英语七年级上册 Unit 3 基础训练

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英语七年级上册 Unit 3 基础训练姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Sally is a good girl. She often hello to her teachers when they meet.AtalksBtellsCspeaksDsays2 . - _is great fun. It can make us happy.AReadBReadingCReadsDTo reading3 . -_ any English story-books for us students in the library?-Yes, _, but only a few.AIs there, there isBAre there, there areCIs there, they doDAre there, they are4 . There _ any after-school activities tomorrow if there _ too much rain.Aisnt going to be; is going to beBisnt going to have; isCarent going to be; isDarent going to have; is going to be二、补全对话5选5从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。AWhy do they cut down so many trees?BWhat about Joining the Forest Club?CHow can we join the Forest Club?DWhy?EHow can we stop them cutting so many trees?A: What is the weather like in Beijing in winter? B: The wind often blows strongly with a lot of sand.A:5 . B: Because people cut down too many trees every year.A: 6 . B: Because they use wood to make furniture (家具) or make money.A: 7 . B: We can write some articles about trees and put them on the Internet.A:8 . B: Good idea! 9 . A: My brother joined it last year. Lets go and ask him!三、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。10 . Do you have fun _ (watch) TV?11 . I often do the _ (dish) after dinner on weekends.12 . He _ (have) to help his mother with the housework every day.13 . The sign in the library says “No _ (talk)”.14 . We cant be _ (noise) in the classroom. We should follow the rules.15 . _ (not listen) to music in class, Jenny.16 . Before I leave the city, my friend says “Good_ (lucky)” to me.四、完成句子完成句子17 . 从广州坐飞机到北京需要多长时间?_does_ to fly from Guangzhou to Beijing?18 . 李先生曾经是一名作家,如今是一名教师,Mr. Li _ be a writer, and now he is a teacher.19 . 学校去年新建了一座教学楼。A new teaching building _ in our school last year.20 . 我想知道礼堂明天是否有讲座。I wonder _lecture in the hall tomorrow.21 . 天气多好呀!我们去野餐吧!_weather is! Lets go on a picnic.22 . 他跑得太快,我赶不上他.He ran _ fast _I cant catch up with him. 23 . 我不能同时听你们俩说。请一个一来。I cannot listen to both of you_ Please speak one by one.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子24 . - How about _ a birthday party for Amy this evening?- Good idea.25 . There _ a lot of people in the hall now.26 . Tom, with his classmates, often _ football matches at weekends.27 . My brother _ his homework at home.28 . That coat makes the girl _ beautiful.六、材料作文29 . 书面表达写一篇颜色决定人心情的英语短文。包括以下要点:1. 颜色分为冷色和热色;2. 两种颜色的作用;3. 选择颜色的重要性。词数:80左右。_七、其他找出划线部分发音不同的选项。30 . AschoolBtrueCwoodDshoe31 . AunderBcarCbananaDafter32 . AcolourBotherCmustDpollute33 . AonBwantCnotDall34 . AautumnBfourChorseDwash第 5 页 共 5 页


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