英语七年级上册Unit 2 School Life Lesson 6 A School Day 同步练习3

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英语七年级上册Unit 2 School Life Lesson 6 A School Day 同步练习3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tom usually goes fishing _ Sunday morning.AinBonCatDfor2 . They often talk _ their homework in the afternoon.AtoBwithCaboutDof3 . What happened _ you _ Friday night?Afor; atBof; inCto; onDto; at4 . Joe has waited _the bus for about ten minutes, but is hasnt come yet.AatBinCforDto二、完型填空Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)School Spirit WeekIn American, if you see a group of students wearing crazy hats or summer T-shirts in the middle of winter, dont be _. They may be celebrating their School Spirit Week (学校精神周). School Spirit Week is a time for students to _ their pride and spirit in their school. School holds it during any week of the year. During the week, students wear school colors and decorate the classrooms. Every day, there is a different theme (主题). This is also students favorite part. They _ different contests and have fun together, The contests include:Twins Day Twins Day is not limited to twins (双胞胎). Students try to find as many classmates as they can and get them to dress in the _ way.Celebrity DayPop stars change every year, but dressing up like one of them is always fun. If students dont have a favorite _, they can dress themselves up by wearing a red carpet gown (礼服) or tuxedo (燕尾服). On this special day, there is a red carpet made of paper at the entrance to the school. Like celebrities, students will pose (摆姿势) for _ as they walk into school.5 . AhappyBinterestedCsurprisedDshy6 . AshowBdropCreplyDorganize7 . Aplay withBtake part inCget on withDlearn from8 . AawfulBdifferentCusefulDsame9 . AcontestBstarCclassmateDshirt10 . ApartiesBteachersCphotosDholidays三、用所给单词的正确形式填空11 . _(one), wash the fruit before you eat.12 . How many _(tomato) do we need for the tomato noodle?13 . She _(need) to break two eggs now.14 . Lets _(sit) down and watch TV.15 . _(not run) in the street. Its dangerous.四、填空Tims Schedulemorningafternoonevening6:00 get up13:00 science18:00 have dinner6:30 have breakfast13:55 PE20:00 go to bde7:00 go to school16:00 play basketball at school8:00 English17:00 go home8:55 maths9:50 Chinese11:00 have lunch at schoolThis is Tims one-day school life. He gets up at 6:00 in the morning, and then has breakfast at16 . past six. At 7:00 he 17 . to school, and he has three classes in the morning. He has 18 . at 11:00 at 19 . In the afternoon he has two classes. At 16:00 he plays basketball and then goes home at 17:00. He has dinner at 18:00 and goes to20 . at 20:00.第 3 页 共 3 页


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