英语九年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 课时练习

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英语九年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Being not farthe sea, London is famousits fog.Afrom; withBfrom; forCaway; withDaway; for2 . I often see John _ the old woman cross the busy street.AhelpBhelpsChelpedDhelping3 . I cant work out this Maths problem. I wonder who I should_help. Why not ask Li Ping? He is good at Maths.Alook forBgo forCgo withDgo to for4 . How can I make my dream_true?AcomeBto comeCcomingDcame5 . For more than once,our head teacher asks us the habit of keeping a diary.Ato enjoyBto chooseCto acceptDto develop6 . -Mum, can I watch TV tonight ?-Sure. If your homework _.Ais finishedBfinishesCwill be finishedDwill finish7 . The high-speed railway linking Zhengzhou in Henan province to the western city of Xian in Shanxi province, started _ January 17, 2010.AinBforConDsince8 . - Long time no see!- Ive just returned. I _ to Beijing for a meeting last month.Aam sentBwas sentCam sendingDwas sending9 . When I called the taxi service, I _ that there was no taxi.Awere toldBwas toldCwas telling10 . Many new buildings _ in Xiongan New Area next year.Awill be builtBwere builtCwill build upDare building二、补全短文5选4Ice cream is certainly the worlds favorite dessert. 11 . Of all the people across the world, more ice cream is eaten in Australia than in any other country: 16. 6 litres (升) per person per year. A form of ice cream was eaten in China about 4, 000 years ago. 12 . Ice cream was brought to Europe in the 16th century, but at that time only the super-rich could afford it. When the Italian princess Catherine de Medici married the future King Henry of France in 1533, a different kind of ice cream was served every day for a month! 13 . Ice cream was introduced to America in the 1700s, but mostly enjoyed by the wealthy. At around 1800,special ice houses were invented and ice cream became an American industry. Americans celebrated the victory of WW with ice cream. In 1946, they ate more than 20 litres of ice cream per person.The worlds most popular flavor(味道)is vanilla(香草)which was produced from vanilla beans. 80% of the worlds vanilla beans grew on the island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa. 14 . And of all the days of the week, most ice cream is bought on Sundays!AThe most popular topping is chocolate.BIt was made of milk, rice, fruit and snow.CMore than 90 percent of the US families buy dessert.DIn Europe alone, about11 billion a year is spent on ice cream.EIce cream didnt become available to the general population in France until 1660.三、完型填空Once upon a time, there was a king. He had only one leg and one eye. One day, when the kings was walking through the palace hallway, he saw the portraits(肖像)of _ ancestors. He thought that one day his children would also remember him through portraits on the walls.However,_his disabilities, he wasnt sure how his painting would turn out. So he _ many famous painters to his palace and said, “I want a beautiful portrait to be_ in the hallway.”The painters began to think, “The king had only one leg and one eye. It is _ to paint his portrait beautifully. If the portrait doesnt look beautiful, the king may get angry.” They were afraid to be _, so one by one, they started to make _ and politely refused to paint a portrait of the king._, one painter raised his hand and said, “I will paint a very beautiful portrait and Im sure you will like it.” The other painters were _ to hear this. After the painting was finished, it was shown to the king. In the picture, the king was sitting on a horse, on the one-leg side, shooting an arrow with his one eye closed. He did make a perfect picture by hiding the kings _ parts.This story tells us that we should pay attention to good things instead of weaknesses in life.15 . AhisBitsCher16 . Aaccording toBas forCbecause of17 . AledBinvitedCintroduced18 . Aput upBput onCset up19 . AmeaninglessBunnecessaryCimpossible20 . AquestionedBeducatedCpunished21 . AwishesBexcusesCmistakes22 . AUnexpectedlyBUnluckilyCUndoubtedly23 . AexcitedBworriedCsurprised24 . AstrongBweakCfavourite四、阅读单选Its time to plant potatoes, but I cant do all the digging(挖) by myself. The farmer thought over and then had an idea. He wrote to his wife,Dont dig the fields. This is where my gold(金子) is. Dont plant potatoes until I come home. A few days later, the farmer got another letter from his wife. It said, Two days ago, about ten prison guards(监狱看守) came to our fields. It looked as if they were looking for something. They have dug our field. The farmer wrote to his wife at once. Now you can plant our potatoes, he wrote.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。25 . The farmer was put in prison _.A. because he had done something wrongB. because he had a lot of gold in the fieldsC. The writer didnt say anything about why the farmer was put in prison26 . The farmers wife was much worried about _.A. her husband B. their farm C. planting potatoes27 . The farmer told his wife _ first.A. not to dig the fields B. to ask the prison guards for helpC. to find the gold in the fields28 . Why did the prison guards dig the farmers fields?A. They wanted to help the farmer.B. The farmer asked them to do so.C. They wanted to find out the gold.29 . Why did the farmer ask his wife to plant potatoes at once?A. Because their fields had been dug.B. Because the gold was found out.C. Because the prison guards asked him to do so.五、句型转换Rewriting the follow sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,第1-6句每空格限填一词)30 . My grandparents grew organic vegetables in the countryside two years ago. (改为否定句)My grandparent _ organic vegetables in the countryside two years ago.31 . The Greeks managed to capture(占领) the city of Troy through a trick. (对划线部分提问)_ the Greeks manage to capture the city of Troy?32 . Lots of people respect the baseball player for his division (贡献) to charity work.(改为被动语态)The baseball player _ for his division to charity work.33 . Some children rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer. (改为反意疑问句)Some children rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer, _?34 . When will the truth of the missing flight MH370 come out? Many people wondered. (合并为一句)Many people wondered _ the truth of the missing flight MH370 _ come out.35 . Mr. Smith made up his mind to take a cruise trip (游轮) to Europe with his wife this summer. (保持句意基本不变)Mr. Smith _ take a cruise trip (邮轮) to Europe with his wife this summer.36 . boy, behavior, for, just now, the, apologized, naughty, his, to, Susan (连词成句)_六、填写适当的单词补全句子在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词, 使句子意思完整、语法准确.37 . To be _, I dont like country music at all because it makes me feel sleepy.38 . The book Robinson Crusoe must _ to Tom. You can find his name on it.39 . Tu Youyou is regarded as the greatest scientist in the 20th _ in the world.40 . We stayed at home instead _going outside because of the bad weather.41 . _we can get good grades depends on our learning habits.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸写出给单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。42 . By visiting these a_ buildings, you can know what life was like here in the past. 43 . Ann is so upset after her dog died that nothing seems to surprise or e_ her. 44 . Edison is a successful scientist. He made such great a_ through working hard. 45 . You cant swim here because the river is so d_. It is not safe. 46 . More and more people in the world like Kungfu. It has b_ a symbol of China. 47 . I like the song I Believe I Can Fly because it encourages us to believe in o_. 48 . That pair of shoes f_ me well, so I take it. 49 . W_ happens, parents are always there to help you. 50 . I think it is really dangerous to go out a_ at night, especially for girls. 51 . It is a good idea to do some r_ before you make a decision to choose a school. 八、用所给单词的正确形式填空请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。52 . Thank you for_ (tell) me the myth about the Dragon Boat Festival.53 . I need_(have) more fruit and vegetables if I want to be healthier.54 . Daniel goes_(swim) twice a week.55 . _ (胡萝卜) are important for students because they are rich in many nutrient.56 . Make sure you eat_(health) every day.九、完成句子.根据汉语完成句子57 . 当他们横越大西洋的时候,许多人丢掉了性命。_ they _ the Atlantic, many people died.58 . 当吃完饭的时候,每个人都帮着洗盘子。When dinner is over, everyone _ dishes.59 . 在南京有大量好玩的东西可以看、可以做。There are _ things _ and do in Nanjing.60 . 上周我们在公园过得很愉快。We _ in the park last week.61 . 自从上个月,他已经取得了很大的进步。He _ much _ since last month.十、回答问题Many people think that comics are for children, but Cai Zhizhong doesnt think so. He was born in 1948 and thinks comics can also show classical(古典的) culture and help people know some difficult old Chinese philosophies(哲学). He shows these difficult ideas with simple and interesting cartoons. It makes people know them with fun.Cai Zhizhong bagan drawing comics at the age of seventeen. In 1977, he had his own company and produced two cartoon films: Old Master Q and Shao Lin Temple. His early works make some difficult Chinese philosophies easy for people to understand. Lots of people especially kids and parents like them very much. His works have won a large number of readers in Taiwan. However, some people dont like him to make the classical works into cartoons.Cais works have been tranilated into lots of languages. Readers in 40 different countries have read cais works and 40 million copies have been sold.Cai has a special way of bringing up his daughter. His daughter even traveled to Japan alone at the age of 12. She lived there by herself for a week. Under the influence of he father, the daughter also likes cartoons.62 . What does Cai Zhizhong show in his comics?63 . In which year did Cai Zhizhong begin to draw comics?64 . Who like Cai Zhizhongs comic works a lot?65 . Who traveled to Japan with Cai Zhizhongs daughter when she was 12?66 . What is the passage mainly about?第 9 页 共 9 页


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