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福州市2020年(春秋版)八年级上学期开学考试英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Hi, everybody! This is Jim, our new classmate._.AThank youBThats OKCWelcome to our classDNever mind2 . _?Very well, thanks.AHow are youBHow do you doCWhere are youDWhat are you doing3 . _ is Toms favorite teacher?Mr.Wang.AWhenBHowCWhoDWhere4 . Janes dad is getting old, so she has go back home to see him _ its convenient.AbecauseBwheneverCalthoughDunless5 . What about this pink skirt,madam?This one is really beautiful. I will buy it_its a little expensive.AthoughBbutCbecauseDand6 . Its a good idea to _ these new words in the dictionary if you cant guess their meanings.Acut upBput upClook upDgive up7 . Listen! The little girl _ a song over there (在那边). She _songs there every Sunday morning.Asinging; singBsings; singsCis singging; singsDis singing; sings8 . Japan is not _European country, but _island country.Aa; aBthe; theCa; anDan; an9 . Shall we go on a trip to Suzhou Amusement Park next month? AYes, we shouldBThats a good ideaCOf courseDNot bad10 . My friend John is a quiet boy, but he is_in class, he speaks good English.AfriendlyBactiveCshyDafraid11 . -What can I do for you?-I hope I have a nice house _ a big garden.AofBwithCfromDabout12 . My grandfather is _ . He often exercises.AkindBhealthCfineDfunny13 . AThursdayBearlyCSaturday14 . My listening is very poor. Can you give me some_? Of course.AadviceBmessagesCinformationDsuggestion15 . _do you learn English so well?_chatting with my pen pal in America online.AHow; WithBWhat; WithCHow; ByDWhat; By二、补全短文5选5Time passes by as usual, nothing is able to stop it. New term is going to start only five days away. 16 . The earliest wake-up was at 8:00am. But the only change I have made this vacation was my growing interest in movies. Perhaps I got mature(成熟).This vacation, I used to stay in balcony(阳台), humming an English song and enjoying a cup of tea. I liked wind to blow over my ears, to be bathed in the sunshine with my eyes closed. 17 . I thought I was no longer a child, but the idea was changed when a book said: The one who is able to think independently(独立地) and responsible for his future is no more a child. So, I am still a child seeking my way ahead in the dark.18 . Every baby is a condemned prisoner but on probation. But during your lifetime, you can make your life extraordinary(非凡的), or spend a common life and face death calmly. I hope my life will be different and meaningful.19 . Now I can take care of myself and in the future I am able to live on my own. Only through difficulties can an eagle fly as high as possible.In a sense, it will be my most common and unforgettable vacation in my lifetime. 20 . 根据材料内容将下列各句还原到文中,并将其标号填入题后横线上。AThis vacation, I liked to dream and recall things.BThis vacation, I also learnt to live and work independently.CThis vacation, I learnt too much, and understood a lot. DThis vacation, I had a deeper understanding of life and death.E. This vacation, I took neither any extra training courses nor hobby classes.三、完型填空There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n) _ came and said, “Oh, give me a blank(空白的) wall in your palace and let me _ a picture on it. It will be more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before.” The king happened to have a big new hall. So he _ the artist to work on one of the walls.At the same time, another artist came and said, “Oh, King! Please allow me to work on the _ wall. I shall make exactly what that man makes on the wall _looking at his work,” The king decides to give this young man a chance.The following day they began to work. The first artist brought in some common things, like paint, oil, water and so on. The second one came with a _ and a bucket(桶).A month later, they both finished the works. The king went to _ the first artists wall. It was great. He was _ with it and gave the artist a lot of money. He went to the second man the same painting was on the opposite wall. The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money. However, he _ how the second man had made it.“I just polished the wall with the cloth,” the man said. The wall was made of white marble(大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. The reflection(倒影) of the first painting showed up on it!It is said the _ is a reflection of you, too. If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy, the world will be happy.21 . AmusicianBartistCserverDactress22 . AputBcopyCpaintDget23 . AallowedBrealizedCwarnedDdecided24 . AsameBsimilarCoppositeDcommon25 . AwithBunderCuponDwithout26 . AmirrorBclothCstickDpencil27 . AseeBtouchCresearchDcover28 . AbusyBcrossCpopularDpleased29 . AknewBnoticedCwonderedDagreed30 . AstoryBworldCkingDpainter四、阅读单选It happens to all of us. It is the end of the term and your teacher gives you your report card. You look at it and your heart stops because you realize that your parents are going to be very angry. This is the classic case of a bad report card! There is nothing you can do to change the past. So, what can you do now?Grades are how most schools evaluate(评价)students and they are pretty important. The problem is that we do not always get good grades we (or our parents) want. After a bad report card, it is important to figure out what to do next. The first thing to do is to talk to your teacher. Find out how your grades are calculated(计算). Is the problem a bad test, lack of participation(参与)in class, or a failure to complete homework? Next, if the problem is something you can solve on your own (such as not doing your homework), make a promise to change your behavior! Thirdly, if you have been studying hard and still get a bad grade, you probably need some extra help with your classes. Talk to your teacher and explain your situation. He or she will tell you where you can receive the extra help you need. Lastly, make a detailed plan of how you will improve your grades. Write down the plan and have it ready when you talk to your parents. Thats a good way to make your parents less angry. While all parents want their children to get good grades, most understand that every report card is not perfect. The important thing is that you show your parents you have a plan to improve your grades for next time. Always remember, many of the worlds most successful people failed many times before they became successful. They learned from their failures, and you should, too!31 . The problem with the grades is that _.Amost schools evaluate students by using gradesBits important to get good gradesCwe dont always get good grades we wantDgrades are sometimes incorrect32 . The passage is written in a/an _ tone(语气).AcrazyBseriousCsadDangry33 . The text above is written to _.Aencourage students to get good gradesBmake parents less angryCshare ways to deal with bad report cardsDfind excuses for bad grades34 . The passage is probably from_.Aa software instructionBa story bookCa teenager magazineDa travel diaryIm David. When I was 13, my parents decided that I should go to England to improve my English. I had never been to other countries before, so I felt a little worried. My parents prepared everything for my journey. My plane was due (预期) to leave at 9:30 a.m. and arrive in two hours. I phoned the English family who I would stay with and they told me they would wait for me at the airport.Unluckily my plane to London was delayed. I tried to phone the English family again but I couldnt speak to them because they had already left home for the airport. When I arrived in London, it was already 1:30 p.m. I went to get my luggage but I couldnt find it. I became very worried. Luckily, the airport staff was very helpful and efficient. I didnt wait long they found it 10 minutes later.My English family were still waiting for me! I was so happy! Then my new life in London began. My English family were quite kind. I learned a lot of English because I spent most of the day talking in English. I played computer games with the little boy in my English family. I also taught him how to play chess. Sometimes I told him stories I learned from my family. I missed my family during my stay in London, but I also felt sad when my stay there came to an end. My English family held a party for me. I enjoyed it very much. Ill never forget that summer in London! It is one of the most wonderful experiences Ive ever had.35 . What do we know about David?AHe travelled a lot with his parents.BHe was happy to take a plane alone.CHe went to England to study English.DHe thought his parents were a little strict.36 . When did David reach London?AAt 9:30 a.m.BAt 11:30 a.m.CAt 1:30 p.m.DAt 3:30 p.m.37 . What does the underlined word “efficient” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?A普通的B高效的C懒惰的D勇敢的38 . What did David teach the little boy in his English family?AHow to play chess.BHow to write stories.CHow to play computer games.DHow to choose interesting books.39 . David wrote this passage mainly to tell us _.Asome useful ways of improving EnglishBabout the importance of planning well before a tripChis experiences of going and studying in another countryDabout the difficulty of understanding people from different countries五、阅读判断第一节根据短文内容,判断正误。正确“T”,错误“F”,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)My friend Eric is a schoolboy. He is an interesting boy and everyone likes him very much. He can speak Chinese, English and Japanese(日语). Why can he speak these languages(语言)? Because his father is American, his mother is Japanese and he was born(出生) and lives in China. He can play soccer and he can play it very well. He wants to be a soccer player like Beckham. He joins the soccer club, and he is the captain(队长)of the soccer team.40 . Eric can speak three languages.41 . His parents are not Chinese, but he grows up(成长) in China.42 . Eric cant play soccer very well.43 . Eric wants to be the captain of the soccer team.44 . Eric wants to be a good soccer player.六、单词填空When you talk with someone,youll need to end your conversation at some pointAnd there45 . many reasons why you need to do thatEither you or the other person may need to continue an activity , such46 . working or shoppingOr you may have run out of things to sayYou just want to keep the conversation shortBut47 . do you end a conversation in a polite way?It may 48 . on where and how the conversation startedIt may also depend on your relationship with the49 . personIf you already know that person,you can just say,I need to run nowOr you can say,Ill catch you laterYou may also give a reason for ending the conversationI really need to go-my piano class starts in ten50 . Perhaps you just meet someone in a social situation(社交场合),and you have a nice talkBut then you have to goYou can say,It was nice meeting youMaybe we can talk happily again sometime in the 51 . Another way to end a conversation is to make it easy for the other person to 52 . If you see the other person is already not patient,you can say,Well,Im sure you have a lot to do todayYou could use these53 . to end a conversation,and you should notice that others may also use them54 . they do so,you should know that its time for you to stop and get on with your day七、将所给单词连成句子将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。55 . borrow, can ,I, some books_?56 . to, tomorrow, see you, hope_.57 . will, do, you, what, this Sunday _?58 . to, presented, Jack, his game, us_.59 . added, her album, to, Alice, a picture_.八、话题作文60 . 某英文报刊开辟中学生栏目,请你以Reading Comic Strips(连环漫画) Is_为题写一篇小短文,为报社投稿(词数80100)。1确定主题,并在文中说明原因;2围绕主题,进行叙述;3讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。要求:1补全标题(参考词汇:interesting;popular;useful;boring;my pleasure等);2字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范;3鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予以扣分。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;4作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事;5作文中不要出现考生和相关人物的真实校名和姓名。Reading Comic Strips Is_There are many kinds of stories in comic strips. In my opinion,reading comic strips is_九、看图写短语或句子. 根据图片及提示词,各写一句意思完整,语法正确的句子。6667686970 61 . perform magic tricks _62 . be good at, play the guitar_63 . like ,perform kongfu_64 . start to ,perform ballet_65 . can play the piano,two years ago_十、其他完成句子:根据提示,完成句子66 . 你想要感谢对力的帮助,可以这样说:_67 . 你想知道现在几点。可以这样问:_68 . 你想知道对方上周未做了什么,应该这样问:_?69 . 你要去银行但不知道路,应该这么问_70 . 你想告诉同桌你最喜欢的学科是英语,应该这么说:_第 11 页 共 11 页


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