英语七年级第一学期Unit Two 自测练习 3-4

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英语七年级第一学期Unit Two 自测练习 3-4姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mike studies really hard,so I expect him _ good results.AgetsBto getCgettingDget2 . Does VIP means “very important person”?_AThats a good idea.BThats interesting.CThats all right.DThats right.3 . I enjoy drinking tea and Lucy likes cola. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A/nd:/B/nd/C/nd:/D/nd/4 . Dogs help the police _ thieves and find _ people.AcatchmissBto catchmissCcatchmissingDto catchmissed5 . Professor Chou has been to many foreign countries._.ASo am IBI do, tooCSo do IDSo have I6 . You can _ a boat to Tower Bridge of London.AbyBonCinDtake7 . We are going _ vacation tomorrow.AonBtoCforDat8 . There _ no underground station or airport in the city forty years ago.AisBwasChas beenDwill be9 . Im in Class 4. Are you in Class 4, _?ApleaseBtooCandDexcuse10 . What would you like to be when you grow up ?I love small animals very much, so Id like to be a _.AvetBdoctorCnurseDdentist二、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空easy;cross;noise;climb;spend11 . I like to_time in the park in my neighborhood on weekends.12 . The math problem is not difficult. You can work it out_.13 . When you go _ the road, you must be careful.14 . Some monkeys are _ around in the zoo.15 . I live in a _ neighborhood.三、单词填空A. 根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式 (每空一词)Health and fitness apps are 16 . (广泛地)used these days. Many people are trying to lose17 . (重量)or get in better shape, and technology can be very18 . (有帮助的)to support them in these goals. Lots of new apps have been 19 . (创造)this year, and one is called “ The walk”. It is designed as a game, but the user must walk around his or her 20 . (自己的)neighborhood in order to play. The user plays the game the way he or she would play any video game, but as the user progresses, he or she 21 . (燃烧)actual calories(卡路里).As the user walks throughout the day, the app 22 . (记录)how much ground the user has covered. The user receives a clue (提示) that is part of a story, and is told that he or she must walk a certain number of 23 . (分钟)to move to the next level. Once that 24 . (任务)has been completed, the next part of the story will be seen. Users of this app will be25 . (鼓励)to take different routes in order to earn more points.四、书信作文26 . 假如你是小明,你的美国笔友Ken今年暑期来上海玩, 他对上海的名胜古迹和饮食文化很感兴趣。请你给他回信,向他推荐上海的名胜古迹和饮食文化,并说明你推荐的理由。信的开头和署名已给, 不计入总字数。(注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)Dear Ken,Im glad to know that youre coming to Shanghai this summer holidays. Im sure youwill enjoy your trip.Best wishes,Xiao Ming第 3 页 共 3 页

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