to men. Without them, life will be_Cows and dogs are useful to_food. Skin(皮) of some animals can be_expensive coats and shoes. Wool comes from a special kind of_From cows, we get milk. And we should not forget that some domestic animals are kept for transport. Arabs(阿拉伯人)_camels to travel in the desert. Therefore(因此), its clear that men cant live_these animals. So we should try our best to protect animals.11 . AThe otherBAnotherCOtherDOthers12 . AfromBwithCforDBetween13 . ArabbitBtigerCgiraffeDhorse14 . AfriendlyBhonestCusefulDSecret15 . AdifficultBeasyCfreeDenjoyable16 . AanimalsBmensCboysDgirls17 . Amade up ofBmade ofCmade intoDmade from18 . AcowBsheepChorseDdog19 . AuseBmakeCplayDhelp20 . AinBforCwithDWithout四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空21 . _(eat)too much meat is bad for you.22 . How about _(go)shopping。23 . How many_ (child)are there in your family?24 . My brother often _ (go) to school on foot.25 . Now Sam and his sister are_ (learn)Chinese in China.26 . Tony doesnt enjoy_ (play) games.27 . Excuse me. Wheres Mr Wang?He is_ (play) basketball on the playground with his students.28 . There are two_ (factory) in our hometown.29 . People often contact(联系)each other by _ (send) emails.30 . Your job is to help the old man do some_ (clean) every day.31 . I cant find my ruler. Can I use_ (your)?32 . Changchun looks much more beautiful on_ (snow) days.33 . Lucy usually_ (get) up very early every day.34 . You should be_(friend)to your classmates.35 . I like the nights with_(thousand)of stars in the sky.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词36 . 这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是。_pencil?_, it is.37 . 那是你的书包吗?不,它不是。Is_schoolbag?No,_.38 . 你怎么拼写“book”?_“book”?39 . 在失物招领箱里,那是你的电脑吗?Is that your computer in the_and_box?40 . 拨打466-9087655与艾伦联系。_ Alan_466-9087655.六、多任务混合问题Now the world_(develop)faster and faster,but at the same time we should pay attention to our environment. Cars make noises and give off waste gas. Trees on the hills are cut down. And some waste water _(pour)into rivers. Furthermore,we can find rubbish wherever we go.We do need development,but we need well-protected environment,too. Today,to protect the environment,governments of many countries have done a lot. They already _(make)laws to control air pollution,to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Still more measures should_(take)to solve environmental problems. We should let the people around us fully realize the importance of environmental protection. And each of us must_(try)our best to look after the environment and fight against pollution.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。41 . 任务一:用所给词语的适当形式填空。1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _42 . 任务二:读短文,完成下列信息表。How is the world now?_How many environment problems are mentioned?_Besides development, what do we need?_What have governments done to protect the environment?_What should we realize?_七、汉译英:单词/短语根据汉语意思勾出()正确的英语单词43 . 早餐breakfastbreadfast44 . 午餐lunchlaunch45 . 明星;星星starstay46 . 好,令人满意地willwell47 . 想要wantwent48 . 肥胖的fathat八、话题作文49 . Writing ( 作文 ) Writing a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “ One Thing I Can Do Better”. (以“我可以做得更好的一件事”写不少于60个词,标点符号不占格。)(提示:结合自身情况,谈谈在哪件事上可以改进;打算如何做。)第 6 页 共 6 页

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