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福州市2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The young lady is a fresh hand. Give her more time, and she can do it better.AplayerBbeginnerCstrangerDofficer2 . As a student, we should keep our classroom _.AdirtyBcleanCclearDnoisy3 . - Can you tell me _?- He is tall and strong.Ahow does he likeBwhat does he look likeChow he is likeDwhat he looks like4 . _ the white model plane?_ under the desk.AWhere are;TheyreBWheres;TheyreCWhere are;ItsDWheres;Its5 . Ive read all the books _ you gave me.AwhatBof thatCthatDwhere6 . To my surprise, I _ from hundreds of students to speak to teachers, parents and fellow students.Awas chosenBwould chooseCchose7 . Look! There_ three students and a teacher_ English now.Ais; learningBare; learningCare; to learn8 . Mr. Smith always makes his class_.Alively and interestedBlively and interestingCalive and interestedDalive and interesting9 . What do you think of Kunming? Its a beautiful city. I _ it the first time when I went there.Afell in love withBpaid attention toCgot on well withDlooked forward to10 . Gina invited her classmates _ her party.AtoBinCaboutDwith11 . I think Mr Li may be in the classroom. No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home just now.AneedntBmustntCcantDshouldnt12 . They enjoyed Chinese popular songs.Ato listen toBlistening toClisteningDto listen13 . You will get lost easilyyou take a map of the city with you.AuntilBunlessCalthoughDif14 . Whos that?My sister_ works in a factory.AHeBHimCHerDShe15 . Are you afraid of_at home, Linda? No, Ive grown up.AaloneBbeingClonelyDbeing alone二、完型填空Henry is a little heavier than he wants to be.He _ to lose some weight(减肥)So he is on diet(节食)He tries not to eat too _and he eats very little sugar because it will make him _.He also does exercise every _.He swims very often,_ he runs about two kilometers a day.Now he is _ than before.Henrys sister,Susan,is healthier than Henry.She is also younger and _than he is.She does _every day,too.She doesnt _ much meat.She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables because she thinks _ are better for her health.16 . AwantsBthinksCasksDlikes17 . AmanyBfewClittleDmuch18 . AfatBhappyCillDtired19 . AmonthBweekCdayDyear20 . AandBbecauseCbutDwhen21 . AthinnerBfatterCtallerDshorter22 . AlaterBshorterCmore strongDlonger23 . AshoppingBhouseworkChomeworkDexercise24 . AwantBeatCcookDbuy25 . AyouBthemCtheyDwe三、阅读单选How do you deal with plastic bags from the supermarket? Throw them away or reuse them? How about eating them?EnviGreen in India has made a bag with 12 natural ingredients (食材), such as potatoes, vegetable oils and bananas. It looks and feels just like the usual plastic bag, but can break down. The bags arent harmful to the environment. Both humans and animals can safely eat them. The founder of EnviGreen, Ashwath Hedge, spent four years trying them out.Although the EnviGreen bags are much more expensive than those usual plastic bags, they are good for our environment. Usually, it takes about 1,000 years for usual plastic bags to break down. But an EnviGreen bag can naturally break down in less than 180 days. It also dissolves (溶解) in less than a day in water, and in about 15 seconds in boiling water. Maybe the EnviGreen bags are a solution to the world problem of plastic pollution.26 . We can infer that EnviGreen is .Aa kind of Indian foodBan Indian companyCan organization in IndiaDa restaurant in India27 . are NOT the ingredient of the EnviGreen bags.APotatoesBVegetable oilsCBananasDPlastics28 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AHedge spent four years trying out the EnviGreen bags.BThe EnviGreen bags are widely used in the world now.CThe EnviGreen bags are cheaper than these usual plastic ones.DThe EnviGreen bags are made of 12 kinds of vegetables.29 . What is the main difference between a usual plastic bag and an EnviGreen one?AThe feeling of touch.BThe shape.CThe taste.DThe weight.Do you know Li Qi? He is the winner (获胜者) of the season of the Voice of China in 2013.NameLi QiBirthdayJanuary 9th, 1990BirthplaceXuzhou, Jiangsu, ChinaJobSingerFavourite singerChen YixunAppearanceMushroom hairstyle (蘑菇头),black hair, small eyes30 . How old is Li Qi now?ATwelve.BSeventeen.CTwenty-two.DTwenty-three.31 . Li Qi is the _ in the season of the Voice of China.AfirstBsecondCthirdDlast32 . What does Li Qi do?AA worker.BA teacher.CA singer.DA writer.33 . What does Li Qi look like?AMushroom hairstyle.BBig eyes.CBlue hair.DBlue eyes.34 . From the passage, we can know _.ALi Qis birthday is in summerBLi Qi likes Chen Yixun very muchCLi Qi is from Chengdu, Sichuan, ChinaDLi Qi took part in (参加) the Voice of China in 2010四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写35 . My sister has a_(狗).36 . That g_ is my cousin. Her name is Lucy.37 . Do you want to see a photo o_ my mother?38 . She loves her_(家庭).39 . Is h_ name Mary?40 . How are you? I am f_, thanks.41 . L_! Thats an English book.42 . Can I a_ you a question?43 . Whats your telephone n_?44 . Whats three and f_? Its seven.五、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话:根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。Ssaleswoman BMrs. BrownS: Welcome to our shop!B: Thanks.S:45 . B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter.S: These skirts are for girls.46 . B: She likes green.S: Look!47 . B: It is very nice, but its a little small.48 . S: Yes. Here you are.B: It looks nice, too.49 . S: 50 yuan.B: Thats fine. Ill take it.AHow much is it?BHow do you like the skirt?CCan I help you?D.Do you have a big one?D.What color does she like?六、填空任务型阅读Starting a book club is easy- all you need is to love reading. Heres how to get yours off to a flying start. When you set up your book club, the first thing is to get members for your club. They could be friends, family, or those you know through all kinds of activities, but they should all love to read. A small group of seven to ten people is usually an ideal size for a book club. Too many make discussions difficult.Once you have a group, agree on how often you want to meet- usually clubs meet monthly. Pick a date and stick with it. That way, members can easily plan for it. Send out emails a week before the meeting to give people a written reminder(提醒). Set meeting time length. An hour is a good start. Two hours usually does the trick.Then, you need a good place, such as Libraries, parks and restaurants- all make good meeting places. For many clubs, homes are the best place as you dont have to get dressed up, and noisy public places can make talking hard. If members bring a plate of food or a bottle, it can help start conversation.Please dont forget the most important thing-the book! Think about the books your club will enjoy. Fiction? Non-fiction? Your club can choose books in different ways. You can take turns to recommend(推荐) books. Let everyone vote upon what book to read. Anyway, make sure to keep it light and fun.After all this has been decided(决定), your book club is ready. Now, it is time to hold the first meeting. Enjoy your reading.How to50 . a book clubGetting51 . They should share your love for readingSeven to ten people are52 . for discussion.Setting the timeSet a meeting time. Send everyone an 53 . to remind them of the monthly meeting before hand.Decide on how long the meeting will be.Deciding 54 . to meetMeet in public places,55 . libraries, parks and restaurants, but may be noisy and make talking hard.Meet at56 . : quiet, relaxing and comfortable57 . the booksThink about the books your club will 58 . Decide on the59 . of picking books: letting everyone recommend or vote upon the books七、多任务混合问题My version(视力) is getting worse. I cant even see what is five feet away from me without glasses. 我拒绝戴眼镜,though I know I need to. Im afraid they will make me look ugly. Besides, I can do well without them. These were my thoughts two years ago, when I was in the sixth grade. An embarrassing experience taught me that what I was thinking was wrong.School has been out for two monthsI was going to junior high school soon, where I was sure that looks are everything. So the question still remained there. Should I, Or should I not, wear glasses? The question was still in my mind when my family and I attended a wedding(婚礼) late in the summer.During the wedding, I drank too much juice. Soon after it ended, I walked quickly to the bathroom. Since it was an emergency(紧急) and I couldnt clearly see which door was markedboys. I just opened the nearest door and entered the restroom.Unluckily, I had entered the wrong restroom. But I didnt know this until I heard a scream(尖叫声) coming from the entrance when I was washing my hands .After that, I decided to wear the ugly-looking glasses. I didnt really care about what people thought of me any more, because I never wanted to enter the wrong bathroom again.On the first day of seventh grade, my friends didnt make fun of meInstead they gave me compliments.They thought the glasses made me look more cute and more natural.So if you know something is right, just do it. It doesnt matter what others think of you.All that matters is what you think of yourselfand that you can see where you are going!60 . (A) 试写出文中处划线部分mark的汉语意思:_.(B)用一个适当的英语单词替代文中处划线部分care about:_.61 . 根据文中处的汉语提示,用英语将句子补充完整:_.62 . 写出文中处划线部分的同义句:School _ two months ago.63 . 将文中处划线部分合并成一句:My friends gave me compliments _ fun of me.64 . 将文中处的划线部分翻译成汉语:_.八、话题作文65 . Write a passage of at least 40 words on the topic “Having a picnic”(以“一次野餐”为题写一篇短文, 词数不少于40个):The following points are for reference. (下列要点可供参考。)When and where are you going to have a picnic? What food and drink are you going to have? What do you think of the picnic? _第 10 页 共 10 页


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