英语九年级全册Lesson 28课时练习

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英语九年级全册Lesson 28课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr. Smiths car broke down on his way to work, so he had to take a taxi.Awas deadBstopped workingCwent off2 . I advise you _ an umbrella with you. Its cloudy and it is going to rain.Ato takeBtakingCtakeDtaken3 . Emily is glad that she _ for her honesty at that meeting.ApraisesBpraisedCis praisedDwas praised4 . Im waiting for my friend._,Ill go shopping alone.AIf she comesBIf she will comeCIf she doesnt comeDIf she didnt come5 . Every time you _ a new place,you should buy a map first.AarriveBreach inCgetDreach二、完成句子根据中文意思完成句子。6 . 在那时,我们还是学生。We were students _.7 . 凯莉喜欢堆雪人。Kelly likes _.8 . 他在新学校每天都过得愉快吗?Does he_ in the new school every day?9 . 曼迪一个月去一次野餐。Mandy _ once a month.10 . 我们计划这个寒假去北京旅游。We plan to_ to Beijing this winter holiday.11 . 每年的这个时候,萝岗香雪公园里总是挤满了人。The Luogang Xiangxue Park is full of people _.12 . 她穿上鞋子,开始跑步。She puts on the shoes and _.13 . 澳大利亚的冬天是从六月到八。Winter in Australia is _.14 . 人们喜欢在阳光她烂的子里外出。People like _ on sunny days.15 . 他周末极少待在家里。He seldom _ at weekends.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空。sell out take place go off end up play tricks on16 . Before the school bell _,all the students had entered the classroom.17 . Would you please stop _me?I am too busy to make you laugh.18 . Great changes _in our hometown during the past ten years.19 . Im sorry.We _the shoes in your size so far.20 . Every time she went to see that movie,she _crying her eyes out.四、将所给单词连成句子将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。21 . heard from, have, him, you_?22 . with, never, your, have a fight, classmates_.23 . be, there, two, to, tomorrow, are, exams, going_.24 . exciting, an, we, sports meeting, what, had_!25 . told, how, use, yesterday, he, to, me, computer, the_.第 3 页 共 3 页

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