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成都市2019年九年级下学期3月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . . It has been announced that candidates _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.AcanBwillCmayDshall2 . Lets keep to the point or weany decisions.Awill never reachBhave never reachedCnever reachDnever reached3 . (题文)Could you please tell me _the park as soon as possible?By bus, I think.Ahow can I get toBhow I can get toCwhen I can get to4 . Peter _ to help our math teacher carry books yesterday.AtellsBis toldCtoldDwas told5 . Have you washed the clothes _?Yes, I have _ washed them.Ajust; alreadyByet; alreadyCyet; onlyDalready; yet6 . In order to prevent the further spread of the novel coronavirus throughout the world, IOC decides to _ Tokyo 2020 Olympic GamesAput outBput awayCput offDput on7 . What do you think of the program Classical Chanting on CCTV?Its _! I enjoy it very much.AfriendlyBfantasticCawful8 . Would you please come to our picnic next Sunday morning?_! But I have to join in another one that day. Thank you all the same.AWith pleasureBWhat a pityCMy pleasureDGo ahead9 . John, are you _ tonight? Yes, I must _ the airport right now.Aleaving;leaveBleaving;leave forCleaving for;leave forDleaving for;leave10 . Paris is the _ of France.AcapitalBcityChometown二、补全对话7选5根据对话的内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子,将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. Nice to meet you. B. What animals shall we see there?C. Neither will I. D. Ive got a map. E. What do you know about the park?F. Yes, thats right. G. Thats a good idea.A: We have to meet the others at 8:30 at the nature park, dont we?B: 11 . A: Do you know how to get there?B: Yes. 12 . Well never get lost. A: 13 . B: Its an area in the forest that protects lots of different animals. A: 14 . B: I m not really sure. I know there are many different kinds of birds there and Im going to take my camera with me. A: 15 . Ill take mine, too. B: By the way, it may be cold in the park. Wed better wear warm clothes and take the raincoats. A: OK.三、完型填空Feeling lonely can make you sick. Doctors have long known that loneliness can cause many health problems and even death. What they didnt know is_this feeling causes illness. A study in the online magazineGenome Biology_that loneliness actually influences the important part of our bodiesour genes.In a small population of patients, researchers_more than 20,000 genes to compare how the genes of lonely and non-lonely individuals (个体) express themselves in molecular processes (分子过程) and in personal health. They found that gene expression is_长期地) lonely people. “We now have a new way for understanding the relationship_social experience and physical health,” explains the studys lead author, Steve Cole of University of California, Los Angeles.“This studythe first to link (联系)_with gene changesis special and exciting,” says Emma Adam, a professor of human development at Northwestern University. “It_According to John Cacioppo, an author of the study from the University of Chicago, thework suggests that loneliness is a warning_, much like physical pain. “This feeling is so bad because_of us wants to be forgotten; that s also what human means,” he says. “It makes us_for other people and want to be with friends when were lonely.”16 . AwhenBwhereChowDif17 . AexplainsBtalksCrepliesDanswers18 . AcollectedBgrewCfoundDsurveyed19 . AimportantBdifferentCinterestingDdifficult20 . AinBbetweenCaboutDboth21 . AworkBhealthClifeDfeelings22 . AfillsBmakesCbuildsDrepairs23 . AnoteBsignCsoundDpicture24 . AeachBnothingCanyDnone25 . AlookBliveCcareDthinkAre you shy or outgoing? Do you have just a few friends or do you have many friends? No matter what kind of person you are, you will be most _ during a specific time in your life, according to scientists. and that time of your life is when you are 25 and under.A team of scientists at Aalto University in Finland and Oxford University in Britain _ the phone records (记录) of more than 3.2 million _ users in Europe. It also recorded their age and gender (性别), the people they called, _ they called each person and the length of each call.The team found that those aged 25 and under talked more on the phone _ any other age group. However, after the age of 25, things change. We seem to _ more friends than we make by the age of 45.“Big life events that usually come with age, such as marriage, get people to _ more of their time with just a few close family members and friends,” Sarah Gomillion at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, said on The Conversation.Once a person gets to be 50 years old, while _ more new changes in their lives, friendships will again begin to decrease (减少).Of course, this research is limited (有限的) because the way that we stay in touch with our friends also changes. Today, we often use social media apps _ We Chat to stay in touch with people. But this study shows that our connections with others do _ throughout our lives.26 . AlonelyBsadCpopularDfamous27 . AworkedBstudiedCreportedDordered28 . AinternetBcomputerCmobileDTV.29 . Ahow oftenBhow soonChow manyDhow much30 . AamongBwithCbetweenDthan31 . AforgetBloseCcallDremember32 . AspendBmakeCcostDpay33 . AreadingBdoingCencouragingDexperiencing34 . AsoBsuchClikeDand35 . AkeepBchangeCloseDgrow四、阅读单选Different countries celebrate the New Year in different ways. Many countries still follow the lunar calendar (阴历), meaning that their new year often starts in late January or in February. New Year celebrations for some countries (like China, Vietnam, and Korea) last not one day, but up to two weeks! In the US, many people attend New Year parties. They drink, dance, and cheer at midnight. In the southern US, many people eat black-eyed peas for good luck in the New Year. In Mexico and Venezuela, many people wear red or yellow for good luck. In Brazil, people wear white clothes for good luck, and in China, they wear red clothes and give children red envelopes with money in them. In Iran, people wear brand new clothes on the first day of the New Year. In Scotland, people open the front door at midnight to let in the New Year, and open the back door to let out the old year. In Switzerland, people kiss each other three times at midnight. In Japan, they ring a bell 108 times to get rid of (除掉) the 108 bad desires. In Korea they ring a bell 33 times for 33 old soldiers.36 . There are two weeks about New Year celebrations except in .AKoreaBBrazilCVietnamDChina37 . People in wear red for good luck.ABrazil and ChinaBBrazil and VenezuelaCMexico and ChinaDIran and Venezuela38 . People in Scotland at midnight of the New Year.Aeat black-eyed peasBring a bell many timesCwear white clothes for good luckDopen the front and back doors39 . People in Switzerland kiss each other times at midnight of the New Year.AthreeBeightCtenDthirteen40 . What is the main idea of the passage?AThere are many different countries in the world.BPeople like to do different things at midnight of the New Year.CDifferent countries celebrate the New Year in different ways.DPeople like to wear different clothes to celebrate the New Year.Happy Time ParkLocationThe west of the cityGetting thereThe No.16 busOpening time8:30-16:00 on weekdays, 8:00-18:00 on Saturday and SundayAttractions1.Plant Garden: all kinds of plants to see2.Sports Center: ball games, rock climbing, swimming and many other fun games to enjoyFacilitiesParking places, public toilets, public telephones, barbecue places, medical care station and shopping center 41 . The park is in the _of the city.AnorthBeastCwestDsouth42 . You can take the_bus to get to the park.ANo.16BNo.6CNo.4DNo.843 . There is _in the park.Aa zooBa cinemaCa squareDa Plant Garden44 . If you visit the park on Wednesday, you must leave the park_Abefore four oclock in the afternoonBbetween 16:00 and 18:00Cafter 16:00Dafter 18:0045 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement?AYou can do sports in the park except swimmingBIf you feel ill or get hurt in the park, you can ask doctors for help there.CYou cant enjoy ball games in the Sports Center.DThere is no place for you to park your car.My brother Peter likes playing computer games in the evening. And my sister Cindy likes watching TV. I dont like them. You may ask me, “What do you do in the evening?” Well, I play sports. My dad is a PE teacher. He loves sports. Every evening I go to the park with him. We play basketball and sometimes we play ping-pong. We have one basketball, six ping-pong balls and four ping-pong bats. Now I am good at them.I think doing sports is good for us. It helps me to be tall and strong(强壮的). Then it helps me to study well in school. My teacher says I am a good student. At last, I have many good friends at school because I play sports well. They love to play with me. Be my friend and play sports together.46 . Cindy _ in the evening.Aplays computer gamesBplays ping-pongCwatches TVDplays basketball47 . I play sports with my_.AmotherBsisterCcousinDfather48 . I have_.Atwo basketballsBten ping-pong ballsCfour ping-pong batsDsix ping-pong bats49 . My teacher says I am a good student because_.AI have many good friendsBI study well at schoolCIm good at ping-pongDIm tall and strong.50 . Whats the best title(标题) for the passage?ASports and IBLets be friendsCMy brother and sisterDBasketball is funJiaguwen, over 3,000 years old, is the earliest writing form of Chinese characters. Recently, it comes alive on the Chinese Internet and becomes popular as a new online language among the young people, thanks to a person who made them closer to peoples life.Chen Nan, who creates Jiaguwen memes(表情包), is happy to know that Chinese netizens like his works. As a graduate of the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University, Chen has been studying Chinese characters design (设计) for 19 years. In 2016, the ancient typeface was included into the font library (字体库) under his efforts to let the ancient words walk into peoples life. Now the library has 3,500 characters, but Chens research on the project still continues, as he plans to increase characters to 7,000. In the future, he will put the ancient characters into education and the development of games and apps.He has been working to make Jiaguwen into emojis (表情符号). For example, the character for “zui” which means “drunk” in English, was created to look like a stumbling(蹒跚的) figure. Such vivid figures have been well accepted by WeChat users. Chen has also combined (结合) the ancient Chinese characters with cartoon figures. A cartoon video about Jiaguwen he designed was watched 31 million times and shared 140,000 times.“The ancient characters are not as cool and far away from us as most people think. In fact, they are cute and funny, and they can totally serve peoples needs for online expression, said Chen Nan.“At present, most people think Jiaguwen is hard to understand and dont realize the great historic value(历史价值) of it. Through using Jiaguwen memes, I truly hope that more people can develop an interest in the ancient characters and use them in their daily lives.” Chen said.“I never imagined that I could use Jiaguwen to communicate with my friends. I thought I could only see them in my textbooks and only a few researchers could understand them. Also, these memes look so creative and cute.” said a Sina Weibo user.51 . Which of the following about Chen Nan is TRUE according to the passage?AHe used to study at the Academy of Arts and Design at Beijing University.BThe cartoon video about Jiaguwen he designed was a success.CHe plans to put the ancient characters into business use.DJiaguwen memes he created cant serve peoples needs for online expression now.52 . What is the passage mainly about?AHow Chinese people created Jiguawen in the ancient time.BChen Nans great achievements in designs and arts.CWhy so many Chinese netizens like Jiaguwen memes.DChen Nans efforts to make Jiaguwen closer to common people.53 . What can we infer from the passage?AThanks to Chen Nan, Jiaguwen becomes popular nowadays.BThere may be a mobile game about Jiaguwen in the near future.CWeChat users didnt like the Jiaguwen emojis made by Chen Nan.DEveryone will use Jiaguwen in their daily lives in the near future.54 . If there is Paragraph 7, it might be about _.Ahow Chen Nan started creating Jiaguwen memesBhow much Chinese people love Jiaguwen memesCpeoples advice on how to improve Jiaguwen memesDwhere Jiaguwen memes are popular五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。55 . Many people are killed in traffic _ (事故) in the world every day.56 . All the buses are running towards the same _ (方向) on the high way.57 . He often listens carefully to my problems and _ (提供) me lots of help.58 . My bike broke down and I was late for school. What an _ (糟糕的) day!59 . I like to stay in _ (自然的) world to spend my holiday.六、回答问题Nowadays, we have many chances to have space trips. Read the two advertisements.Advertisement ACome and see real UFOs!Two nights at the Fairview Mountain HostelMany UFO sightings from this mountain!Binoculars(双筒望远镜) providedKitchen area to cook your own food$345 per personPh: (702)555-1876Email :infofairviewtours.comAdvertisement BDesert(沙漠) UFO AdventureFour-day trek(徒步) in the Dream Sky DesertStopping at seven places where UFOs have been seenTents and Binoculars providedBring your own sleeping bagAll food cooked for you$680 per personPh: (702)555-3989Email :ufo_trekdreamskytours.com60 . How much does the four-day trek cost?_61 . Which advertisement allows you to see UFOs in mountain regions, Advertisement A or B?_62 . Do you need to take your own food with you if you take the trip in Advertisement B?_63 . How long can you stay in the hostel if you take the trip in Advertisement A?_64 . Which trip are you interested in? Why?_七、话题作文65 . Write at least 60 words on the topic “My secret”我们也许曾做过一些不愿意让别人知道的事情。比如,背着父母玩手机、看电视,上课偷偷看小说/漫画:比如放学后默默为班级付出;比如在别人看不见的地方默默努力. 请选取一个角度,以“我的小秘密”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,描述自己曾经秘密做过的一件事,可以是已被发现了的,也可以是尚未被发现的。短文包括事情发生的时间、经过以及自己的认识,标点符号不占格。The following is for reference only(以下表达仅供参考)quietly behind ones back pretend第 13 页 共 13 页


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