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合肥市2020年八年级第二学期第一次月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We _ have a big dinner with my grandparents in Guangzhou Restaurant this New Years Eve.Aare going toBwill be going toCare going to beDwill going to be2 . live in very dry places. They can live without water for a long time.AMonkeysBCamelsCPandasDGiraffes3 . _ he is ill. So he _ at home now.AMay be; may beBMaybe; may beCMaybe; may4 . I _to do well in the exam, but I still failed it .Amade an effortBmade a effortCtry an effortDtry an effort5 . Jim went swimming with his parents yesterday afternoon._.ASo did MaryBSo was MaryCSo Mary doesDSo Mary did6 . The shop _ at 7:30 am and closed at 10:00 pm every day.AopenBis openCopenedDopens7 . An _ boy has to _ the river to go to school every day.A11 years old, crossB11-year-old, go acrossC11-years-old, crossD11 year old, go across8 . Did you make a decision at the meeting?No.Everyone had a different _ about the plan.We need to have another discussion.AopinionBinterestCmemberDrelation9 . -What happened to Marc?-He fell_the bike_a snowy morning.Aoff,inBdown,atCoff, onDover,in10 . -Do you have any difficulty _ the work?- No.AfinishBto finishCfinishingDfinished11 . They devoted as much as they could _ the children in poor areas.Ato helpingBhelpCto helpDhelped12 . -Andy wins the first place! -Really? Sounds _ to believe.Atoo goodBgood enoughCso goodDquite good13 . Peter likes pop music, but _ his father _ his mother likes it.Aboth; andBnot only; but alsoCneither; norDeither; or14 . Dont _ our hopes. Things will go well soon.Sorry, I wont. We should learn to be brave when were in difficulties.Acheer upBgive upCgive awayDgive out15 . Jim often gets_ school at eight and gets _ home at fiveA; Bto; toC; toDto; 16 . _ is this blue skirt?Its seven dollars.AHow oldBHow much CWhat17 . My mother wants me vegetables every day.Ato eatBeatingCeatDeats18 . You look.Can you tell me why you are so happy?Sure. I saw an movie just now. It has great fun.Aexcited ;excitedBexciting; excitingCexciting; excitedDexcited ;exciting19 . Germany is _European country and Korea is _Asian country.Aan, anBa, aCa, anDan, a20 . When the father heard from his son from abroad, he became _.AexcitingBhappilyChappinessDexcited二、阅读单选I once had a hard time making a living in France. Three years ago, I moved to a new neighborhood and felt an intense(强烈的) need to meet people so I went to the cinema. Outside the cinema was a woman with long gray hair who had a strong smell and was asking for money. I reached for my wallet to give her a Euro and then something made me stop and enter into conversation with her. I said, “Look, all the women going to the cinema here on a Tuesday night are seeing a film that can change your life. Id rather buy you a ticket than give you money.”She hesitated(犹豫) for a moment and then came in with me. She hid behind me because, she said, the people running the theater didnt like her. I got her a ticket and she sat next to me. There were about 80 women there; I noticed some of them were turning around and looking at me with expressions of surprise and curiosity(好奇心).I encouraged the woman I had bought the ticket for to come the following night to an event where there would be many representatives(代表) of various social services. I thought they could be of some help to her. She did come and I was able to direct her to an agency that helped women in her situation. At the same time, a woman came toward me and said, “Are you the person who bought a ticket for the woman outside the theater asking for_When I said yes she said, “I want you to come to the community center where I work. I want the other employees there to meet you.”This was the beginning of a deep friendship and colleague relationship. I now have a great job and have more work than Ive ever had in my 20 years in France. And the woman I took to the cinema that night? I learned that she was not homeless and that she was a secretary.21 . In what order did the following events happen?a. Some of the women turned around and looked at the author in surprise.b. The author went to the cinema to meet some people.c. The woman accepted the ticket and sat next to the author in the cinema.d. The author got a job in the community center.e. A woman came to the author and asked her a question.Ab, a, c, d, eBc, e, a, b, dCb, c, a, e, dDb, c, d, a, e22 . Why did the woman hide behind the author when going into the cinema?AShe wanted to see a film without a ticket.BHer body gave out a pleasant smell.CShe was afraid of being caught by the clerk on duty.DShe was not welcome to see the film there.23 . The underlined word “handouts” in the third paragraph refers to something “_”Athat is given to a poor personBthat people use as a giftCthat people enjoy eatingDthat is difficult to get24 . What is the main idea of the text?AWhy the author had a hard time in France.BHow the author changed a womans life and got a job.CKindness is necessary sometimes.DGetting a job is not so easy.Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses to school and back home. Most of the time, the school buses are very safe for them. But sometimes they are also danerous.Several years ago, a serious accident happened to a nine seat minibus in November in Gansu. There were 62 children inside, and 21 of them died.What should we do to keep us safe on the road? First, we should wait for the school bus on time at the right place when we are going to school or coming back home. Second, we shouldnt run or fight on the bus when it is going. Third, we mustnt try to get off when it is noving. Last, dont get on the bus if it is overloaded(超载).Our govemment(政府)also makes rules for school buses. Under the new rules, school buses have a speed limit of 80km per(每)hour on highways and 60km per hour on normal roads. While on the road, other cars must let school buses go first.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内25 . About children go to school every day in China.A200 thousandB200 millionC800 thousandD800 million26 . How many children were in the nice seat minibus when the accident happened?A21.B60.C62.D80.27 . What does the underlined word “limit” mean in Chinese?A限制B倡议C停止D维修28 . Which is TRUE according to the passage?ASchool buses are always safe.BWe can wait for the school bus at any places.CIts dangerous to get off a but when it is moving.DSchool buses have a speed limit of 80km per hour on normal roads.29 . This passage mainly tells us .Aother cars must let school buses go firstBwe cant get on the bus if it is overloadedCtwenty one children died in the sccidentDwhat we should do to keep safe on the roadIt was a hot summer day. My dad and I were getting ready to go out for a ride on the boat. Just then the phone call came, the call changed that sunny and beautiful day into a cold and dark one.When I saw my father answering the phone, he was crying. Id never seen my dad cry before. My heart sank. What possibly could happen?“Max, Im so sorry,” I heard him say. Thats when it hit me. I knew that Suzie had died.Max has been my dads best friend for years. Suzie, his daughter, had a serious illness. She knew she was different from other kids. Although she couldnt live a normal life, she was still happy.When Suzie and I were little girls, we spent quite a bit of time together. When Suzie was ten, she had to live in a hospital. About eight months before she died, we talked at least twice a week on the phone until the end. Suzie was always so excited to talk to me and wanted to know everything I did and every thing I ate.When Suzie and I first started calling each other, I thoughtitwould be more of a burden on me, but I was completely wrong. I learned so much from her. She gave me more than I could ever give her. I will never forget her or the talks we had. I now know that I must never take anything for granted, especially my health and the gift of life.30 . That phone call on a summer day made the author very _.A. sad B. dark C. cold D. disappointed31 . Which of the following is Not true?A. The authors day had never cried before.B. Max was the best friend of the authors dad.C. Suzie was in bad health, so she was always unhappy.D. Suzie enjoyed talking to the author on the phone.32 . The underlined word “it” probably refers to _.A. all the talks between Suzie and the author on the phoneB. Suzies serious illnessC. Suzies deathD. the first talk between Suzie and the author on the phone33 . Which is the best title for the passage?A. The Gift of Life B. A Cold Dark DayC. Suzies Death D. My Friend SuzieNancy is an English school girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Nancy likes him very much. Today is Sunday. Nancy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pencil-box and opens it. “Oh, dear! Wheres my pen?” She cant find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom. “John! I cant find my pen. Can you see Oh, what are you doing with my pen?” “Im writing to my friend, Peter.” John answers. “But how can you? You dont know how to write.” “It doesnt matter. Peter cant read.” John says. 根据短文内容选择正确答案:34 . How old is Nancys brother? AFiveBFourCSixDThree35 . _ cant find her pen. ANancyBPeterCJohnDFriend36 . Which is not right? ANancy finds her pen in Johns room. BJohn cant write. CJohn is writing with her sisters pen. DPeter can read.37 . Where is John? AIn the school.BIn a shop CIn his bedroom.DIn her fathers car38 . John and Peter are _. AfriendsBEnglishCat homeDschool girls三、用单词的正确形式完成句子五、词语短语填空(提示:有一个多余选项)wear make friends taste do the dishes sure put onwear make friends taste do the dishes sure put on39 . He is an outgoing student so its easy for him to _ in his class.40 . This orange has a sweet _.41 . We have to _ the school uniforms at school.42 . Shes _ of winning the game.43 . He often helps his mother _.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于2个单词)。Theres one language that people use in every country. People, young and44 . , short and tall, use it very often. Its 45 . (everybody) second languagesign(手势) lan-guage.46 . you wave your hand in the street, you are saying “hello” to your friend. When you put up your hand in class, you are47 . (tell) the teacher that you know the answer 48 . the question. When a policeman 49 . (want) to stop cars or buses in the street, he raises his hand. All of50 . (they) are using sign language. In some51 . (place), you have to use sign language to talk with others. For example, when you are swimming with your friends, you can have a talk under water by52 . (use) sign language.53 . an interesting language!Dont you think so?五、通知54 . 书面表达。这周末,一些志愿者将来你们社区开展一些活动。请你根据提示给居民们写一张告示,介绍活动的内容。词数60左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要点:1他们会许多技能,将帮我们解决各种问题;2他们中的一些人是画家,将为我们画画;一些人擅长电脑,将告诉我们怎样处理一些简单的电脑问题;一些人是医生,如果我们感觉不舒服,可以从他们那里得到帮助;3他们都很乐意给我们出主意。NoticeSome volunteers will come to our neighbourhood this weekend._Sunshine Community Centre第 9 页 共 9 页

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