英语九年级(9B) Unit5 自测练习3

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英语九年级(9B) Unit5 自测练习3_第1页
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英语九年级(9B) Unit5 自测练习3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont go in,this is the shop _we have just been_.A/,toBthat,/Cwhere,toDwhich,there2 . A lot of new houses _ in this large open area in the past five years.Aare builtBhave been builtCwere built .Dwill be built3 . The only language _ is easy to learn is mother tongueAwhichBthatC/Dit4 . _ people go abroad, they have to bring their passports with them.AUntilBWhenCBecauseDBefore5 . Li Na succeeded in _ a Grand Slam singles title(大满贯单打冠军)On 5th June,2011.AwinBto winCwinningDto winning6 . Mr. Green, there is someone at the front desk_ would like to speak with you.AheBwhoCwhichDwhom7 . Would you tell me _?Awhen are they going to set outBwhen they are going to set outCwhen were you going to set outDwhen they were going to set out8 . The girl handed everything _ she had picked up in the street to the police.AwhichBin whichCthatDall9 . No one knew where Mr. Smith lived _his daughter.AbesidesBexceptCexcept forDexcept that10 . I think I can manage myself,but thank you all the sameAAnything I can do to help?BDid you enjoy your holiday in London,Jill?CLets take a short breakDImagine what may happen in the future11 . The man _was here just now is a doctor.AwhomBwhoC/Dhe12 . There were few types of cameras in this shop, _?Awere thereBwerent thereCwere theyDwerent they13 . To save water, the parents told their children _ their teeth under a running tap.Ato brush Bnot brushingCnot to brushDbrushing14 . Wash your hands _, and you can have your breakfast.AproperlyBproperCplanDpoor15 . Is the girl _is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?Yes,she is a journalist from CCTV.AwhoBwhichCwhomDwhat二、完成句子Use “who”,“that” or “which” to complete the sentences(用“who”,“that”或“which”完成下列句子)16 . The professor has arrived. He will give us a talk. _17 . The little plants need taking good care of. They are growing in the box. _18 . The boy is my cousin. I talked with him just now. _19 . Mike is the only one among the students,Mike has a computer. _20 . Please bring back the dictionary. I lent you the dictionary last week. _第 3 页 共 3 页

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