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成都市2019-2020年度七年级上学期期中英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which of the following is right?ALucy, can you tell me the way to the post office? BIn ancient times, people used abacuses to do the calculations. CWhat do you like to do on weekends? DIs the man in white your English teacher? 2 . _ your name? My name is Peter.AWhatBWhatsCHowDHows3 . -Whats this? -Its _.ArulerBa rulerCthe rulerDrulers4 . What do you think of the song ? _ .AIt sounds sweetBI like music very muchCI dont know what it is aboutDIt was a pleasure5 . If you want to _, you can join the _ club.Aswim; swimBswimming; swimCswim; swimmingDswimming; swimming6 . She has _ hair. Its beautiful.Ablack longBlong blackCnot enoughDblond short7 . Do you have a party at the library? AYes it is. BYes, it does.CYes, we do.DYes, we are.8 . You should tell _ about it if _ doesnt know it.Aher; herselfBshe; sheCher; she9 . What a hot day! Have you had a drink?Yes. But Id like to have _ after work.AoneBitCanother10 . Ms. Black comes from England. _is a teacher.ASheBHerCHeDIt11 . Which underlined letter has a different sound from the others?AwheelBwholeCwhether12 . - _ birthday is on December 25.- Oh, December 25this Christmas Day.AJohnsBJohnCJohnsDJohns13 . -Thanks for sharing the book with me . -_! Thats what friends are for .Awell doneBNo problemCWith pleasureDDont mention it14 . Where_you come from?I_from JapanAare; amBare; comeCdo; come15 . I love my new school because the teachers _ very kind to me.Aall areBall looksClook allDare all16 . When I got out of the room, I found someone _ the tree.AclimbingBto climbCclimbDclimbs17 . 找出含有相同元音音素的一组字母。Aj , pBg ,pCd , rDb , i18 . What did the teacher say?The teacher told usat the Capital Museum on time.AarriveBarrivedCarrivingDto arrive19 . I tried different ways to solve this problem, and _succeeded(成功).AfirstBnextCfinallyDhardly20 . Please help Jack _ his bike. He cant see it.AfindsBgivesCfindDgive二、补全短文5选5Hi, I am Joe. Im 13 years old.21 . I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil, but now I live in Los Angeles, USAI have two brothers and a sister. My brothers are Carlos and Mattias and my sister is Giovanna. My parents are Luisa and Johan. We live in a big house(房子).22 . There is a big bookcase ,a blue bed and a small sofa in it. Carlos and Mattias are in a room. They have yellow beds ,but they dont have a bookcase .My sisters room is tidy . 23 . In my free time ,I like reading and playing sports. My favorite books are about music and sports .24 . On Saturdays, I have a music class. On Sundays, I like to play basketball with my father and my brothers.I like traveling(旅行)very much .25 . We have visited many cities ,like London ,Tokyo ,New York and Paris. We will(将要)go to Beijing next time(下次).AIm a student in a middle school.BBut in my room there are books everywhere.CMy favorite room in the house is my bedroom.DI go on trips with my family every holiday(假期)EI always play soccer or basketball with my friends after school.三、完型填空Tom worked hard in an office. But it seemed that there was little change in his life. He was unhappy and didnt want to improve himself any more. His father, Joe, knew this and decided to have a talk with _One day, Tom and his father went for a walk after dinner_ they were walking along a river, Tom said, Dad, you always tell me to learn something new. To be_ , I dont want to make any change.Joe looked in the river, saw a dead _and pointed at it.Tom, what is that over there?“Its a dead fish.Whats the fish doing?Its moving down with the running water.“But the fish is dead._can it be moving? asked Joe.“Its moving as the river is moving.Joe turned to his son and said,“Life is_the river. Its always moving and always changing. Some people dont want to change, but their life is always changing whether they like it or not. A dead fish only moves along the river, while a living fish can control its journey. Whats your choice if you want to live a _life?This made Tom _his aunt who had already stopped learning and developing. And she just stayed the way she used to be, living like a dead fish.Guided by his_,Tom understood what he said. He didnt want to become a person like his aunt. So he made up his mind to_learning and developing himself.26 . AmeBhimCher27 . AWhileBOnceCAfter28 . AhappyBpatientChonest29 . AfishBbirdCdog30 . AWhoBWhichCHow31 . AinBlikeCover32 . AharderBbetterCworse33 . Athink ofBwait forCgive up34 . AauntBfriendCfather35 . AavoidBcontinueCfinish四、阅读单选Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to peoples homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.Whats going on the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere?If you want to answer these and many other questions, just turn on the TV and watch it. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. With TV, however, they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch. TV helps us a lot. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.36 . Some people say the world is smaller than before because _.ATV makes the earth smaller and smallerBall people like watching TVCwatching TV is one of the most important activities of the dayDTV brings the outside world closer to people.37 . We can _ when we watch TV.Ago to live in the other countriesBanswer many questionsCget a lot of information.Dask TV some questions38 . People learn better through TV than throug h the radio because _.ATV sets are bigger than radiosBpeople can hear and they can watch, tooCif people dont have TV, they can not live happily.Dits easier to turn on TV than to turn on the radio39 . TV can _.Ateach us a lot of thingsBlearn a lot of thingsCgive us what we wantDhelp us do our homework40 . This article (文章) tells us _.Aits good to watch TVBnot to watch TV any moreCstudents should not watch TV at any time.Dto stop reading to watch TVJack is a night watchman. His work is to guard a factory. There is nobody to talk with at night. Jack likes his work. He knows it is important to guard the factory at night. He always walks around the factory. If he hears a noise, he goes quickly to see what it is. Tonight Jack hears a noise when he walks around the factory, He goes quickly to see if someone is there. But he sees only a small cat. Jack smiles and talks to the cat. It looks cold and hungry. He takes the cat inside the factory and the cat goes after him happily. Jack is happy, too.41 . Jack is a _.AgentlemanBpolicemanCteacherDnight watchman42 . Jack has _ to talk with at night.Aa dogBa boyCa catDnobody43 . What does Jack do when he hears a noise?AHe knows it is a cat there.BHe knows there is a thief.CHe goes quickly to see what it is.DHe goes to bed quickly.44 . Tonight Jack finds _.Aa dogBa boyCa catDnobody45 . Which of the following is not right?AJacks job is important.BThe cat is a good friend for Jack.CJack goes quickly to see what is happening when he hears a noise.DJack takes the cat to his home. Hi,Im Bruce.Im from South Africa.Im good at sports and I can run very fast.Many people are afraid of me because I look scary. Hello,Im Peter.Im from Thailand.Im friendly.Do you want to make friends with me?I can play soccer with you.Im good at it. Im Buzz.Im from Australia,but now I live in a zoo in the USA.Im shy and quiet.I like listening to music.And I can dance. Im Toby.Im from China.Do you like Chinese kung fu?I can show you.Many people like me.They think Im cute and beautiful.Do you think so?46 . Bruce is good at _.AsportsBmusicCartDmath47 . Peter is _.AscaryBfriendlyCshyDcute48 . Where is Buzz from?A. South Africa.AThailand.BAustralia.CThe USA.49 . What can Toby do?APlay soccer.BDance.CDo kung fu.DSwim.50 . The four animals dont tell us _.Awhere they are fromBwhat they are likeCwhat they can doDhow old they areWanting: I want nothing but musicWanting Qu,born and raised in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, has become one of the most popular singers in China this year. During the past few months, her name and songs have spread quickly on the Internet, over the radio, and in almost every corner of China. You would be considered totally “out” if you have never heard of her song “Stay in My Song”.She is a girl full of courage. At only 16, Wanting left home and entered a Canadian school to study business, starting her life in a foreign country alone. Soon,she found that her true passion was music. She went on to get her degree(学位), but also tried her hand at songwriting. She did part-time jobs to keep on her study like many Chinese students who study in foreign countries, but never gave up her dream of being a musician. When the chance came, she bravely introduced herself to the CEO of Nettwerk and became the first Chinese singer-songwriter the company signed in 26 years.Wantings music career started to_in 2009 when she worked in Nettwerk. In 2011, after hearing the songs she wrote and recorded, the famous Chinese composer Zhang Yadong called her and would like to work with her.With all the successes she has achieved in China, Wanting is recording her first English album. She is ready to conquer the world.51 . From the passage,we know that_.AWanting Qu didnt get used to her school life in ChinaBWanting Qudreamed of being a musician before going abroadCWanting Qu was taken to Canada because her parents found her a part-time job thereDThe song “Stay in My Song” made Wanting Qu popular around China.52 . What is the meaning of “ take off” in this passage?A腾飞B脱衣C下滑D关掉53 . What is Wanting going to do next? She is going to_Awrite songs by herself.Bmake people in the world know her music and love it.Cwork together with Zhang Yadong.Dstart her own business company,dreaming of becoming a CEO.五、句型转换三、句型转换54 . He is going to visit his neighbours.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ to visit his neighbour?55 . There is something wrong with my bike. (改为否定句)There _ wrong with your bike.56 . I can find someone to help me with my homework. (改为一般疑问句)_ you find _ to help you with your homework.57 . We will meet at the school gate. (对划线部分提问)_ you meet?58 . Are they going to do some shopping this weekend?(肯定回答)_, _.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。59 . It says on the box the medicines for children aged three and above, which means children b_ the age of three are not allowed to take it.60 . In the modern world, we find it n_ to learn English well so that we can learn the latest knowledge and technology from developed western countries.61 . Mum, is there any milk in the fridge?Can you drink some apple juice instead? The milks r_ out.62 . A q_ can be fifteen minutes, twenty-five pence or three months.63 . Spring is p_. It is summer now.64 . Are you ready to perform on the stage?Ill let you know as soon as Im p_.65 . I shall never write to Jim anymore. He never r_ to my emails.66 . Weve got two TVs, but n_ works properly, so we have to buy a new one this weekend.67 . To become good writer, it is very important for you to read w_. It means that you should read different kinds of books.68 . Do you know that Thursday is the f_ day of a week in English-speaking countries?Really? Thats so funny. I didnt know.七、语法填空Tyler was a troublesome student. He sat in the back row. Every time I called him to answer questions, hed r69 . with a flip(轻率的) answer. If he got it wrong, he would get very angry.Usually kids could sit q70 . in class. However, Tyler was just loud. One day, Tyler was talking while I was teaching. I said to him, “Tyler, why not join in our discussion i71 . of having one of your own?” He got up from his chair, pushed it over, and s72 . something I cant remember. I sent him to the office and he received a weeks out-of-school punishment.The week was a wonderful time for me, but when it came to an e73 . , I began to feel worried. So I came up with a plan. On the day of his r74 . , I told him I wanted to start over with him. If he felt like he was going to lose control(控制) in class, he could step o75 . the door for a moment.From then on, Tyler was a changed s76 . in my classroom. In fact he was a smart child and he even stopped a fight between two students one day. And he never used the privilege(特权) to leave the class for a moment. I believe that just letting him decide for h77 . made all the difference.When the year was over, he wrote me a thank-you note about h78 . good the year had been for him. I still have it today and find it very moving to reread when I get stressed(有压力的) about teaching.八、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。79 . be good at _80 . enjoy, skate, two years ago _81 . bad, health _82 . not, read _83 . tomorrow _九、材料作文84 . 今天是星期天,天气很好,你的澳大利亚朋友要来你家,你将带他参观你所居住的城市,一天会很忙碌,但会玩得很开心。showaround the city, the center of, some interesting places, shopping mall, presents, have a good time, etc. _十、其他写出下列字母的左邻右舍。85 . Dd86 . Gg87 . Ii88 . Kk89 . Cc90 . Rr91 . Pp92 . Mm93 . Hh94 . 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