八年级上册英语Module 8模块达标检测试题

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八年级上册英语Module 8模块达标检测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I didnt hear you come in just now.Thats good. We tried_any noise, for you were sleeping.Anot makeBnot to makeCto makeDmaking2 . The blue coat looks beautiful _ me .AinBonCforDat3 . The water in the river is _.We can see fish in it.AdirtyBclearCwhiteDsalty4 . _, the police found the lost boy.AIn the endBAt the endCIn end5 . Peter, did you hear any noise?Sorry, I _newspapers.Aam readingBreadCwas reading6 . -Mom, I dont want to _, but I broke your favorite glass by mistake.-It doesnt matter. Be careful next time.Amake you excitedBmake you downCput you downDlet you down7 . Eating more vegetables _ good _ our health.Aare, forBis, forCare, toDis, to8 . We have worked for three hours. Now, lets stop a rest.AhadBhaveCto haveDhaving9 . Do you like chicken? No, I dont like it _.AveryBvery muchCa lotDat all10 . I _my homework when someone knocked at the door.Aam doingBwas doingCdid二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。Laura:Did you hear about the traffic accident on the highway last week?Linda:No.11 . ?Laura:A man named Wang Dawei called the 110 hotline.12 . ,his car crashed into(撞上)another one.Linda:Who was trapped in the car, do you know?Laura:13 . . They couldnt move out of the car.Linda:14 . ?Laura:Wang Dawei was all right,but his wife hurt her left leg.15 . .Linda:Thank goodness! He should be careful next time.AWhen he was driving on the highwayBLuckily,she was not badly hurtCThere was a heavy rain last nightDWang Dawei and his wife wereEWas anyone hurt in the traffic accidentFThat could be harmfulGWhat happened三、完型填空Mary Smith _a girl. _ is a student, _ is _ last name and Mary is her _ name. Her _number is 806-8027 and her ID number_8283928655. Her mother _a teacher. She and _mother_ the same.16 . AamBareCisDarent17 . AsheBSheCHeDI18 . AMaryBSmithCMary SmithDSmith Mary19 . AherBsheCshesDhis20 . AfamilyBlastCmiddleDfirst21 . AphoneBIDCbusDcard22 . AisBamCareDam not23 . Aare.BisCamDarent24 . AherBHerChisDHis25 . AlookBlook atCareDis四、阅读单选A young American doctor was really hard - working in hospital in the daytime. One day, he worked off the night shift (下班). He felt tired because of the work the whole day. He was asleep at home. All of a sudden he heard his door bell began to ring. It was late at night. But what could the doctor do? He had to put on his coat. He opened the door. It was a man! He was standing outside with a hat in his hand anxiously.How do you do? said the man, Can you come at once to a place out of town? Its a long distance to reach, but you have a car and “I can show you the way. Certainly? said the doctor. I can come at once.The car was at the front door. The man got on the doctors car and they drove off. They drove fast at night for a long time, and then the man said to the doctor, Here we are. This is the place. Here is my home. Now I can give you money, and you can go back to the town.But I must see the patient, the doctor said, “How can I go back without seeing the patient?The man said, _There are no taxis at this time of night, but a doctor often goes out for night calls (夜诊). So, excuse me, heres your money. Thank you, doctor. Good night!”26 . The underlined word “a long distance to reach most probably means_Aquite farBlong periodCreally quiet27 . The man asked the doctor_.Ato give him a presentBto give him a carCto go to a place out of town28 . The man gave the doctor money because_Athey were friendsBthe doctor took him late nightCthe doctor couldnt go to bed early29 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe doctor knew the man had a headache in fact at last.BIn fact the man wanted the doctor to take him out of town by car.CThe car stopped in front of the hospital to take the man home.30 . “_” can be the missing sentences in the passage.AMy parents are ill. Lets go upstairs quickly.BTheres no patient. I want you to have a good rest here.CTheres no patient. No one is ill. I live here.Emergencies(紧急情况)dont happen very often . But when they do , you want to get help first . No one wants to spend time looking up the phone numbers .In 1968 , the United States government wanted one number that people could call for emergencies. They decided that 911 was easy to remember and people could dial it quickly . The very first 911 call was made on February 16, 1968 , in Alabama . Today , 911 is used for emergencies in most of the United States and many parts of Canada .Other countries may use other numbers . In Great Britain , its 999. If youre not sure which emergency number is used in your area , check your phone book .When to callNever call 911 as a joke or just to see what might happen . The only tome you should call 911 is when a person is badly hurt or in danger right now ! So call when there is a fire , a car accident , or sudden sickness , etc .When in an emergency call When you dial 911 , its always OK to giver information . Speak slowly and clearly when you explain whats happening . What happened ? Where are you ? Who needs help?Dont hang up(挂断)If you have to call 911 , do not hang up until the operator(接线员)tells you its OK to do so . That way , you can be sure that the operator has all the information to offer help fast .A dog named Faith dialed 911 when her owner who was in a wheelchair fell and needed help . She had been taught to use a speed-dial(快速拨号)function .31 . The emergency number 911 was first used in _in the US.A1958B1968C1978D199932 . Why was 911 chosen to be the emergency number ?ABecause other countries also used the number .BBecause it was suggested by the phone company .CBecause it was simple and easy to remember and dial .DBecause it was also used in many parts of Canada .33 . Which is the right thing to do ?AWait for the operators words to end the call .BTell the operator what has happened and hang up .CTest if your phone can get through to 911 .DTell the operator everything as quickly as possible .Dear Jack,Thank you for your present(礼物)for my fifteenth birthday. I play it after class every day. I have three good friends this term. The first one is a nice girl. Her name is Jenny. Her birthday is on October 28th. The second is Alan. He is a fat boy,but he is fun. His birthday is on July 16th. The last one is our English teacher Mr. Smith. He always helps me with my English. His birthday is on December 5th. TeachersDay is in next month. Jenny wants to make a nice card for Mr. Smith. Mr Smith likes basketball so Alan wants to buy a basketball for him. How about me?Mr. Smith likes white. I think a white T-shirt is a good present for him. Yours. Jane34 . How old is Jane?A12.B13C14D15.35 . Jack may(可能)give Jane a _ for her birthday.AdictionaryBsoccer ballCbookDpencil box36 . Mr. Smith can get _ on Teachers Day.Aa black T-shirtBa cardCa baseballDa ping-pong bat37 . What do you know from this passage?AJenny is a nice girlBAlans birthday is on October 28th.CMr. Smith is a Chinese teacher.DMr. Smith doesnt like white.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。38 . March 8th is the festival for w_.39 . You find this yellow fruit on trees. Monkeys like them a lot. They are b_.40 . O _ is my favorite month of the year. Its the tenth month of a year41 . This room is small, but its very t_. Everything is in good place.42 . I think Eric n_to eat vegetables to keep healthy.43 . This book is not y_. Its mine. My family name is on the first page.44 . Seven and eight is f_.45 . I dont eat breakfast this morning because I get up too l_.46 . Lets watch the basketball game. -That s _ relaxing.47 . What about lunch? Do you like salad? -Yes,I r_like it.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空A)用所给词的适当形式填空。48 . Its said that the police _(try) their best to catch the robbers these days.49 . We must work hard at the _(begin) of the new school year.50 . He _(lie) in bed and read a book, but soon he felt asleep.51 . We will go to the USA as soon as the holiday _(begin)52 . We all know that trees can produce oxygen to keep people _(live)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子53 . 银行在图书馆的对面。The bank is _ the library.54 . 我不得不花一些钱在我的学习上。I have to _ some money _ my study.55 . 图书馆的前面有一个操场吗?_ a playground _ the library?56 . 孩子们,我可以帮你们做些什么吗?Boys and girls, _ I help you?57 . 你可以很容易地到达动物园。You can_ the zoo.八、单词填空Fill in the blanks according to the text.58 . Rosa was a black woman in Alabama. At the age of 42, something c_ her life. One day she g_ on a bus after work, the bus driver asked her to give her s_to a white man. She didnt do that, so she b_ the law. The police came to take her to p_ . The black people in Alabama were very angry. They refused to take the buses for a year and then things started to change all over the USA59 . On the third of February, 1959, three singers and m_ were on the plane. One of them named Buddy Holly was very s_, and another two men were stars too. There was a p_ with the plane when it wasnt in the air for a long time. The plane went down and c_ because there was snow and a lot of w_ They were all dead at a very young age.九、填空A small fire starts in a forest. The fire spreads(传播,蔓延)quickly, and soon a large part of the forest is on fire. This type of fire is called a forest fire.Many forest fires happen in summer and fall. Dead plants, branches, and leaves on the forest floor get very dry during the seasons. These dry plant parts are easy to catch fire. Many fires start when there has been no rain for a long time. Most forest fires are started by people. Campers may start a small fire to cook some food. Their carelessness can lead to fires. Sometimes lightning can also start forest fires. Since lightning is very hot, when lightning strikes a tree or the forest floor, a fire starts.A fire needs two things fuel(something to burn)and air. Wind brings lots of air to fires, thats to say, wind helps fires burn. Wind also helps fire spread. The wind picks up burning leaves and drops them in places that are not burning. Then a new fire starts.A fire will go out when there is no fuel. Sometimes firefighters make small fires around the forest fire. The fires burn up all the fuel in the area. Firefighters make sure these small fires do not spread. When the forest fire reaches an area that has already burned, the fire will go out without fuel.To fight large forest fires, planes drop water on the fires. The planes make many trips to drop water on all the places that are burning.Most importantly, firefighters should teach people about the awareness(意识)of fire prevention. People are supposed to place the fire extinguisher(灭火器)where it is get-at-able if it is needed in a hurry. As an old saying goes,“ Save against a rainy day” . All in all, the very best way to fight forest fires is to prevent them in the first place.When do forest fires happen?They often happen in summer and fall. And the dry plant parts catch fire60 . How do forest fires start?If campers are61 . , they may spread the small fire while cooking food.Lightning can also start forest fires.Why does wind make forest fires?Wind brings air to fires, then helps fires burn and spread.A new fire starts when the burning62 . are picked up by wind and dropped in places that are not burningHow do firefighters stop fires?Firefighters make the small fires burn up all the fuel to stop them from spreadingPlanes help fight large forest fires by63 . water on the fire.Please translate“Save against a rainy day. into Chinese.64 . (不超过4个汉字)十、材料作文65 . 你校英文报组织了题为“我喜欢的英语谚语,征文活动,你有意参加。请从下面两句英语谚语中任选一句,写一篇90词左右的短文,参加征文活动。Many hands make light work. Meaning: If lots of people share the work, it will make a job easier to complete.Practice makes perfect. Meaning: If you keep practising,you will be better at it. 短文内容须包括: (1)你喜欢的谚语及其含义 (2)体现该谚语含义的个人经历注意:1短文中已给出的部分(见答题卡)不计入总词数。 2短文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名。_第 11 页 共 11 页

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