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英语九年级下册第七模块综合提优测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Chen Zhiqiang took part in Super Brain _ himself.AchallengingBto challengeCchallengedDchallenge2 . Eddie was sleeping _ Hobo was shaking for new friends on WeChat.AuntilBwhileCbeforeDAfter3 . The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours he realized it.AbeforeBafterCuntilDsince4 . Andy, would you mind me_ the window? Not at all.Ato openBopeningCopened5 . -Tom just told me a new way he had thought ofnew words.- Its great. What do you think of it?ArememberingBto rememberCbe rememberedDto be remembered6 . Some students in Class Two think the museum is fun _.AvisitingBvisitCto visitingDto visit7 . What do you think of Lily and Lucy? I think Lily is _ than Lucy.AoutgoingBmore outgoingCvery outgoingDmuch outgoing8 . She often goes to work _ .Aby a undergroundBby undergroundCby the undergroundDtake the underground9 . I dont have a Ping-Pong ball, _ my brother _.Abut; doBand; doesCand;doDbut; does10 . Nobody is _ from this important meeting.AabsentBsatisfiedCembarrassedDangry11 . I have no idea if he if it tomorrow.Awill come; rainsBcomes; rainsCwill come; will rainDcomes; will rain12 . -What kind of ticket do you have?- We have tickets$105the hard sleeper.Aat; forBfor; atCat; to13 . (2017年安徽)Hold your dream, _ you might regret some day.AandBorCbutDso14 . At that time we lived in houses which _ old, cold and unsafe.AareBwereCisDwas15 . I _ an old friend of mine when I _ in the street yesterday afternoon.Amet.; was walkingBwas meeting . walkedCwas meeting . was walkingDmet . walked二、补全短文6选5Dr. Albert Schweitzer was a doctor in Africa. He was born in France. He started to learn how to play the piano when he was five. And he was a very good musician. 16 . Then he studied medicine for eight years. After that, he asked to go to Africa in 1913. 17 . He had to go through a lot of dangerous places. At first the new white doctor was not welcome, but soon the people of Africa understood that he was their friend. 18 . Many people came to the hospital. Dr. Schweitzer worked day and night.When he ran out of money and needed more medicine, he would go back to Europe to play music to make money.19 . Later he built a bigger hospital. He spent most of his life in Africa. 20 . In 1952, he was named winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (诺贝尔和平奖).根据短文内容,选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。AHe not only helped sick people but also taught the people how to help each other.BBut he decided to be a doctor when he was 30 years old.CThey helped him build his first small hospital near a river.DDr. Schweitzer took big boxes of medicine with him to Africa.EThen he would return to Africa.FHe went to Africa to study music.三、完型填空Matts hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many _, like America, Egypt and China.Matts favorite stamps_ from France. He has almost every stamp for 1954 to 2007. he only needed_. That was a 1974 special edition (版本). It was very_ to find.He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But _could find the stamp. It made Matt very sad.“Dont worry,” his father said to him, “youll find it one day .”“ I hope so.” Matt said.“Be patient(耐心),” his father said, “Dont give up.”Besides collecting stamps, matt like writing. He had a pen friend in France. They wrote to each other every month. Matts pen friend, Philip gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Matt_the letter, he was very surprised. On the_ , he looked closely at the stamp. It was the _special edition stamp. Matt was so happy! He told his sister, his mother and his father.“You see,” his father said, “you did find your_. So, you see, its good to have _ things in life. ”“What are they?” Matt asked .“Friends and patience” he answered.21 . AcitiesBcapitalsCcountriesDprovinces22 . AcomeBcameCcomesDcoming23 . AtwoBnothingConeDthree24 . AeasyBimportantCdangerousDhard25 . AsomeoneBnobodyCanyoneDeveryone26 . AgetBtookCtakeDgot27 . AenvelopeBletterCbookDbag28 . A2009B1974C2007D195429 . AstampBfriendCenvelopeDletter30 . AthreeBfourCtwoDone四、阅读单选On May 15, 2018, a team of mountain climbers from Peking University reached the top of the worlds highest mountain to celebrate the universitys 120th birthday. They practiced for two years for their climb to the summit.The team has fourteen climbers: seven students from the Mountaineering Association of Peking University (MAPKU,北大山鹰社), two teachers and five alumni(校友). The youngest of them is only twenty-one and the oldest one is in his fifties. Twelve of them made it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma, as one of the team members felt sick and another stayed in the camp to help the team when they came back from the top.To our surprise, the first member to reach the summit was a girl named Wei Wei. It was the third time for her to reach the top of this mountain. Peking University alumnus Luang Nubo, who led the team, said, “Reaching the top of the mountain was not the only goal.” “Its more important to know how the team work closely and fight with difficulties when climbing high. It is also the spirit of the university,” he said. Started in 1989, the MAPKU now is the most famous amateur mountaineering club (业余登山俱乐部) in China. In 1989,three members reached the 8,201-metre Mount Cho Oyu, the worlds sixth-highest mountain, to celebrate their university 100th birthday. Besides, they also held activities to save animals and plants as well as protect mountains.31 . How long has Peking University been built according to the passage?A21 years.B55 years.C100 years.D120 years.32 . Which is the right order of the following events?a.The MAPKU was set up in Beijing.b.Wei Wei reached the top of the Qomolangma for the third time.c.The team reached the sixth-highest mountain to celebrate the universitys birthday.d.The team began to prepare for climbing Qomolangma to celebrate the universitys birthday.AcadbBacdbCcdabDadcb33 . How did the team show the spirit of Peking University according to the passage?AThey prepare well before they do something.BThey like climbing and get together to practise.CThey set up the MAPKU with two teachersDThey work together and fight with difficulties.34 . Which one is RIGHT according to the passage?AAll of the fourteen climbers reached the top of Mount Qomolangma.BThe climbers practised for a short time before their climbing.CThe MAPKU now is the most famous amateur mountaineering club in China.DIts Wei Weis first time to reach the lop of Mount Qomolangma.35 . What activities does the MAPKU do?AOrganize climbing.BSave animals and plants.CProtect mountains.DA B and CWant to have a vacation with a difference? Check out our great plans for you! Work for fun on the farmCome to Sunny Hill and spend four days living with the family and working on the real American farm! You will stay in rooms in a guest cottage(小屋), and all meals will be offered for free. Our guests help to look after the animals. Youll learn how a farm really works and try horseback riding! Healthy and funSunny Hill vacations are great for all the family! _Spend ten days living in an American city with a friendly family. Youll have your own room in the host familys house and you will find out what life in the US is really like! Your family will give you all your meals, and theyll take you to interesting places. Youll get the chance to meet a lot of their friends and of course your English will improve soon. Play beach sportsThrow yourself on South Beach, one of the most popular places in Florida, US and take a sevenday holiday here. Itll be full of bright sunlight, white sand, beach sports and fine food. You will sleep in a special camp by the sea. You can take diving and surfing lessonsnothing to be afraid of, just have fun. Our coaches(教练) will take care of everything! 36 . According to(根据) the text, we can _ in Sunny Hill.Aride a horseBbuy a farmCget a cottageDhold a party37 . Which of the following can be put in the blank?AMake friends with AmericansBTravel around American citiesCLearn about the US in a host familyDTake lessons to improve your English38 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?ASunny Hill vacations last for ten days.BCoaches help people with diving and surfing.CThe host family has special houses for guests.DPeople can have free meals in all of the vacations.Everybody likes taking selfies(自拍照), from your best friend to your favorite pop star. Selfies are taking over Renren and Sina Weibo. The word “selfie” was even named Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionaries in 2013. But why do people feel the need to take them? And are they doing us more harm than good?According to Dr. Pamela Rutledge, director of the Media Psychology Research Center in the US, posting a selfie shows a biological need for self-validation (自我验证). Humans have an area in their brain that controls social activity. Receiving positive feedback(反馈) on a selfie you have posted can be the same as someone stopping you in the street and praising your appearance. The act of taking a selfie also puts you in a position of power. You are the director and the subject of your own work of art. It helps people feel in control of their self-image and can be a powerful tool.But can it go too far? The experts warn that too much time spent on selfies can affect peoples confidence, particularly in teenagers. If you are spending a lot of time choosing the perfect selfie outfit (着装) or finding the right angle (角度), then there could be a problem. Likewise (同样地), posting selfies can harm your personal relationships. UK studies found that many people find it hard to relate to people who are often posting selfies.So next time you catch your smartphone to take a quick selfie, it may be better to drop it straight back into your pocket.39 . What does Rutledge think of posting selfies?AIt helps people get to know each other.BIt helps people take better pictures.CIt just lets people show off their new clothes.DIt meets (满足) peoples need for self-validation.40 . From Paragraph 2, we learn the following EXCEPT.Ait needs some art to take good selfiesBthe brain controls peoples social activityCpeople want good comments (评论) on their selfiesDtaking selfies helps people feel in control of their self-image41 . The experts think spending too much time taking selfies can.Aaffect peoples confidenceBgive away peoples personal informationCmake people spend more on smartphonesDcause people to spend less time with their friends五、完成句子罗斯也回来。Rose will come _ _.六、单词填空The wind and waves pushed me along as I struggled to keep my head above water. I became very tired and soon felt I could not swim any more. L43 . , just then my feet touched the ground. I walked out of the sea and onto a beach, where there was no sign of any people or h44 . . I was so t45 . that I lay down and went to sleep.When I woke up next morning, and tried to get up, I was u46 . to move. I was lying on my back and my whole body, my arms and legs were s47 . tied to the ground. Even my hair, which was long and thick, was tied to the ground too. The sun began to grow hot, and I was very uncomfortable. Soon I felt something a48 . moving along my leg and up my body to my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimetres tall. He had a bow and arrow in his hands, and there were forty more of these little men f49 . him. I was so surprised that I gave a great shout. They all jumped back, very frightened, and some hurt t50 . by falling off my body. Meanwhile, I was struggling to unfasten myself, but just as I managed to pull my left arm f51 . of the ropes, I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand, and more arrows on my face and body. This was very painful, and made me cry aloud. I lay quietly, to see what would h52 . next.七、讲稿53 . 随着粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要的提出,深圳和香港、澳门地区有了更多的经济、文化方面的交流。你所在的学校派学生参加了在香港某中学为期一个月的交流学习。在代表团离开之时,你作为一名学生代表进行发言。请你根据下列要求写一篇发言稿。要点: 1.感谢他们的邀请;2. 刚开始你是如何面对文化冲击的(列举一例以及你的解决方法);3. 你对交换学习的看法(列举一个你的观点并说明原因);4. 介绍深圳有了巨大的发展(列举一个方面);5. 并邀请他们下个月来深圳到你的学校交流学习。要求:1) 80-100 词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2) 文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥;3) 不得出现真实姓名和校名;4) 条理清楚、语句通顺、意思连贯、书写规范。Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! It is my great honor to speak today. Thats all. Thank you for listening.第 10 页 共 10 页


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