英语七年级上册Module 2 Unit 3 同步检测卷

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英语七年级上册Module 2 Unit 3 同步检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - How do you like the song Chengdu sung by Zhao Lei?- Oh, I have never enjoyed a _ one before.AworstBbestCworseDbetter2 . In the family photo, my sister is _ the left.AatBinConDto3 . These are my books. Where are ?Atheir B. theirs C. my D. your4 . His mother is friendly_ us.AofBtoConDat5 . Here _ some flowers for you.AamBisCareDbe6 . He wants the Music Club.AjoinBto joinCjoinsDjoining7 . Lang Lang is _ famous pianist. He plays _ piano very well.Aa, theBthe, theCthe, /Da, /8 . We look forward to _ from you soon.AhearBlistenChearingDlistening9 . Taiwan is a beautiful place. It is _ the southeast of China.AinBonCto10 . The fridges are on sale in the supermarket today.Really? Lets go and buy for our new kitchen.AoneBitCthatDthem二、补全短文5选5I will never forget the lesson about my window. Four years ago, I moved to a house in a large town. One of my new neighbors house was only a few feet away from mine.11 . Through one of my windows, I could see her reading by her window every afternoon.A few months later, I found I couldnt see the woman clearly. 12 . I said to myself,“Why doesnt she clean her window? It looks terrible!”One afternoon, I decided to clean my house including (包括) the window.13 . So I sat down by the window for a rest. What a surprise! I could see the woman reading there clearly again! By that time, I knew that my own window was too dirty, not hers! 14 . I had been watching her through my dirty window in the past days!15 . Now I try to clean the window of my heart before judging(评判)others.AI felt tired after three hours of hard work.BI really felt ashamed(羞愧的) for myself.CThere lived a woman.DThe experience is very important for me.EI thought her window was too dirty.三、完型填空My name _ Bill. Im _ English boy. Im twelve. Im a middle school student. Li Lei is my _. Were in the same class. Here is a photo _ his family. Look! This is his _. He is a policeman. His _ is an English teacher. She is a good teacher. Bill has _ sisters. _ are twins(双胞胎). Their _ are Fangfang and Yuanyuan. We are good _, too.16 . AamBisCareDcall17 . AaBanC/Dthe18 . AsisterBdoctorCfriendDteacher19 . AofBinCatDfor20 . AparentsBmotherCgrandparentsDfather21 . AparentsBmotherCgrandparentsDfather22 . AaBoneCtwoDthree23 . AWeBTheyCSheDHe24 . AnameBlast nameCfamily namesDfirst names25 . AfamilyBparentsCfriendsDnames四、阅读单选NameThingColorDalejacketblueHelenpengreenCindyrulerblackBobcupyellow26 . Dale has (有) a _.AjacketBrulerCpen27 . _ has a green pen.ABobBCindyCHelen28 . What color is Cindys (辛迪的) ruler?AGreen.BBlue.CBlack.29 . Bob has a yellow_.AjacketBcupCpen30 . “Thing”的意思是:_.A食品B物品C地点五、句型转换按要求完成句子31 . The girl is fine.(对画线部分提问)_ the girl?32 . Lucys jacket is yellow.(对画线部分提问)_ Lucys jacket?33 . This is a red jacket.(改为同义句)_ is _.34 . That is a white key.(对画线部分提问)_ that?35 . cup, the, is, yellow, red, and(连词成句)_.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子36 . 她的姓不是米勒。Her last name _ Miller.37 . 迈克现在在中国。Mike is _ now.38 . 这是你的QQ号码吗?_ your QQ number?39 . 我的朋友在这所中学教书。My friend teaches in this _40 . 她的电话号码是6356687。_ telephone number _635-6687.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用any, some, a或an补全句子41 . Would you like _ meat?Yes, please, and Id like _ rice.42 . Have you got _meat for dinner?Yes, and we also have got _chicken.43 . Do we have_ fruit?Yes, we have _ banana and _ apple.44 . What do we need to make_ cake?We need_flour(面粉)and_butter(黄油).八、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文, 从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空, 使短文意思完整、通顺。anarehermanandtooofwesistermeCome to meet the family. This is a picture 45 . my family. The46 . is my father. He is a policeman. The woman is my mother, she is47 . English teacher. They have a son48 . a daughter. The son is 49 . . My name is Lin Tao. Im eleven. Im a student. Im at school. The girl in a hat is my50 . .51 . name is Lin Ying. Shes eleven, 52 . . Were twins(双胞胎). We look the same. Were in the same class. I look like her. We53 . good students. 54 . like our family.九、回答问题阅读简答Road accidents keep happening in every city,on every road and at any time. Traffic rules are made to keep order on the road. They can also help to keep the pedestrians(行人)safe. The pedestrian has as many rules to follow as the driver of a car. You should walk on the sidewalk or at the edge of the road. Always look carefully before you walk across the street. If you ride a bike,dont ride in the middle of the road or look around to talk. If you drive,you should slow down at the traffic lights. You must always wear a seat belt(安全带). Without the belts,both the driver and the passengers may be badly hurt in a sudden accident. Traffic rules are also called Road Safety rules. The maxim(格言)for all road users is“Thinking about others. ”55 . Why do people make traffic rules?_56 . Does a pedestrian have many rules to follow?_57 . If you ride a bike on the road, what should you not do according to the passage?_58 . What will happen if you dont wear a seat belt when you drive?_59 . Whats the real meaning of the maxim “Thinking about others”?_第 7 页 共 7 页


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