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太原市2020年(春秋版)中考二模英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The apartment has _ floors and Mr. Smith lives on the _ floor with his family.Atwelve; twelveBtwelfth; twelfthCtwelve; twelfthDtwelfth; twelve2 . (2017黑龙江齐齐哈尔2)I have_ useful book. It is about how to play_ basketball.Aan;/Ba;/Can;the3 . Mom, I passed the P.Atest this morning. Really?_!BBad luckCCongratulationsDYoure welcome4 . Digital cameras are becoming very popular, though some still _ too much.ApayBcostCspend5 . I am feeling ill. What should I do?eating junk food andbreakfast every day.AStop; havingBStop; haveCTo stop; have.DTo stop; to have6 . Does your father go to work by car or by bike?. He wants to exercise more to get thinner.ANo, I dontBYes, he doesCBy carDBy bike7 . Throw the rubbish into the_/bin/please.AbinBburnCbossDbow8 . You should _ the shower when you are brushing your teeth. OK, I will. We need to save water.Aput onBput offCturn offDturn on9 . 一Why didnt you answer my call?一Sorry. Ian old friend and weall the time.Ahave met: are talkingBmet: have talkedChave met: were talkingDmet: are talking10 . It was brave of the policemen to get over all the difficulties in that case .Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?AkeisBka:sCksDks11 . _ went hiking last weekend because of the bad weather.ASomeoneBNo oneCEveryoneDNothing12 . They want to go on a trip by train,but still cant decide _.Ahow they are goingBwhere they are goingCwhy they are goingDwhen they are planning13 . Please _ the door and _ you get into the hall.Aclose, beforeBclose, afterCopen, whileDopen, until14 . All the people had better keep _ in the library.AsilentBcarefulCseriousDharmful15 . How do like Justin Biebers song?I like them very much. _ voice he has!AWhat an attractiveBHow an attractiveCWhat attractinDHow attraction16 . Tina sings more /ladli/ than Tara in the singing competition.AlonelyBlovelyCluckilyDloudly17 . Her shoes are _ mine.Aso new asBas new asCso newer as18 . Do you have any _for failing the English test, Tony?Yes. Its because the test is too difficult for me.AapologiesBdescriptionsCreasons19 . How was your vacation?-_. I like it very muchAIm fineBHave a good timeCWonderfulDVery bad20 . Wheres my English _ / bk /? I cant find it.AbackBbookCbakeDbike21 . You can call me _ 88849758 or e-mail me _ luchsina.com.Aon; atBat; onCby; onDon; on22 . Maria _a shower in the bathroom when you called her at 8 oclock this morning. No wonder she didnt answer my phone.AtookBwas takingCtakes23 . A _ is a doctor who can take care of your teeth.AperformerBdentistCMalaysianDmagician24 . Which is true in these following situations?AWhen we found a big fire nearby, we should call 110 for help.BWhen there is a thief who is stealing things in the shop, we can call the police on 114.CWhen a car crashed into a tree in the evening, we need to call 120.DWhen a man suddenly felt very sick, we need to call 119 at once25 . Her mini skirt costs more than 500 dollars. I can _ believe that. Its so expensive.AhardlyBonlyCalmostDquietly26 . -.Look! It _be your uncle .-It_ be him . He has gone to Xian.Acan, mustntBcan , cantCmust, cantDmust, may27 . -_?-Its Saturday.AWhat time is it?BWhats your age?CWhats your favorite dayDWhats the date of your birthday28 . _ a yellow dog. _ name is Ahuang.AIts, ItsBIts, ItsCIts, ItsDIts, Its29 . 下列选项中所有单词含有相同音素的是_.Amay famous simple mainBteam meaningless reason peaceCfall cold salt lotDsugar yogurt sure work30 . Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?_. (不,不要。)( )ANo, you wontBNo, you arent.CNo, please dontDNo, please.31 . 一_is Alice?一She is my cousin.AHowBWhatCWhat colorDWho32 . -“Oh, no!There isnt any sugar left.- _. Ill buy some when I go into town.AGood idea.BNot at all.CGo ahead.DNever mind.33 . We hope you _ your promise.Ato keepBkeepingCkeptDkeep34 . _ of these colours _ me because I prefer red.ANone;representsBNothing;representsCNo one;representsDNothing;represent35 . -Do you know where Mr Brown is?-He _ Beijing for two days.Ahas been toBhas gone toChas been inDwent to二、补全对话单选补全对话阅读对话,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话.W: Good morning! What can I do for you?M: Yes,Id like to become a volunteer in our city. W: So we must fill in a form first. _M: Dale Brown. W:_M: Yes, DALE,Dale. BROWN, Brown. W: Thank you. When were you born?M: I was born on July 23rd, 1998. W: OK. _M: My telephone number is 67889645. W: Whats your hobby?M:_W: What will you do if you become a volunteer?M: I will use my camera to take photos of the city and people. I hope I can do a bit for them and help my friends know more about China.W: Good idea.Thank you for joining us, DaleM:_.36 . AMay I have your name, please?BNice to meet you.CWho are you?DHi. Mr. Brown37 . AI like your name.BCould you spell that for me?CWhats your family name?DIts difficult to write.38 . ADo you have a telephone?BYou are so young.CI will write to you later.DWhat is your telephone number?39 . AI like blue.BI dont smoke.CI like taking photos.DI get up early.40 . AIts a pleasure.BNever mind.CNot too bad.DIt doesnt matter.三、补全短文7选5下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。Take time to care for yourself. ChooseMyPlate. gov helps you choose the kinds and amounts of food and drinks you need. And, make time to be physically active, so you can do the things you want to do.Find out what you need.Get personalized nutrition(营养) information based on your age, height, weight, and physical activity level. SuperTracker provides your calorie(卡路里) , shows foods and beverages you need, and tracks progress toward your goals. Learn more at www. SuperTracker. usda. gov.41 . _Use a smaller plate at meals to help control the amount of food and calories you eat. Enjoy smaller amounts of food.42 . _Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes. Choose red, orange, or dark-green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other vegetables for meals.九年级英语试题卷(第5页,共8页)43 . _Sip water or other drinks with few or no calories to help maintain a healthy weight. Keep a water bottle in your bag or at your desk to satisfy your thirst throughout the day.44 . _Set a goal to fit in at least 2.5 hours of physical activity in your week. Being active 10 minutes at a time also adds to your weekly total. Ask your friends or family to keep you company as you bike, jog, walk, or dance.45 . _Try out healthier recipes that use less fat, salt, and sugar. Eat at home more often to control your eating. If you eat out, check and compare nutrition information. Choose healthier options such as baked chicken instead of fried chicken.AMake half your plate fruits and vegetables.BEnjoy your food but eat less.CBe active whenever you can.DCut some food up.E. Be a better cook.F. Drink water.四、完型填空One night, a little swallow(燕子) flew over the city. He was very _ and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue(雕像) of the Happy Prince (王子), he flew down and got ready to sleep between the feet of the Happy Prince.Just as he was putting his head under his wing(翅膀), some _ fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked up, he found the sky was so clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly, he saw some tears were running down the Princes golden _“_ are you crying?” asked the swallow.“In a little street, theres a poor house. From one of the windows, I see a woman sitting at a table. Shes sewing(缝制)clothes for _ women to wear. In a bed in the corner of the room, her little boy is sick. Hes asking for oranges, but his mother has only water to give him, so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty _ the mother is so sad. Little swallow, will you please take her the jewel(珠宝)from the top of my sword (宝剑)?”“It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place, but I will stay with you and do as you ask. ”The swallow took the bright red jewel from the Princes sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew into the womans room and _ it beside the womans needle(针)._ he flew back, he told the Prince what he had done. “Its strange,” he added, Its so cold but I feel quite _ now. “Thats _ you have done a good thing,” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this, and then he fell asleep.46 . AhungryBtiredCangryDsad47 . AwaterBfeetCgrassDmilk48 . AearBHowChairDface49 . AWhereBrichCWhenDWhy50 . ApoorBrichCyoungDold51 . AbutBorCandDso52 . AforgotBtookCgotDput53 . ABeforeBAfterCTillDWhere54 . AcoldBhotCwarmDcool55 . AbecauseBthoughCifDwhether五、阅读单选A scientist made an experiment. She divided people into three groups and asked them to walk to a village.The first group didnt know the name of the village or how far the village is. They are made to follow the guide. Some people started to say they were unhappy to continue and show their dissatisfaction when they walked halfway. After then, most of them gave up walking on.The second group were told the name and the distance of the village. When they walked halfway, they still had the courage to keep on. However, while they were walking to three quarters of the way, some people were tired and bored.Not only had the third group gotten to know the name and the distance, but also there were some stones which showed how far they were from the village. They sang and talked along the way and finally got to the destination happily.From the experiment, we found that the first group had the hardest time in reaching the destination because they didnt know where the village was. However, the third group reached the village easily because they had goals on the way. People are more likely to succeed when they have their goals on the way of achieving their dreams.56 . The first group began to show their unhappiness _ when walking to the village.Aat the beginning of the wayBon the halfwayCon the three quarters of the wayDat the end of the way57 . Which of the group was the most difficult of all to reach the village?AThe first group.BThe second group.CThe third group.DAll of the above.58 . How did the second group feel when they were walking to three quarters of the way?AHappy and excited.BBored but satisfied.CTired and bored.DTired but happy.59 . We can infer from the passage that _.Athe scientist likes camping and making experimentsBthe second group walked a different way from the first groupCthe first group didnt want to follow the guide because they could do it by themselvesDthe third group felt excited when they arrived at the village60 . The author of the passage wants to tell us that _.Athe scientist is a great personBthe third group is the most excellentCpeople should have goals of achieving their dreamsDthe village is not as far as we thinkA group of frogs (青蛙) were travelling through the bush when two of them fell into a deep hole. The other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how deep the hole was, they told the two frogs that they could not be saved and that they were almost dead. The two frogs didnt listen to their words and tried their best to jump out of the hole. But the other frogs kept telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs listened to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.The other frog, however, continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs shouted at him to give up and wait for death. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs asked, “Didnt you hear us?” The frog explained that he had poor hearing. He thought they were encouraging him the whole time.Words have the power of life and death. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through their difficulties. A destructive (破坏性的) word to someone who is down can befatal. So always be careful of what you say.61 . What happened when a group of frogs were travelling through the bush?ATwo of them diedBTwo of them lost their wayCSomeone caught two of themDTwo of them fell into a hole62 . The other frog jumped out of the hole because he _.Awanted to save his friendBwanted to tell the others they were wrongCwas afraid of destructive wordsDthought the others were encouraging him63 . The underlined word “fatal” in the last paragraph means _ in Chinese.A致命的.B注定的.C有益的.D必要的.64 . What can we learn from the story?AWe shouldnt try to give others advice.BWe should be careful of what we say to others.CDestructive words can also be helpful.DWords have nothing to do with life and death.Autumn and winter are cold and flu seasons. Will the old advice about dressing warmly help prevent a cold, or if you get sick, should you follow the old saying “Feed a cold and starve(挨饿)a fever”? And what about that fever? Should you take medicine to reduce your temperature, or is it better to let the body treat the fever itself? Everyone seems to have an answer. But is popular wisdom valuable?Doctor Nelson knows a lot about cold and flu seasons. Nelson says research may be just starting to provide proofs for long-held beliefs. For example, scientists for years were against the idea that getting cold and wet might cause colds or flu. But recent studies have shown that cold temperatures cause stress on the body, and that stress can create something more likely to lead to viruses. So maybe it is really important to wear warmly before going outside.And what about feeding a cold and starving a fever? Nelson says if you have a cold and are hungry, you should eat. But a fever, especially a high one, suggests a more serious problem. He says people are usually not hungry when they have a high fever. Eating might even make a person sick. But drinking enough water is important. A fever easily makes the body lose water.Finally, when should you treat a fever? Nelson says a fever should be treated if it stays at 40 or above for a day or more. A high temperature can damage brain cells(细胞). The doctor also believes in treating a fever if it prevents a person from sleeping.Medicine like aspirin, for example, can be used to reduce pain and fever. But aspirin should not be given to children because it can cause serious problems.65 . According to the passage, which are cold and flu seasons?ASpring and summer.BAutumn and summer.CAutumn and winter.DSummer and winter.66 . We can learn from the passage that Doctor Nelson .Adoesnt believe in the old advice about preventing coldsBis now trying his best to provide proofs for long-held beliefsCthinks a fever neednt be treated even if it prevents someone from sleepingDthinks you neednt go to a doctor at once if you have a temperature of 4067 . According to Doctor Nelson, if someone catches a fever, he should .Atake a bath in cold waterBdrink enough waterCtry to eat somethingDtake some exercise outside68 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AWhy people should eat when having a cold.BWhen people should treat a fever.CWhat the medicine aspirin is used for.DWhether the old advice about preventing a cold is valuable.69 . The passage suggests that .Aaspirin can damage brain cells if an adult takes too much of itBit is easier for people to catch colds when their bodies are stressedCsome old advice about preventing colds doesnt make any senseDthe idea that getting cold can cause flu was proved true years ago六、句型转换五、句型转换。70 . Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital?(同义转换) Excuse me, how can I _ the hospital? /Excuse me, how can I _ the hospital?71 . Turn left at the third crossing. (同义转换)_ the third crossing _ the left.72 . Cross the road now. (变否定句)_ the road now.73 . Its three kilometers away from my home. (对划线部分提问)_ is it from your home?74 . She needs to take No.7 bus. (对划线部分提问)_ she need to take?75 . I sit on the right of Marys. (同义词)Mary _ my_.七、完成句子根据括号内汉语提示完成句子76 . Why did you say nothing at the meeting?I had something _(在我心里).77 . What would you like to do when you _(长大)?78 . Please _ me _(叫醒)at six tomorrow morning.79 . Fashion is not the same _(在不同的时代).80 . Why did you talk to the teacher _(那种方式)?八、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次)。buy ask put save sellThe morning sun came out as Carlos and his dad began to work. With strong little arms, Carlos handed his dad baskets of pears and helped carry them onto the back of the truck. After all the pears81 . into the truck, Carlos and his dad set off down the road. They set up the tent and table to sell pears, with a big sign “Pears For Sale” hanging in front. They were waiting for customers, but no one stopped82 . any.Later that afternoon, they packed the unsold pears. “If we dont sell these soon, they will get too soft.” said his dad.Too soft? thought Carlos. “Dad, I 83 . mom to help me.”The next morning, Carlos and his mom made some pear jam and filled several small bottles. He painted a new sign, “Taste for Free.” They had customers all day long. Later that afternoon, they began to pack up the empty table. “Dad, I cant believe we 84 . all of the pears out.” said Carlos happily.“Not all, boy.” laughed his dad. “I85 . one for you just now.”从方框内选择适当的单词,用其适当形式填空。primary; gift; problem; travel; learn; online; remember; pass; good; coverI was not good at English when I was in the 86 . school, so I had some difficulties learning English in Grade 7and 8.Last year, my uncle gave me a birthday 87 . . It was a CD-ROM. Its a special course on 88 . English. Its actually an 89 . game which helps me enlarge(扩大) my vocabulary. Thanks to the game, now, I am 90 . at English than before. And I often get high marks in English exams now. I have 91 . so many exams easily with its help!It 92 . many topics and subjects, such as Geography and History. When I play the game, I will play a role of a 93 . . I have to 94 . lots words and information while playing the game.If you have 95 . memorizing English words, try the game! Its name is Wild West.九、话题作文96 . 书面表达最近你校针对“青少年在周末应不应该和朋友外出”的问题进行了讨论。请根据讨论结果,以 “Should teenagers go out with friends on weekends?” 为题写一篇短文。AgreeDisagreerelaxgo over lessons.entertainmenthave a good sleep.help parents do housework要求:1. 词数80词左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数);2. 内容需包括以上要点,可适当发挥,不

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