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河南省2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . These sentences are very important. Please _.Awrite down itBwrite it downCwrite down themDwrite them down2 . Helping others makes us very _.AlonelyBproudCharmful3 . The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away. Its really _.AboringBboredCamazingDamazed4 . -_ is your mother?- She is an accountant.AWhatBWhoCWhyDHow5 . Nick got an A in the math test. His parents were happy and said he _ a lot.AcompetedBlaughedCcommunicatedDprogressed6 . Is meat your favourite?Yes. But I _ eat it too much.AneverBagainCalsoDwell7 . His father arrived in Beijing _the night _December 1.Aon; inBon; ofCon; onDin; of8 . Good morning, class. Today _ are going to learn a new unit, Unit 12.AweBusCourDours9 . Jason was ill yesterday, _ he didnt go to school.AorBbutCforDso10 . Is that _ volleyball?Yes. Jim likes playing _ volleyball. _ volleyball is his.Athe; a; /B/; the; /Ca; the; TheDa; /; The11 . There is a book on the ground. Please _.Apick up themBpick them upCpick it upDpick up it12 . Sara likes ADMIX Cakes because the cakes_ beautiful and _ delicious.Asound; tasteBsmell; feelClook; tasteDfeel; sound13 . I am used to _ my hair in the morning.AwashBwashesCwashingDwashed14 . Sorry, Miss Green. I have _ my homework at home. Thats OK. But dont forget next time.AforgottenBputCleftDkept15 . Have a good day! -_ .AYou, tooBI seeCNice to meet you.二、补全对话6选5根据对话,从方框中的选项中选出最佳答案,使对话完整通顺,有一项多余。A. I dont have enough money to buy it.B. What can I do for you?C. Whats the price of it? D. How many do you want to buy?E. Ill take it.F. Where is it made?(A girl wants to buy a mobile phone. Now she is in a shop.) MAN: Good morning.16 . GIRL: Yes, please. Id like to buy a mobile phone. MAN: We have many mobile phones here. Some are made in China, and some are made in other countries. GIRL: This one looks very nice.17 . MAN: In Japan. GIRL:18 . MAN: 3, 000 yuan. GRIL: Oh, thats expensive!19 . Do you have a cheaper one? MAN: Sure. What about this one? GIRL: Well, this one looks very nice. And the price is OK. Is it made in China? MAN: Yes. Its made in Guangzhou. GIRL: OK.20 . 三、阅读单选A famous speaker was in such a hurry to go to an important dinner. When he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth.Turning to a man next to him, he said, “I forgot to take my teeth. Could you help me?” The man said, “No problem.”He took out a pair of false teeth from his pocket.“Try these”, he said. The speaker tried them. “Too loose,” he said. The man then replied, “I have another pair. Try these.” The speaker tried them and said, “Too tight.The man seemed very patient and then said, “I have one more pair of false teeth. Try them.”After wearing them, the speaker cheered,” Perfect! They fit very well.”Then he gave his address to the man and began enjoying his meal. After the dinner meeting, the speaker went over and thanked the man who had helped him. “I want to thank you for your help. Where is your office? Ive been looking for a good dentist.”The mans face turned red, “Sorry, Im not a dentist. Im the local undertaker(殡仪员).”21 . How many pairs of false teeth did the speaker try in total?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.22 . What did the speaker think the man might be?AA dentist.BA speaker.CA teacherDAn undertaker23 . Why did not the speaker take his false teeth? Because he _.Aknew someone would help himBwas too hurried to remember itCdidnt need them for the dinnerDwanted to buy another new pair24 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe man was strange to the speaker.BThe man was friendly to the speaker.CThe speaker enjoyed his dinner though he didnt wear the false teeth.DThe speaker thanked the man for lending him a pair of perfect false teeth.Television has a huge influence on our lives. It is one of the most important ways of getting information. People spend part of their spare time watching television, and much of what they learn comes from it. What we see on TV movies,news shows, sports shows, advertisements and so on have increased our knowledge and have changed the way we learn about the world today. However, not everything on TV is true.Most of the viewers (观众) are children. Television sometimes is like ababy-sitter. It spends more time with children than parents do. But it keeps them in the living room away from healthy outdoor activities. They spend less time playing soccer or walking in the park or playing games in the yard.Of course, there are some programs on TV that are good for children. But there are also some shows which are bad. Children should not watch unhealthy shows. Maybe we cant change what is on TV, but we can choose what we watch. Do you agree?25 . According to the passage,_is one of the most important ways of gettinginformation.Aa bookBa computerCTV26 . _cant be got on Television.AKnowledgeBSports newsCComputer games27 . The underlined word baby-sitter meansA小妹妹B保育员C女婴28 . What can we do with programs on TV?AWe can surely change them.BWe can do nothing.CWe can choose them.29 . From the passage, we may know_.ATV is both good and bad for children.BEverything is true on TV.CAll programs on TV are suitable for children.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示填写单词30 . Excuse me, whats your n_ ?31 . You are in Class 1. I am in Class 1, t_.32 . We can call(称呼)the woman M_ Green.33 . Sorry, I have n_ new English book, Mr. Chen.34 . This is a map a_ that is a cup.五、完成句子按要求写下列句子。35 . He is like his brother(改为同义句)He _ his brother.36 . He did a radio interview about the students volunteer work last Sunday(对划线部分提问)_he do last Sunday?37 . Would you like to help homeless people?(改为肯定句)_ help homeless people.38 . You need to start now .(改为一般疑问句)_ need to start now?六、填写适当的单词补全对话对话填空根据对话内容和所给首字母,在答题卡对应的空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整,所填单词必须完整写出。Some students at Sunshine Middle School are talking online in the chatting room.Daniel: How do you use your p39 . money, my dear friends?Millie: I love buying hair clips. They are really p40 . . What about you, Simon?Simon: I like c41 . stamps. I sometimes buy them from the post office.Alice: L42 . to music makes me feel great. I use my money to buy favounre CDs.Betty: I think reading is f43 . . I often buy some books from the bookshop. What about you, Amy?Amy: I often use some of my money to help the children in poor areas. Usually. I buy some books, pencils and T-shirts for them.Daniel: Good on you, Amy! We should learn from you and help the people in n44 . .七、材料作文45 . (B) 随着新学期的到来,暑假已经结束。相信在这个刚刚过去的暑假当中,一定会有很多事情让你印象深刻。请以 One of _ Events in My Summer Holiday为题,完成作文。1.把作文题目补充完整;2.介绍一件在暑假里发生的事件;3.事件给你带来怎样的感受。要求:1. 不少于100词;2.短文要包括所有提示要点,可适当发挥。八、其他单词辨音在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。46 . ApalaceBcapitalCfamousDbalcony47 . AknifeBofficeCinviteDinside48 . AbeachBschoolCexchangeDbench49 . AtreasureBwheatCleafDeast50 . AalreadyBalwaysCsaltDtalk51 . AlazyBprettyCcarryDstyle52 . AcookBwoolCsoonDfoot53 . AuncleBthinkCpinkDplenty54 . AthingBthousandCpathDthat55 . AkeysBpandasCworksDkings第 8 页 共 8 页


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