英语七年级上册 Unit6 单元检测题

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英语七年级上册 Unit6 单元检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . John livesSunny Bay, Ann livesHappy Island.Ain/ onBon/ inCat/ inDat/ on2 . -there orange juice in the fridge?- I dont know.AAmBAreCIs3 . - Mary, you look nice in the red dress. , how much is it?- Fifty dollars.AOn the wayBIn the wayCFrom the wayDBy the way4 . There is a supermarket _ the bottom of the mountain.AonBforCinDat5 . You _ South Africa. Can you _ English?Afrom; talkBcome from; tellCare from; speakDcomes from; say6 . - You dont have to be nervous about the future. I will always be with you.-Thank you very much.AworriedBhappyCcareful7 . I hear that there _ an English speech contest in our school tomorrow afternoon.Awill haveBwill isCis going to haveDwill be8 . Do you often e-mail your friends?I _ e-mail my friends,but I use WeChat more often now.Ahave toBwould like toCused toDget to9 . What season is it in _ picture?Athe forthBforthCfourthDthe fourth10 . You can tell from the posters and photos_the wall that Chen is a big fan of Jay Chou.AinBonCbetweenDabove11 . It is _ to live in the city than in the suburbs.AconvenientBmuch convenientCmore convenientDvery convenient12 . (2017四川南充)Mario, your mobile phone is ringing.Wait a minute. Its dangerous for us it while crossing the street.AansweringBto answerCanswerDanswered13 . There are some birdsthe tree. And there are some pearsit, too.Aon; onBin; inCon; inDin; on14 . Its too _! I have to go to the library to do my homework.AquietBcleanCnoisyDbored15 . _ the weather is!AHow pleasantBWhat pleasantCHow pleasedDWhat pleased16 . After watching Chinese Poetry Competition(中国诗词大会), many of us are interested in _ poems.AcollectBcollectsCto collectDcollecting17 . We didnt go to Shanghai _ the heavy rain.AbecauseBsoCbecause ofDbut18 . When they _ in the city centre, they _ plant flowers.AlivedcouldntBlivecouldClivedcanDlivescouldnt19 . There are nine fish in my fish tank. Two are red and _seven are golden.AanotherBthe otherCotherDthe others20 . Shall we have some noodles _ dumplings?AinsteadBinstead forCinstead ofDto instead二、完型填空There was once a strange bird with two heads but only one stomach(胃) The two heads always face _ directions They hated each other and often fought for some small matters One day, one head _ a red fruit on a tree He picked it and began to eat The fruit_ delicious So he said, Its the most delicious fruit I have eaten Hearing this, the second head asked the first head to give him some But the first head _ He said, I eat it, because I saw it The second head didnt know what to say so he kept _ Later that day, the second head saw a pink fruit on another tree Just when he was trying to pick the fruit, the first head shouted, _ ! Its a poisonous(有毒的) fruit The second head didnt _ him He picked the fruit and said, I will eat it, because I saw it The first head felt so_ and cried, Please dont ! Please! _ you eat it, both of us will die All right, the second head said, I make a _ to give up eating the fruit But when you find something nice next time,give me some The story tells us: No one can live alone We must learn to share21 . AwrongBsameCopposite22 . AnoticedBcheckedClooked23 . AsmeltBtastedCsounded24 . AagreedBheardCrefused25 . AsilentBcarefulCnervous26 . ALook forBLook outCLook up27 . Ahear fromBlisten toCcare for28 . AfrightenedBexcitedCloud29 . AThoughBUntilCIf30 . AsuggestionBdecisionCmessage三、阅读单选Spring cleaning is a tradition in America. People clean up and tidy up their houses in springtime.Before the invention of the electricity(电),people used a lot of coal and wood in winter to heat their houses. Those things left behind a lot of dust(灰尘)on everything in the rooms. At that time,people always welcomed spring because when the weather started getting warmer, they could stop using coal and wood and get everything cleaned up. Later spring cleaning became a tradition.Nowadays we dont use coal and wood so at the end of winter our houses are not dirtier than they were in the past. People dont need to remove a lot of dust.However, they have a new problem-clutter. Today the spring cleaning for most family is mainly about tidying up some useless things at home.Truly, the importance of the tradition of spring cleaning today is different from it was in the past, but it is as important as it was in the past . Now, in springtime,people clean up their houses, yards and gardens. At the same time, they spend much time in looking for the things that they dont love any more or they dont use any more. They collect old clothes,old toys, old books and some other useless or old things and then throw away or donate them.This helps people enjoy what they have and their homes more.So people nowadays should not give up this tradition. Always follow the tradition.31 . In the past,during the process(过程)of_,a lot of dust appeared in peoples houses.Acooking mealsBlighting the roomsCmaking electricityDmaking the houses warm32 . The second paragraph mainly tells us_.Awhy people welcomed the coming of the springBwho started the tradition of spring cleaningChow the tradition of spring cleaning beganDwhat people in the past did to make their houses clean33 . The underlined word “clutter”in the third paragraph means“”.Athings that are importantBthings that are usefulCthings that are not cleanDthings that are not necessary or are not being used34 . _is the main task of spring cleaning nowadays.ACleaning up the houses ,gardens and yardsBRemoving the dust in the housesCThrowing away or donating old or useless thingsDPacking thick winter clothes.四、句型转换句型转换35 . The boy spent a lot of time playing computer games(改为同义句)It _ the boy a lot of time _ computer games36 . They invited me to go to their party(改为被动语态)I _ go to their party37 . Computers are used to do many things(改为主动语态)People _ computers _ many things38 . Would you please tell me how I can solve such a problem?(改为简单句)Would you please tell me _ such a problem?39 . Mike didnt come to school yesterdayHe was ill(合并成一句)Mike didnt come to school yesterday _ he was ill五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写40 . Look at the dark clouds! Im c_ that itll rain soon.41 . This is not r_. Its only a dream.42 . She got on the bus, took a s_ and started to read a newspaper.43 . I didnt e_ him to come to my party, but actually he did.44 . Would you m_ if I open the window?六、用单词的正确形式完成句子luckily how often unless sorry sound invite cheer visit disagree importance must answer give up worried about exciting45 . _do you surf the Internet?About twice a week.46 . Whose pencil box is this?It_be Toms. It has his name on it.47 . Im busy with my schoolwork these days.Thats great! You wont get good grades_you work hard.48 . What do you think of my answer?It_correct.49 . Lets visit the sick children in hospital and_them up.OK, lets go.50 . I think we can go without her.I_.She is of great help to us.51 . Do you practice how to escape from dangers every term?Of course. Our school pays much attention to the_of safety.52 . I called you yesterday evening, but nobody_.Oh, Im cooking at that time.53 . What happened outside just now?A car hit a man._, the man wasnt badly hurt.54 . Mom, Im afraid I cant win the competition.Believe in yourself, my boy, and tell yourself not to_.55 . Eric, please turn down the music. Lucy is sleeping._,Ill do it right away.56 . Have they found the lost flight MH370?Not yet. Im really_the people on the plane.57 . Do you know that Mrs. Obama came to China with her mother and two daughters?Yes. And it is their first_to China.58 . What do you think of the movie The X-man?It is so_that Id like to see it again.59 . Did you go to Lindas birthday party, Jill?No. I wasnt _.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词得适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词)own, sell, northern, especial, China, different, south, potato, live, unusualChina covers large areas and has a great population. Different 60 . habits have always been an interesting topic in the country. Recently, another61 . between northerners and southerners became a hot one: the way they shop at markets.People from 62 . China say they always buy what they need for just one or two meals. It is normal for them to buy half of a Chinese cabbage, two63 . and 0.25kilograms of beef at a time. However, one may be laughed at if he does this in the north. Instead, buying vegetables and meat enough for a week is64 . reported China Daily.Also, you can buy a very small amount of fruit, such as a single apple or pear, each time in the south. Shop 65 . even help you peel and cut them. But shop owners in the north hardly offer such service. And many fruits are 66 . in baskets and boxes.The difference could be due to the different climate. Food can be kept for a long time in the 67 . ,as it is usually cold and dry there. Many northerners have the habit of stocking up(囤货)on food, 68 . for the long winter. But the hot and wet. weather in the south makes southern69 . buy just enough food for one meal or one day, or the food may go bad.八、单词填空Hello, boys and girls! Do you like going to the movies? Most of the students like 70 . very much. Last Monday I went to a middle school and asked some students71 . their favorite movies. Some of their 72 . ( answer) were really interesting. Here are their likes and73 . (like ).Tom, 74 . eleven-year-old boy, likes watching thrillers because they are scary 75 . exciting. His classmate, Jim, cant stand documentaries. He says they are 76 . parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. Rick is a big boy. He says he doesnt mind77 . (watch) documentaries. But he doesnt like comedies because they are boring.And 78 . ( cool) movies of all are action movies. Everyone 79 . ( enjoy) watching them九、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Whether from the novels, TV shows or movies, everyone knows Sherlock Holmes. His stories are among the most read material in the world, behind only the Bible(圣经)and the dictionary.The famous detective stories were written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Though he studied medicine and managed to practise it, writing became his pleasure in life and made him famous all over the world. In addition to his gift in writing detective stories, he had a medical background that enabled him to be of service during wars and journeys to both Antarctica and Africa.During his university years, Doyle found his studies dull but loved watching his unusual teachers. One of these was Dr. Joseph Bell, who liked to observe to find solutions to problems. While Bell could guess peoples jobs just by observing them carefully, he was also cold to his patients. And so Doyles famous Holmes was born-a confident detective with a keen eye but an indifferent(冷漠的)attitude.Doyle began to publish detective stories of Sherlock Holmes in The Strand magazine in 1891 and achieved great success. These exciting and enjoyable adventures attracted the British middle class who lined up to buy magazines and read them. Doyle, however, felt Holmes was blocking his desire to write historical novels and killed him off in 1893. Angry letters and protest failed to bring Holmes back until 8 years later.Holmes continued being popular through new novels, BBCs TV shows and the Robert Downey Jr. films. Some fans are even crazy about Sherlock Holmes. A group of fans called Sherlockians claim(宣称)that Sherlock Holmes was a real person and his stories are historical record. As they work to prove their claims and as books and films about Holmes continue to fill our homes, our favourite detective certainly lives on.80 . Are Sherlock Holmess stories the most read material in the world?_81 . How could Dr. Joseph Bell guess peoples jobs?_82 . Why did Doyle kill Holmes off in 1893?_83 . When did Doyle bring Holmes back to his stories?_84 . What do Sherlockians mainly do to show their love for Sherlock Holmes?They work to prove that _85 . Please give at least two reasons mentioned in the passage that make Sherlock Holmes popular for such a long time._十、话题作文86 . 提示:同学们的日常生活既忙碌充实有丰富多彩。作为一个学生,每个人的生活都应该有规律,你的生活有规律吗?请以My Day 为题写出自己一天的活动。要求:1词数不少于60个;2. 语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计;3书面表达必须写在答题卡上,如在本卷上作答,一律不得分。_第 10 页 共 10 页

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