英语九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 单元测试卷

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英语九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There ae _ people on the bus. Its _ noisy.Atoo many; much tooBtoo much; much tooCtoo many; too muchDmuch too; too much2 . Your meal is here, sir. How will you have it?Thanks. I will_and have it at home.Alift it upBtake it awayCask for itDthink about it3 . No matter who you are, its impossible to_ problems in life.AconnectBpunishCdareDavoid4 . Jennys voice was shaking when she made a speech today. It was her first speech in public, so it was _ to be nervous.AunusualBproperCnaturalDimpossible5 . -Whats your _, Simon? I like playing tennis.AnameBageChobbyDbirthday6 . - What should I do before exams?- _ the lessons and be relaxed.AReviewBSpreadCDealDInfluence7 . _, or we will be late for school.APut upBTake upCLook upDHurry up8 . Go_ the bridge, youll see the hospital_ your left.Athrough; inBacross; onCcross; onDacross; in9 . -About 75% of the students can go swimmingthe rest cant.AorBandCwhileDso10 . Last year, the first made-in-China ballpoint pen tips(圆珠笔笔头)were _ by Taiyuan Iron(铁)&Steel.AdividedBrequiredCproduced11 . Its reported that a person _ 50 kg of food every year.We should save food.Agives awayBthrows awayCputs awayDtakes away12 . - You look so pale. I think youd better _.- Sounds good.Anot to have a restBstop having a rest.Cstop to have a restDnot have a rest13 . I like the food. It tastes very _.AwellBbadCgoodDbadly14 . Nick stayed up really late last night. So this morning heby the time the class began.Ahad fallen asleepBhad showm upChad realized15 . Emilys new books are very popular.They were _in an hour.Asold outBshowed upCput offDtook out16 . My new shirt is very _. I paid a lot of money for it.AcheapBexpensiveCexcitingDpopular17 . The years best picture was wrongly awarded to La La Land,which _ never _ beforeAwouldhappenBwashappeningChashappenedDhadhappened18 . Those students _different skills are always ready _.Ahave; helpingBwith; helpCwith; to helpDhave; to help19 . The old man is good at _ stories. So there are always many children around him.AtellingBcookingCspeakingDprinting20 . So what could you do if you find your robot _ trouble? I could only return it to the factory.Awas too much Bis much too Ctoo much Dmuch too21 . No one is more hard-working than Jack.He is always the_one to leave work.AlastBfirstCearlyDquick22 . Were you still doing your homework at that time?No,I had already finished it _.Ain two hoursBtwo hours agoCbefore two hoursDtwo hours before23 . Laura _ everything about the affair by the time her husband gathered enough courage to tell her the truth.AlearnedBhas learnedChad learnedDwould learn24 . Jerry is always so busy that he can hardly _ a few minutes to talk with his child.AspareBshareCspendDsave25 . We have done a lot to make our city cleaner, but its still not enough. So we should do _ to improve it.AlessBhigherClaterDmore二、完型填空Yesterday was my friend Kyras birthday. He invited me to his house for his birthday party. Another friend Guy had offered to take me to the party by car.Well, I was getting dressed _ Guy called and said he was ill. So I decided to go by train. Unluckily, while I was talking _ the phone, the cat walked over my shirt, so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was _ leaving.As I was walking to the station, it started snowing and I got very cold. I just _ a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the train finally arrived I was frozen! I was so cold and tired that during the journey I _ and I missed my station.Well, I got off at the next stop and decided to walk _ to Kyras. I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was _. Luckily I found a _ and telephoned for a taxi. When I finally arrived at Kyras house, it was _ midnight and people had left. What a _ evening!26 . AthenBwhenCand27 . AonBatCto28 . AreadyBhappyClate29 . Agot offBcaughtCmissed30 . Aenjoyed talkingBfell asleepCplayed card31 . AupBforwardCback32 . AtiredBhungryClost33 . Apay phoneBbus stopCroad sign34 . AevenBnearlyCstill35 . AlovelyBfrighteningCbad三、阅读单选One Saturday, we were preparing to go away for the weekend when my daughter heard cries for help. When I went out, I discovered our elderly neighbor had fallen on her front steps. She was clearly in pain, so I helped her inside her house and settled here on the bed.I noticed her room was very narrow and dark. It was obvious she hadnt cleaned it for a long time. She insisted she didnt need an ambulance(救护车)and that someone would be around soon, so I left her with a bottle of water at her side.As I left I felt sad when I realized that we hadnt communicated with her, except a few smiles, for the past 18 months. She didnt know my name and I didnt know hers, and I hadnt even noticed that she hadnt been outside for weeks because of bad pain in her back.That weekend I visited my grandmother for her 80th birthday and noticed how clean and spacious her flat seemed in comparison to my neighbours. My neighbour, as far as I knew, had no family regularly dropping by.When I returned home I went to visit her. Very grateful to see me, she explained she was okay. Yet, unable to bend down due to her back, her kitchen was filling with garbage that she was unable to take out by herself.Weve become good friends and chat every second day. She keeps thanking me for my kindness, but I enjoy helping her. Now, every time I return from putting out her garbage, collecting her mail or just chatting, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and peace.36 . What happened when they were preparing to go away?AThe daughter was crying for help.BThe daughter was still sleeping in bed.CNobody came to look after the old woman.DTheir elderly neighbor fell down.37 . Why did the author feel sad when she left the old womans house?AThe house she lived in was very small and dark.BThey didnt care much for each other as neighbors.CThe author didnt know the old womans name.DThe author hadnt noticed that her neighbor had back pain.38 . What does the underlined word in the fourth paragraph probably mean?ATidyBSmallCLargeDNarrow39 . What can we learn about the old woman?AShe had been ill for many years.BShe always helped others when she was young.CShe had no daughters and sons.DShe was grateful for the authors kindness.40 . The author got a deep sense of satisfaction and peace from _.Aattending her grandmothers birthday partyBhelping her neighborChaving a big familyDknowing her elderly neighbors name阅读短文,作出选择。 Read the passages and make your choice.You need to be careful on April 1st, or you could easily get ricked by someone.The history of April Fools Day is uncertain, but one explanation is connected(关联) with the change in the calendar in the 16th century, which meant that April 1st was no longer the beginning of the year. Those who still celebrated the new year on April 1st were called fools. There are lots of simple tricks that you can play on your friends. For ex-ample, you can change the time on someones alarm clock so that they wake up very early, or glue a coin to the floor and see how many people try to pick it up.All of these things are small jokes that you can play on one person or a few people. Theres also a tradition of large companies trying to fool lots of people. For example, a hamburger restaurant once claimed(声称) that they were introducing a left-handed burger!In particular, radio and television programs have also fooled many people by broadcasting news which wasnt true. One of the most famous hoaxes ever was broadcast by the BBC itself in 1957! A very serious news program called Panorama reported on the poor spaghetti harvest in Switzerland, and showed pictures of farmers picking spaghetti from trees! Hundreds of people believed it and wrote to the BBC asking how to grow their own spaghetti.41 . What do we learn from the second paragraph?ANew Years Day was on Jan. 1st before 16th century.BPeople celebrated April Fools Day before the 16th century.CPeople are sure of the history of April Fools Day.DApril 1st was once the beginning of the year.42 . Who were called April fools at first?APeople who knew the calendar change first.BPeople who didnt know the calendar change.CPeople who were born on April 1st.DPeople who changed New Years Day.43 . Which of the following is TRUE on April 1st?AThe author played jokes on the BBC.BIt is lucky to have a joke played on you.C.Jokes are usually played on friends.CPeople feel upset when they are fooled.44 . What does the underlined word “broadcasting” mean in the pas-sage?ASending a radio signal.BRevealing the truth.CMaking up a story.DMaking an advertisement.45 . What is the best title for the passage?AThe History of April Fools DayBHow to Play TricksCApril Fools DayDHow to Celebrate April Fools DayTodays story is about Zhang Qian, a student from Beijing. Hes now studying in the United States. Hes living with an American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Its 9: 00 a.m. and Zhang Qians family are at home. His mom and aunt are making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races(比赛) on TV.Is Zhang Qian also watching the races and eating zongzi? Its 9: 00 p. m. in New York, and its the night before the festival. But there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so its like any other night for Zhang Qian and his host family(寄宿家庭). The mother is reading a story to her young children. The father is watching a football game on TV. Zhang Qian is talking on the phone to his cousin in Beijing. Zhang Qian misses his family and wants to have his moms delicious zongzi. Zhang Qian likes New York and his host family a lot, but theres still no place like home.46 . Where is Zhang Qian now?AIn Beijing.BAt school.CAt a TV company.DIn New York.47 . What does Zhang Qians father do on Dragon Boat Festival?AHe makes zongzi.BHe talks to Zhang QianCHe watches the boat race.DHe watches the football game.48 . According to the passage, what can we learn about New York?APeople dont do anything for Dragon Boat Festival.BPeople make zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival.CPeople like talking on the phone.DThere are many host families.49 . What does Zhang Qian think of his host family?AThere are many people in the family.BEverybody is busy in the family.CIts very nice but not his home.DIts a warm home for him.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词50 . The little _(婴儿)is sleeping. So please be quiet.51 . I can speak two l_, Chinese and English.52 . The school is very far _(远离)from here and youd better take a bus.53 . The Australian _(游客)are very excited to come to the Great Wall.54 . Its raining heavily now. Youd better s_ at home.55 . I am really afraid of _(老鼠)because I think they are scary.56 . I was very t_ after a long walk.57 . My uncle and his friends _(扎营)at the top of the mountain last Sunday.58 . When they saw their favorite film stars, they _(喊叫)with excitement.59 . How many _(羊)are there on the farm?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空B 用所给词的适当形式填空60 . Would you please consider_ (vote) for my team?61 . You cant imagine what difficulty he had _ ( solve) the mystery.62 . The little boy hoped that he would be the _ (proud)of his group.63 . The project Mr. Green devoted most of his time to_ at last. (success)64 . The cinema _ (lie) in the west of the district , but now it isnt there.六、完成句子. 根据汉语完成句子65 . 作为一个青少年,你应该学会自力更生。As a teenager, you should learn to _ .66 . 在我们开始栽树之前,我们会被分成三组。Before we start planting trees, we will _ .67 . 如果你乱扔垃圾,你会被罚款的。You _ if you drop litter.68 . 我不知道应该怎样处理这些旧书。I dont know _ these old books.69 . 政府已经制定了很多法律以保护环境。The government has _ .70 . 太多的车辆会导致严重的空气污染。Too many cars can _ .七、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词补全对话,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。fool, realize, tired, how, costumeA: Hi, John.71 . was your April Fools Day?B: Terrible. One of my friends invited me to a costume party.A: That sounds good. What was wrong?B: By the time I got to the party, I72 . I had been fooled, because I was the only one that was wearing a73 . .A: Oh, I see. That was really terrible.B: What about you, Ann?A: I was74 . on April Fools Day.B: Why?A: My friends told me that we were going to have a math test the next day. I studied the whole night and was exhausted (精疲力竭的). But the next day I found they75 . me. We didnt have a test.B: Oh, poor Ann. You should go and have a good rest.八、语法填空At the age of fifteen, I met 76 . Australia teacher. He taught us English. One day, he wrote an English poem 77 . the blackboard and asked us the meaning. There was a long silence. 78 . (unlucky),the teacher79 . (choose) me to answer the questions. I said in a lowv80 . ,“Sorry, I dont know.”Thats always my reply to difficult qustions.To my surprise, he spent the rest of the class 81 . (explain) my answer. He said “I dont know is a wrong answer.”You should at least have some ideas about the questions, no matter how difficult it is. It doesnt mean that you dont know. It means that you are not 82 . (confidence), and you are afraid of making 83 . (mistake).” I was shocked by 84 . (he) words. He was right. From then on, I said goodbye to the wrong answer“I dont know”,b85 . any answers was better than that one. Now I always try my best to find a proper answer.九、多任务混合问题任务型阅读(A)My parents are always treating me like a 3-year-old kid,even though Im 2 months away from being 12.They always sayThat Im their Little Anna or sugar Pie. I love my parents, but they cant accept that Im growing up and my friends parents are treating them like their own ages and they have chores. What should I do?Anna Dear Anna,I think all of our parents are like that at first. When you start (B)_,your parents dont want you to grow up because you are still their little girl.(C)Just ask your parents to sit down. and have a conversation with both of them together. Tell them how you feel, and what duty you can have. Come up with some chores you can do. If they dont allow you to do those things,(D)that at first.(E)他们迟早会给你那个机会的.I hope everything goes well.Jordan根据短文内容,按要求完成下列任务。任务一:翻译句子。86 . 将文中(A)处画线句子翻译成汉语。_87 . 将文中(E)处画线句子翻译成英语。_任务二:在文中(B)处填人一个合适的短语,使句意完整、通顺88 . _任务三:写出文中(C)处画线句子的同义句。(每空一词)89 . Just ask your parents to sit down, and_ both of them together.任务四:写出文中(D)处画线单词that所代指的词或短语90 . _十、材料作文91 . 书面表达。“Life is just like a mirror, you smile at it, and it smiles at you, too.”请你以“Learn to Smile”为题,根据下表所列的要点写一篇60词以上的文章(文章开头已给出)。学会对自己微笑1、面对困难与烦恼学会微笑(考试失利、被别人误解等)。2、使你自信,击败你的人有时就是你自己。3、有益于身心健康。学会对他人微笑1、便于与他人之间的交流。2、给别人带来快乐,自己也快乐。微笑是一种语言人人都能懂,传递友谊,拉近距离。1. 参考词汇:误解 misunderstand自信confident交流 communicate2. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。Learn to SmileI remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.” Doyou like smiling? I think you should learn to smile._第 13 页 共 13 页

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