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石家庄市2020年九年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文) The teacher asked the students _.Aif they are interested in dinosaursBwhen was Audery Heben bornCWhat they will do with the computersDhow many trees they had planted2 . Zhengzhou will be more and more convenient when Zhengzhou Subway_ in two years.Ais completedBwill be completedCwill completeDhas completed3 . The population of the world is still gradually every year.ArisingBraisingCrisenDraised4 . -WhenMo Yans Red Sorghum?-In 1986. And it was made into a movie by Zhangyimou.Adid; come outBwill; come outCwas; come outDwas; coming out5 . 80,000 dollars is a large sum of money, but itsthan they want.Amuch moreBvery muchCmuch lessDvery little6 . How long has John been here? Two years, _ he still has no friends.AandBsoCbutDor7 . _I fought with Dan for his rudeness,we havent talked with each other.ASinceBBeforeCWhenDAlthough8 . I _volunteer work with my classmates next Sunday.AdoBwas doingCdidDwill do9 . -_ is your favorite subject, Jack?- Science.AWhatBWhereCWhichDHow10 . _ is my good friend. I often play games with_AShe; sheBHe ; himCHis; he11 . Please email Jack _ jacksmithsinacomAinBatCtoDof12 . Does Jack _ a TV? Yes. He often _ sports programs on TV.Ahas; watchesBhave; watchesChave; watchDhas; watch二、完型填空(题文)Adam Lee is a very popular man in Ottawa. He is not_in sports or the arts. But people in the streets know about him, especially the_.For those people, he is “Gloves Lee”. How did he get that_? He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase(公文包)._hes different . His briefcase always has some gloves.In winter, Mr. Lee walks in the streets, looking around at people. He stops when he_someone without gloves. He gives them a pair and then he moves on, looking for more with cold_.On winter days, Mr.Lee_gloves. During the rest of the year, he buys gloves. People who have heard about him_him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.Mr. Lee began doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor people in the city know him and_his behavior. But people who dont know him are sometimes surprised by him. They dont realize that he just wants to make them happy. A pair gloves may be a_thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.13 . (小题1)Agood BcoolCfamousDkind14 . (小题2)AoldBYoungCrichDpoor15 . (小题3)AJobBnameCchanceDmessage16 . (小题4)AAndBButCOrDBecause17 . (小题5)AhelpsBchoosesCgreetsDsees18 . (小题6)AhandsBfacesCfeetDears19 . (小题7)Ahands inBpicks upCgives awayDputs on20 . (小题8)AcallBSendClendDshow21 . (小题9)AunderstandBdislikeCstudyDexcuse22 . (小题10)AbigBgoodCSmallDuseful三、阅读单选Theres much to see under the sea, but you need to remember that light behaves differently in water than in air. The objects appear closer to you than they exactly are. You might find yourself reaching out to touch something and completely missing it.Objects under water will appear larger than they would on the surface, too. Be careful not to tell any stories about the big fish that got away. That fish might not be so big after all! Its just because sometimes things can seem to be as much as about 33 percent bigger in water!Whats more, in deeper water, colors just dont seem as bright. In fact, it looks as if some colors are missing. Remember the color of an object results from the wavelengths(波长)of light that are reflected(反射)from its surface. And light is taken in as it moves down through the water.Swimmers wear wet suits to keep warm underwater. Lets take a bright red, yellow, and blue wet suit as an example. These colors are hard to miss on the surface of water. Watch carefully the changes in color as you descend in the water. The red part now looks almost black because the red light wavelengths, the longest among these three colors, are missing. As you go down deeper, the same thing will happen to the yellow part and in the end to the blue part. Even at a place of about 6 to 9 meters underwater, you will look terrible, like a ghost(鬼怪)! And you have to wait for your return to the surface to enjoy the bright colors again!23 . You miss the object underwater when you want to touch it because .Ayour eyesight is quite poorByou are not quick enoughCit is not as close as it seemsDit disappears very quickly24 . The example of the wet suit is used to explain the change of of an object underwater.Athe sizeBthe colorCthe positionDthe weight25 . The underlined word “descend” probably means in Chinese in this passage.A上升B漂浮C屏息D下潜26 . Which of the following is TRUE?AA four-meter-long fish looks three meters long underwater.BThe wavelengths of red light are longer than those of blue light.CMuch water will be taken in by the swimmer deep in the water.DYou will see a ghost if you go as deep as 6 to 9 meters into the sea.27 . The best title of this passage is .AThe Standard of Color UnderwaterBThe Direction of Light UnderwaterCThe Brightness of Color UnderwaterDThe Behavior of Light UnderwaterSophies WorldSeveral days went by without any word from the philosophy(哲学)teacher. Tomorrow was Thursday, May 17-Nowways National Day. School would be closed on the 18th as well. As they walked home after school, Joanna suddenly said, “Lets go camping! ”Sophies immediate reaction(反应)was that she couldnt be away from the house for long. But then she said, “Sure, why not?A couple of hours later, Joanna arrived at Sophies door with a large backpack. Sophie had packed hers as well, and she also had a tent.When Sophies mother got home around five oclock, she gave them a sermon (指导)about what they must and must not do. She also insisted on knowing where they were going to set up camp.They told her they planned to head for Grouse Top. They might be lucky enough to hear the mating call of the grouse(松鸡)next morning.Sophie had a secret motive(动机)for choosing that particular spot. She thought that Grouse Top must be pretty close to the majors cabin(少校的木屋). Something was driving her to return to it, but she didnt dare to go alone. he two girls walked down the path that led from the little cul-de-sac(street open at one end only)just beyond Sophies garden gate. They chatted about this and that, and Sophie enjoyed taking a little time off from everything having to do with philosophy.By eight oclock they had set up their tent in the open air by Grouse Top. They had prepared themselves for the night. When they had eaten their sandwiches, Sophie asked, “Have you ever heard of the majors cabin?“The majors cabin?“There is a but in the woods somewhere near here. by a little lake. A strange man lived there once, a major.”“Does anyone live there now?“Do you want to go and see?Joanna was not full of interest, but in the end they set out. The sun was low in the sky.28 . Both Joanna and Sophie decided to _during their holiday.Aplay games onlineBgo to the cinemaCvisit their friendsDgo camping29 . How did Sophies mother feel about their plan?ASurprised.BSatisfied.CWorried.DRegretted.30 . What can we know from the passage?ATheir holiday would last more than a week.BThey talked a lot about philosophy on the road.CJoanna wouldnt go to the majors cabin with Sophie.DSophie had probably been to the majors cabin before.My favourite book is AFriend like Henry. Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism(孤独症).When I feel sad, my best friend gives me the book. It cheers me up. -Li MeiReading in the holiday is an interesting thing. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favourite book. Its about a captains travel under the sea. The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic. This book can make you relaxed.-TonyI like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although Im a foreigner from Sydney. I cant wait to tell the story The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It taught me a lot about the three kingdoms(王国)of Wei, Shu and Wu. If you are interested in history, don t miss it. -BobIn my opinion, The Little Prince is the best one. In this book, a young prince falls to Earth from a small planet and experiences a lot. It s not just a fiction story, but tells us about the correct values. -Mary31 . When Li Mei felt,her friend gave her the book AFriend like Henry.AhappyBsadCboredDlonely32 . We can learn a lot aboutfrom The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.AtravelingBhistoryCscienceDfriendship33 . Mary thinks The Little Prince is the best because.Ait has fantastic picturesBit can deal with her autismCit tells about the correct valuesDit can make everyone relaxed.阅读选择阅读短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C,三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。The sun is huge, hot and bright. It is important because nothing can live without it. The sun gives us light and heat.All living things need light and heat from the sun to live. Plants need light and heat to grow. They use the light from the sun to make food. We cannot make our own food, but plants can. All the food we eat comes from plants in a food chain(食物链) and it starts with the sun. For example, animals need sun-light, too. Just like us, their food comes from a food chain. The food chain begins with the sun and the plants.Sunlight means we can see during the day. If there was no sun, it would be dark all the time. Even when the sky is cloudy, the sunlight is very strong and it shine through the clouds.34 . What are the two main things the sun gives us?ALight and heat.BHeat and eggs.CCorn and light.35 . We can still see during the day when it is cloudy because _.Awe can see all day and all night.Bthe sun cant give us light all day long.Cthe sun light can shine through the clouds.36 . All the food we eat comes from _. And it starts with the _.Aplants; earthBa food chain; sunCfood; sun37 . _ can live without the sun.AMenBPotatoesCNothing38 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe Sun.BA Food chain.CLiving Things.四、回答问题阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。We see them everywhere on boxes of food, on packages and on CDs. They, of course, are bar codes. The invention of bar codes has changed the way we shop and how companies learn where their products are.It was two university students from America, Bernard Silver and Norman Woodland, who first got theidea of bar codes. In 1948, they heard that the president of a food company was looking for a way to easily get information about what was being sold to customers. They tried to help by using a code system. They invented a large electronic reader to read the codes. However, computers couldnt easily record the data that was read.Then, in the 1960s, David Collins made important developments in bar codes. He developed a system for recognizing train carriages. In order to develop the recognition system for other kinds of businesses, Collins started his own company. In 1969, Collinss company put a bar code reading system in a car factory, showing that bar codes could be useful.Shortly after Collins started his company, an American electronic company called RCA also saw the potential (潜力) of bar codes to help businesses. RCAssystem, which recorded how much of a product was sold, was not perfect. Since bar codes were not common, not all products had them and different companies used different codes. Then, Woodland helped develop the Universal Product Code (UPC), which gave every product a code that included information about the manufacturer and the kind of product being sold. This made bar codes much more practical.In addition to shops, hospitals use bar codes to recognize patients by giving them cards with bar codes on them. Libraries use bar codes to record which books have been lent, and airports use them to find out where bags are going. Bar codes have made life much easier and simpler.39 . What changed the way we shop?40 . Who first got the idea of bar codes?41 . Why did Collins start his own company?42 . What do hospitals use bar codes to do?43 . What is the passage mainly about?五、话题作文44 . 请以“We act, we improve”为题写一篇短文,谈谈中学生除了学习课本知识之外,还应该做什么?短文应包括以下内容:1.学会自立,诚实友善,举止文明;2.培养习惯,发展兴趣,不断创新;3.关心他人,和谐相处,懂得感恩;4.要求:1.所写内容必须包含所给要点,可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实校名和姓名;3.词数:80100词,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。We act, we improveAs students, its our duty to study hard. But to be a good middle school student, I think we have a lot of things to do六、书信作文45 . 假如你是李华,你们学校将在周五组织学生去上方山参加实践活动(social practice),请你用英文给交换生Peter写一封信,邀请他参加,告诉他乘车的时间和地点,以及需要做什么准备。提示词语:the school gate, climb the mountains, sports shoes, camera提示问题:When and where are you going to wait for the bus?What should Peter prepare for it?Dear Peter,How is it going? Im writing to tell you something about the coming social practice in Shangfangshan this Friday. Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua第 10 页 共 10 页


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