英语七年级上册 Module 10 Unit3 同步练习

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英语七年级上册 Module 10 Unit3 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、阅读单选My friend Sally is a sports fan(爱好者). She has a great sports collection. She has three soccer balls, five baseballs, six volleyballs and two basketballs. They are all under her bed. Sally plays basketball very well. She likes(喜欢) Kobe. She thinks he is the best(最好的)basketball player运动员) in America and she also(也)likes Yao Ming from(来自)China. Sally plays baseball very well, too. Now she is in her school baseball club.1 . Sally has _ volleyballs.AsixBfiveCthree2 . Kobe is a _.Abasketball playerBteacherCbaseball player3 . Sally plays _ very well.Asoccer and basketballBvolleyball and baseballCbasketball and baseball4 . Sally is _.Ain her school basketball clubBa sports fanCKobes sister5 . We(我们)can find(找到)_ under Sallys bed.Asome notebooksBa watchCa great sports collection二、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空6 . Sorry. I _ not Kevin.I _ Tony.(be)7 . Lucy and Lily _ (be)my good friends.8 . Where _ (be)Bob and Jane from?Theyre from London.9 . I like white.What about _ (you)?I like green.10 . I _ a student.Miss Liu _ my teacher.(be)11 . The boy is fourteen _ (year)old.12 . Mike is _ (America)13 . Li Lin is from China and hes _ (China)14 . What about _ (go)swimming?Good idea!15 . How old _ your father?He _ 40.(be)三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确。success, act, die, work, go, Shakespeare, listen, begin, build16 . _ parents didnt learn to read or write.17 . Many of Shakespeares _were on in the theatre.18 . Boonie Bears is a _ cartoon. Children like it very much.19 . Shakespeare _ more than four hundred years ago.20 . He decided _ to Shanghai with his uncle.21 . Huang Xiaoming is a famous _.22 . The little boy _ to write novels at 14.23 . We enjoys _ to music.24 . There were many tall _ in the city center three years ago.四、填写适当的单词补全对话根据图片,补全问句或答语25 . _ Tom _?Yes, he is.26 . _ Helen _?Yes, she is.27 . Are the dogs lying in the sun? _,_.28 . _ Mike and Mary _?Yes, they are.五、单词填空Last Summer, my wife and I went to visit Princeton. We both grow up there but we hadnt been there s29 . we were married ten years ago.First we went to the neighbourhood where my wife was born. It hadnt c30 . much. The house was s31 . there, but it was now different color. The same neighbour still lived door. They were very glad to see Jane and i32 . us to come in and h33 . a cup of coffee.A34 . that we went to the neighbourhood where I grew up. It was all changed. All the houses were new and I didnt know a35 . of the people there.Someone has said that you cant go home again. Jane might not think so but I believe this is true.六、填空任务型阅读We go to school every day and enjoy our school life. School life is full of fun, and the school seems to be the safest place in the world.But do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? How do we make the school safer ? Here are some tips for us to be safe in an easy way. For example, we must remember some important rules in the playground. Before we do sports, we need to do some warm up activities(热身运功), and after that we should drink some water. And in the classroom, we need to learn how to behave well. Dont run in the hallways. We mustnt fight with or run after each other. And teachers need to keep an eye on the students after class and stop them from running. We students should remember not to be naughty and get into trouble. Whats more, we can have some practice to learn to protect ourselves from a fire. In this way, we can know where to go if there is a fire in our school. We should learn to use the fire extinguisher(灭火器),too. I dont think we should put our a fire by ourselves, because it is too dangerous for young students. Well, I think all of us should think more of our safety in school.How to keep us away from 36 . in the schoolIn the playgroundDont 37 . before we do some warm up activitiesDrink some water after38 . sportsIn the classroomDont run in the hallways. Teachers need to39 . their students carefully.Dont40 . with or run after each other.41 . safetyJoin in the42 . about43 . ourselves from a fire.Dont try to put out the fire44 . Conclusion45 . should to think more of safety and be careful.第 5 页 共 5 页

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