南昌市2019-2020学年英语九年级上册Unit 2 Great mindsB卷

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南昌市2019-2020学年英语九年级上册Unit 2 Great mindsB卷_第1页
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南昌市2019-2020学年英语九年级上册Unit 2 Great mindsB卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They_ to give any further information to help the police. They helped a lot.AdeniedBavoidedCchoseDadmitted2 . I like soft and gentle music. It _ niceAtastesBlooksCsoundsDfeels3 . How often do you_ English to practice your pronunciation?Every day.AreadBwatchClookDsee4 . Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! Thank you. I bought it two days ago. It _ me $50.AtookBcostCpaidDspent5 . The man _ on the ground and _ that he had _ the money on the desk.Alied ; lay; laidBlaid; lied; layClied; lied; laidDlay; lied ; laid6 . What are you listening to?A song by Huo Zun. It _ beautiful.AtastesBsoundsClooksDsmells7 . Could you please tell me the way to the post office?I need some _.AbooksBdictionariesCstampsDmoney8 . Pauls parents were worried that he_too much time on computer games.AspentBcostCpaidDtook9 . The land in the southwest of China is in great need of _. Yes,it hasnt rained for a long time.AcoffeeBjuiceCwaterDtea10 . Which of the following is the traditional Chinese Musical instrument? ABCD11 . Its hot today. Why not go for a swim?_. Lets go.AGood ideaBThats rightCNot at allDWell done12 . What a wonderful _ it is! You look lovely.Thanks. I took it in Paris last year.AphotoBwatchCstampDbook13 . You use the _for typing in information.AdiskBmouseCkeyboardDmonitor14 . Prices have been _by almost 50 percent. So it is wise to buy daily things and store shem for use.AenjoyedBproducedCavoidedDreduced15 . It _ them about one hour to get to the center of the city by underground.AusedBpaidCspentDtook二、完型填空Have you ever heard of the word “Internet Plus”? Have you ever download things conveniently _ the help of free Wifi? Have you bought things easily through online shopping just at home?Nowadays Internet is here and there, and we cant leave without it even for a minute. For example, we use Internet to buy what we want more and more, because it is not only convenient but also _ than the shops in the super shopping malls. Whats more, Internet is becoming more and more popular in big _. Without Internet, it is impossible for the office workers to communicate easily. They use MSN or _ chatting ways to talk online and send e-mails or messages quickly and instantly. They can hold online meetings or video talks immediately. It even created a new work style _ “SOHO”, because the workers in this style can work at home _ their workplaces.Internet brings us not only money, but also time. It also changes the way of our living styles. Internet offers us free pictures, music, games and different kinds of _ we need or whatever we can imagine. If a person does not know how to use the Internet, I think he _ a colorful and fantastic world._, every coin has two sides. Since Internet appears, people have felt the distance among them is becoming larger and larger, and many children cant study well because they _ themselves in the online games.In a word, although Internet influences our life greatly and widely, we must use it properly and smartly.16 . AinBonCwithDwithout17 . AfasterBcheaperCexpensiveDeasier18 . AschoolsBhospitalsCfarmsDcompanies19 . AotherBothersCthe otherDanother20 . AnameBnamedCnamingDnames21 . AinsteadBout ofCinstead ofDbecause of22 . AstoriesBinformationCjobsDdreams23 . AmissesBlikesCgetsDenjoys24 . ASoBHoweverCButDAnd25 . AfindBneedCteachDlose三、阅读单选You can see people in films have a white Christmas in England or in the USA. But Christmas in Australia is very different. It is very hot.Christmas(Dec. 25) comes at the hottest time of the year in Australia. The temperature can be over 40 in some cities! Because it is so hot, people usually have lunch outside and swim in the pool during Christmas. They also meet all their family members for Christmas lunch. Christmas lunch is usually a big meal of ham, turkey, salad and seafood. Family members all cook something different to bring to the beg meal. One year my aunt even made a gingerbread house(姜饼屋) that we ate for dessert!The sport of cricket(板球) is very popular in Australia. So during Christmas, family members also play a game of cricket in the backyard.Australia may not have a white Christmas, but it is still a very exciting and fun time of the year.26 . When Christmas comes, it is very _ in Australia.AcoldBsnowyChotDcool27 . What is very popular in Australia during Christmas?ACricket.BBasketball.CVolleyball.DSwimming.28 . Which of the following will you NOT see during Christmas in Australia?ASwimming.BOutdoor lunch.CCricket game.DWhite snow.29 . Which is true?AThey just have a picnic in their backyard.BThey buy some Chrismas food on the Internet.CThey cook different food and bring them together.DThey go to restaurants and have a great meal there.30 . What is the best title(标题) for this passage?ASports in Australia.BFood in Australia.CChristmas in Australia.DFamilies in Australia.Lots of kids love video games. In fact, they like them so much that they might hear something like this from mom or dad: “Enough! Stop and find something else to do!”It can be good advice. Studies show that video games can be good for hand-eye skills, problem-solving(解决问题的) skills, and the minds ability(能力). But too much video game playing can cause health problems.Its hard to get enough active play and exercise if youre always inside playing video games. And without enough exercise, kids can become overweight.Really too much video games playing also can be bad for kids friendship and school grades.But heres the good news, playing games some of the time can be OK. Just for no more than 1 or 2 hours a week and choose good games.Whats a good game? That depends on how old you are. Your mom or dad can help choose some which is good for you. If you can choose one to make yourself better and make progress(进步), thats even better.As a teenager(青少年), you might challenge(挑战) your mom, dad or even your grandma to play with them or try some cartoons. By doing so, you can improve(提高) friendship with them and even make them feel good. But most teenagers dislike to do so. They prefer to play alone or with friends. But to be honesty(坦白说), this really makes a great difference.Theres a lot of discussion(讨论) these days about video games. Parents and teachers want to know how to help kids to choose good games.31 . Studies show that for kids video games are _.AharmfulBhelpfulCtiringDnecessary32 . Its _ for school children to play too many video games.AgoodBfriendlyCbadDlonely33 . Children can choose good games with the help of _.Atheir parentsBtheir friendsCthe teachersDthe computer34 . The problem about playing video games is _.Awhat to do with school workBhow to plan their play time wellCwhat to do with their friendshipDhow to help choose good games四、填写适当的单词补全句子用适当的介词填空35 . Lets go to check the time_ trains.36 . Mike uses the computer to search _information.37 . Remember to send an email_me.38 . What about talking_us in Chinese?39 . _ the evening, we go to bed very late.40 . I often listen_ music on the Internet.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空41 . We went_(camp) in a small village yesterday.六、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词):If you thought you could protect yourself on the web by lying about your personal details, youd better think again. In online communication at least, entering untrue details about name or age may no longer prevent others from working out exactly w42 . you are.Microsoft is developing a new software that could accurately guess your name, your age, your s43 . and possibly even your location.Many studies show that there are strong relationship between the websites that people visit and their personalities. For example, 74% of women try to get some information about health and medical information online, while only 58% of men do. The software could use a wide series of such details to make a good guess about their ID from a p44 . browsing history.So far the software can only guess your age and other information with any accuracy, but the research team say they expect to be able to “predict(预测)your job, and perhaps your location one day.”However, Ross Anderson, a computer security engineer at the University of Cambridge,thinks the i45 . could put Microsoft in big trouble. “I think it h46 . if Microsoft were to sell such software widely. It may provide opportunity for someone to make a mistake or even to commit a crime.七、汉译英:整句翻译下列词、短语和句子。Translate the following words, phrases and sentences.47 . 邀请_48 . 讲座,演讲_49 . 大学_50 . 听众,观众_51 . 苍白的_52 . 成就,成绩_53 . 凭记忆_54 . 处于困境_55 . 她迟到了,被要求解释迟到的理由。_56 . 开车送你回家是我的荣幸。_57 . 我要做充分的准备,不能让听众失望。_58 . 我已经听过你的多次演讲,都能背诵一些了。_59 . 你上网查询我们火车开车时间。_60 . 这个很难的问题使得爱因斯坦脸色变得苍白。_61 . 她主动提车开车送我去机场。_第 8 页 共 8 页

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