九年级英语人教 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section A

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九年级英语人教 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section A_第1页
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九年级英语人教 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section A姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 82654181Its time for CCTV news.Letsthe TV set and watch it.Aturn onBget onCtry onDput on2 . As students, we must study hard, because _ we study, _ grades well get.Aharder; betterBthe harder; betterCthe harder; the betterDharder; the better3 . I want it today.AsendBsendsCto sendDsending4 . The light in Mr. Lis office is on.He is still working, _he doesnt feel well.AbecauseBuntilCalthoughDwhile5 . We all need partners _.Ato practice speaking EnglishBpractice speaking English withCto practice speaking English withDto practice to speak English二、完型填空Mr. North looks worried this week. He always _ good habits. He gets up early in the _ and does some exercise before breakfast. He thought himself was _ and didnt often go to see a doctor. But last Friday morning, when he was walking near the garden, he suddenly fell to the _.There was nobody around him and a few minutes later he came back to_, He stood up and when back slowly, He thinks something is wrong with his_ and sometimes it heals fast, sometimes slow now. He cant fall_in the evening. And he often feels_when hes at work.This morning Mr. North came to the_. He told the doctor what happened to him. The young doctor _him over carefully and then said, “Im _to tell you, Mr. North. The terrible disease is_you,You must give up coffee if you hope to live_.”“But I never drink it,” said Mr. North.“And _smoking.”“I dont smoke at all.”“Hm! Thats bad! If you dont have anything to give up, Im afraid I cant do _ for you.”6 . AgivesBkeepsChopesDstudies7 . AmorningBnightCspringDnoon8 . AweakBgoodChealthyDclever9 . AfloorBfireChillDground10 . AlifeBwishCbusinessDmusic11 . AheadBfaceCheartDnose12 . AbehindBasleepCoverDin13 . AhungryBaloneCdangerousDtired14 . AschoolBhospitalCcinemaDpark15 . AheardBcalledClookedDclimbed16 . AgladBsureCbusyDsorry17 . AtroublingBmeetingChavingDwaiting18 . AlongBlongerCshortDshorter19 . AenjoyBbeginCstopDforget20 . AmuchBlittleCfewDa lot of三、阅读单选It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking. That number is increasing. Seven in ten of those deaths are in developing countries. These numbers are frightening(令人恐惧的). Yet people around the world continue to smoke. The Great American Smokeout has been founded for twenty-five years to show the dangers of smoking and provide support for people who decide to stop smoking. The American Cancer Society says all cigarettes damage the body. It warns that smoking even a small number of cigarettes is dangerous. It is not easy to give up smoking forever. However, doctors say they probably will live longer if they do stop smoking. They will feel better and look better. They also will protect the health of family members who breathe their smoke.The American Cancer Society says there is not just one right way to stop smoking. Any useful way to stop smoking is worth tying. They may take long walks or spend time in places where smoking is not allowed. Also, they could eat a small piece of fruit instead of having a cigarette.The American Cancer Society says the sooner smokers stop smoking, the more they can reduce their risks of getting cancer and other diseases. It says blood pressure(血压)returns to normal twenty minutes after smoking the last cigarette. Carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)gas levels in the blood return to normal after eight hours. After one day, the risk of heart attack reduces. After one year, the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half that of a smoker.Stop smoking before smoking stops you!21 . How many people die from smoking in developing countries each year?A2,600,000.B2,700,000.C2,800,000.D2,900,000.22 . The Great American Smokeout is _.Ato provide help for smokersBto make smokers know harm and give them helpCto offer advice to smokersDto show what harm smoking does to smokers23 . What does the underlined word cigarettes in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A香烟B香精C香水D香料24 . Which of the following is NOT true?AIt is not easy to stop smoking.BThe risk of heart attack becomes less after you stop smoking.CIt is more likely for a smoker to suffer from diseases.DIt is less helpful for a smoker suffering heart attack to stop smoking.25 . The passage is probably from _ .Aa newspaperBa science reportCa sports magazineDa story book四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据中文提示、首字母提示或语境写出单词,每空一词。26 . She wore those strange clothes. Everyone _ (注意到)her when she came in.27 . Tom was quite _ (兴奋的)about the great news.28 . He does his work very well in this _ (时期).29 . In the 18th and 19th _ (世纪),many people moved to the city.30 . I have to stay at home a_ these days. My parents went to Shanghai yesterday.You can come to my home. We can play computer games together.31 . We can put the _(帐篷)near the river.32 . Marco Polo was from Italy, so he was an I_.33 . During 21st_(世纪), mobile phones are used all over the world.34 . Did they have a p_ last Sunday?35 . When you go out by yourself, dont f_ to take your coat.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空一、用所给单词的适当形式填空36 . These tigers _ (be) from Africa.37 . Lets _ (swim) in the lake (湖).38 . Why _ she _ (want) to see the dolphins?39 . The boy wants _ (play) with my pet40 . The koalas are kind of_ (interest).41 . Bill usually _ (sleep) 10 hours every day.42 . I think she is _ (real) a good student.43 . Which(哪一种) animal _ (live) only in China?44 . There are too many _ (rule) in my school.45 . After dinner, I have to wash the_ (dish).46 . Dogs are _ (friend) and cute animals.47 . Remember _ (bring) the English book!48 . There are three _ (tiger) in the zoo.49 . I like_, but I dont like _ (dance) today.50 . Dont _(smoke) here.六、完成句子51 . 这个用英语说是什么?Whats this_?52 . 那把尺子是什么颜色的?What_that ruler?53 . 那个茶杯是白色的。The cup is _.54 . 请拼一下“钥匙”。_“key”,please.55 . 我会说字母表。I can _ my ABCs.七、回答问题Holi is the ancient Hindu festival of colors and love. It is celebrated in India, Nepal and many parts of South Asia. There are lots of Holi celebrations in the UK, organized by the large British-Hindu community. Recently, Holi has also inspired celebrations in Europe and North America, and its popularity is growing.Holi marks the beginning of spring. It is a celebration of good winning over evil, and a time to give thanks for the good harvest(收获). The date changes each year according to the full moon, but it is normally in March and sometimes in late February. People go outside and throw colored paint powder(粉末) at each other. It does not matter if you are rich, poor, old or young everyone can throw powder and can get messy! There is a spirit of togetherness and fairness. It is a time to forgive people and repair broken relationships, as well as meet with other people, play and have fun.Traditional Holi celebrations start at night before the throwing of colors. It is celebrated outside. People meet around a bonfire(篝火). The next day is the noisy festival of colors. People run after each other and throw colored paint powder at each other. There is music and drumming, and people run and laugh in the streets and parks.Holi celebrations happened as early as the fourth century. It is thousands of years old! But recently, Holi-themed events have become popular with a new generation in Europe and North America. Every year, bigger and bigger crowds of people go to Holi events in London and all over the country, arriving dressed in white T-shirts and returning covered from head to feet in bright colors. There are paint-throwing parties at music festivals and races like the five-kilometer color run, which is celebrated in more than 35 different countries. In the UK, restaurants and cultural organizations also offer their own Holi celebrations, with special menus, Indian music and dance.Thousands of people in the UK will go to Holi events this year, attracted by the bright colors and by feeling playful. Holi has a friendly spirit, so non-Hindus are often welcomed to join the celebrations. It is always good to know about the meaning of the festival, even if you are not a Hindu.56 . Where is Holi celebrated according to the passage?_57 . When is Holi normally?_58 . What is the spirit of Holi celebration?_59 . What do people do during the noisy festival of colors?_60 . How long has Holi been celebrated?_第 8 页 共 8 页


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