英语七年级上册 Unit 6 综合能力检测题

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英语七年级上册 Unit 6 综合能力检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (2017南昌市新建区朕考)We often eat rice_lunch in China.AinBonCforDof2 . Mike often _ hamburgers for breakfast.AhaveBhasCtakesDtake3 . I didnt sleep well last night, because I _ a toothache .AwasBwentChadDtook4 . What do you usually have for_ breakfast?A piece of bread and _egg.Aa; anB/;theCa; theD/; an5 . He is astudent,and he plays the pianoAgood,wellBwell,goodCgood,goodDwell,well6 . My daughters birthday is coming. Im thinking _the food.AtoBaboutCoverDout7 . Is Jack in the library?No, I saw him _ out with some books just now.AgoingBgoCto goDgoes8 . I like _.AstrawberryBstrawberrysCstrawberriesDan strawberry9 . My brother _ an apple.Awant eatBwants eatingCwants to eatDwants eat10 . Maria likes thrillers but she comedies.Anot likeBlikesCdoesnt likeDlike二、补全短文7选5从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)A:Hey,Susan!Do you like vegetables?B:Yes,I do.I think they are healthy.A:11 . B:I like carrots.My father likes them,too.12 . A:No,he doesnt.He likes tomatoes.13 . B:My mother doesnt like vegetables.She likes fruit.14 . A:Oh,I like fruit,too!I like bananas.Do you like them?B:Yes,I do.15 . A:That sounds great!AWhat vegetables do you like?BLets eat some bananas after dinner.CNo,she doesnt.DDo you like hamburgers?EShe likes apples and oranges.FHow about your mother?GDoes your father like carrots?三、完型填空Mary parents buy everything their children want. If they go on(继续) doing so, the children wont know that money_from hard work. When they grow up, they will waste(浪费) money but not_it.Some parents like having birthday parties_their children. If they go on doing so, the children will think they_enjoy birthday parties every year. They may forget their parents birthdays and only remember_Many parents dont let their children do chores. They think children have only one thing_. They should study hard_be good at their lessons. If parents go on doing so, children will think their parents should do_and wont like cleaning the floor or the desk_they find a job. Parents should teach children to do chores because it can make them_and help them like work.16 . AkeepsBleavesCcomesDgoes17 . AsaveBtakeCmakeDcost18 . AwithBwithoutCtoDfor19 . AneedBshouldCmayDwould20 . AtheirsBtheyCthemDthemselves21 . AdoBto doCdidDdoing22 . AbutBalsoCandDso23 . AchoresBhomeworkCshoppingDreading24 . AafterBbeforeCuntilDtill25 . AboredBnervousCsadDhealthy四、阅读单选October 21st,2011Dear Vincent,Im a middle school student in Zhejiang , China. My English teacher , Ms.Li gave me your name and address. I want to be your pen friend.English is my favourite subject.Thats why I want to practise English with an American student. I also like art. Its so interesting and useful.I like history, too. Our history teacher always tells us a lot of interesting historical stories. We all have a good time in history classes.In my free time, I enjoy playing computer games . Its exciting and fun. Do you like it ? I also like to go to the movies. I saw Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows:Part 1 yesterday. It was a great film.But I dont like sports, so I never enjoy P.E.classes.How about you? What subjects do you like? What do you look like? What do you want to do when you get older? I hope I can get your letter soon!Yours,Zhao Gang26 . Zhao Gang wants to have a pen friend , so he can .Aimprove his writingBpractise EnglishCknow more historical storiesDmake Ms.Li happy27 . What subject doesnt Zhao Gang like?AP.E.BEnglishCHistoryDArt28 . Who is Vincent?AZhao Gangs classmateBA middle school student in Zhejiang.CAn American studentDMs Lis student29 . What did Zhao Gang do on October 20 ,2011?AHe played computer gamesBHe wrote a letter to VincentCHe talked to Ms. Li about his pen friendDHe went to the cinema.30 . What does Zhao Gang do in his free time?AHe plays computer games and watches filmsBHe does sportsCHe reads booksDHe sings and dances(题文)Parents today also worry about their childrens diets. Some doctors give the following advice:Teenagers shouldnt eat too much junk food.Teenagers shouldnt eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have little fat.Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their bodies and minds.Teenagers shouldnt eat too much junk food.Teenagers shouldnt eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and have little fat.Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their bodies and minds.31 . (小题1)According to the doctors advice, what does junk food include?AMilk and vitamins.BFruits and sugar.CVegetables and salt.DFat, oil, salt and sugar.32 . (小题2)In this passage, doctors think that teenagers should eat more.Afood with no vitaminsBfat and sugarCvegetables and fruitsDsalt and oil33 . (小题3)The best title for this passage is.ABad HabitsBJunk FoodCUnhealthy FoodDAdvice on Healthy Eating五、句型转换句型转换34 . I would like to buy a new camera.(改为否定句)I_to buy a new camera.35 . She can help you learn Chinese.(改为同义句)She can_ you_ Chinese.36 . Jenny likes singing and dancing.(就划线部分提问)_Jenny_?37 . Its time to go to school. (改为同义句)Its time_.38 . Betty lives alone in the village.(改为同义句)_with Betty in the village.39 . Sam and Charlie can play chess. (改为一般疑问句)_Sam and Charlie_ chess?40 . it, to, a, holiday, going, great, be, is?(连词成句)_六、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41 . Brenda spent all day _(准备) the meal.42 . I have already won the first prize in the city surfing _(比赛).43 . Sun Yang broke the world _(记录) in swimming.44 . My sister is good at maths, but a litter w_(弱) in English.45 . Jack takes an _(积极的) part in volunteers during summer vocations.46 . This young nurse can look after these _(患病的) people very well.47 . He is on the _(国家的) football team.48 . You must be _(小心的) when you go out at night.49 . Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to _(成功).50 . Football is very _ (受欢迎的) with young people.七、完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子)51 . Would you like to stay _(with, at)us during the Christmas?52 . We want to take the visitors to some places of _(interesting, interest).53 . Tourists can see swans _(swim, swimming)on the lake now.54 . Excuse me, may I talk _(to, about)you for a moment?55 . Go along this road and youll find a huge _(open, opening)area.56 . The Great Wall is _(on, in)the north of Beijing.八、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。from time to time, compared to, take photos of, travel around, swimming clothes, all year round57 . Is it hot in that country?Yes. Its very hot _.58 . _ his sister, Paul does his homework more carefully.59 . Jill is worried because she cant find her _.60 . If I have enough money, Ill _ with my best friend.61 . Does Lily always have lunch at school?No. She has lunch at home _.62 . How about _ these tigers with your camera?九、用单词的正确形式完成短文请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。same delicious tomato across from tidy go medium only kind hungryMany people like noodles. There is a noodle house63 . our school. It sells many64 . of noodles. It isnt very big but its very65 . . I often have noodles there because the noodles are66 . . I sometimes eat beef noodles and sometimes eat67 . and egg noodles. These two are my favorite. Yesterday I68 . there with my cousin. He was also my classmate. We were in the69 . class. Usually a70 . bowl was enough for me. But I was too71 . that day, so I wanted a large bowl. How much was a large bowl of noodles? Oh, it was72 . 10 yuan.十、材料作文73 . 根据表格提供的信息,写一篇短文介绍杰克的日常饮食情况。NameJackAge7Breakfasteggs, an orangeLunchhamburgers, broccoli, carrotsDinnerrice, meat, an appleDesserticecream_第 9 页 共 9 页


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