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山东省2019版七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My father likes _ books in the evening. He doesnt often _ TV.Areading, watchBwatches, seeCto read, watchesDlooking at, see2 . Nobody wants to _ stupid.Asound likeBsoundChearDlisten3 . The flies are so terrible. Please _Akeep it awayBkeep them awayCkeep away themDkeep away it4 . How much do you know 996 schedule?Well, it means _from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week.AworkingBworkedCto workDworks5 . Bobs _ and _ are on the sofa.Atrouser; shortBtrousers; shortCtrousers; shortsDtrouser; shorts6 . Whats _ with you, Ann?Athe matterBthe wrongCmatter7 . Shenzhen becomes one of the first cities in China to start testing 5G network.It sounds great! It is a big event in the field of technology.Afarm landBtimeCarea8 . David is my pen friend, but we have different hobbies. His favorite hobby is _ tennis.AplayedBplayCplayingDplays9 . I _ Kate and my sister _ Gina.Aam;isBam;amCis;amDis;is10 . The bike is broken. Youd better _Ahave it repairBhave it repairedChave it to repairDhave it repairing11 . -There are some pictures _ the wall. What _ can you see?-I can see two windows _ the wall.Ain; other; onBon; other; inCon; else; inDin; else; on12 . Jason, I have helped you wash your clothes._AYoure welcome.BI dont know.CWell done!DThank you very much.13 . Every time the train goes _ the village, all the houses will shake.AacrossBonCthroughDover14 . The Greens _ dinner in the kitchen now.Ais havingBhavingCare having15 . Jim_ at 6:15 in the morning from Monday to Friday, but he gets up a little late _.Ausually get up; on weekendBusually gets up; on weekendsCget up usually; at the weekendsDgets up usually; at weekends16 . Look! A dog _ on the road. You should drive your car carefully.AlieBliesClyingDis lying17 . _ of that country _ by snow.ASecond thirds; is coveredBTwo thirds; is coveredCTwo thirds; are coveredDTwo third; covers18 . -Why didnt you arrive there until three days later?-Beccause the heavy rain _the diffculities of the jurney.AaddedBadded toCwas addedDwas added to二、完型填空Sandy and Simon _ in China. They _ to school together. They are in the same _ . They _ lessons _ 8:00 a. m. to 4: 30 p. m. After school, Sandy and her friends go _ . But Simon is still _ school. He and his friends play football. At weekends, Sandy and Simon go on a trip to the zoo. After breakfast, they _ goodbye to his mother and _ a bus to the zoo. They _ up with their classmates in the zoo.19 . AliveBlivesCcomesDcome20 . AaskBgoCcomeDbe21 . AclassBclassesCa classDsome class22 . AhaveBhasCareDtake23 . AatBinCfromDfor24 . AhomeBto homeChomesDto homes25 . AunderBonCatDof26 . AsayBtalkCspeakDtell27 . AtakeBbyConDin28 . AmeetBgetClookDgo三、阅读单选Anne is thirteen years old. She has long hair and black eyes. She is tall. She is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. She loves listening to music and dancing. She studies hard. She does well in English. But she doesnt like doing sports.Anne has a cousin. His name is Daniel. He is tall and he has short black hair. He is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School,too. He and Anne are in the same(同一的) class. He isnt good at English,but he does well in Maths. He doesnt like listening to music. He likes playing basketball. His favourite basketball player is Michael Jordan. He thinks Jordan plays basketball very well. He says he wants to be a basketball player like Michael Jordan some day.29 . Annes hair is _.AlongBshortCtallDblack30 . Anne loves _.Aplaying basketballBlistening to musicCdancingDB and C31 . Daniel is Annes _.AbrotherBsisterCfriendDcousin32 . Daniel likes _ best.AYao MingBBeckhamCMichael JordanDLiu Xiang33 . Daniel hopes(希望)to be a _.Avolleyball playerBfootball playerCbadminton playerDbasketball playerSteve Jobs was one of the fathers of the personal computing time and the founder of Apple. He was also one of the giants of the information age. Here are some of his greatest contributions.Apple IIJobs and Steve Wozniakfounded Apple Computers Inc.in 1976. A year later,the Apple II was invented.This production was the worldsfirst mass-market personal computer.The iMacUnder Jobs leadership,Apple introduced theall-in-line iMac computerin 1998. the iMac becamethe first machine, which offeredonly a CD-ROM slot.The iPadBy 2010, Steve Jobs wasconfident. The world wasready to have a tabletcomputer that would be greatfor watching movies andplaying games.The touch-sensitive iPad is a great success.iPhone 4siPhone 4s came out onOctober 4, 2011, in America.It looks like iPhone 4.It has a larger and widerscreen and a slimmer yetwider case. It has a better cameraand faster data transfer speeds.34 . The Apple II was invented _.AIn 1976.BIn 1997.CIn 1998.DIn 2010.35 . From the passage, we can know that the iPad _.Ahas a better cameraBis the first personal computerChas a CD-ROM slotDis great for watching movies36 . According to the passage, which of the following is True?AIPhone 4s screen is the same size as iPhone 4.BIPhone 4s has a larger and slimmer case than iPhone 4.CIPhone 4s uses less time to transfer data than iPhone 4.DIPhone 4s with an improved camera is cheaper than iPhone 4.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空37 . The price _(包括) both the house and the furniture.38 . He was a helpful and _(有耐心的) person.39 . They always _(鼓励) us to try our best.40 . Mr Wu spent as much time as he could _(解释) the difficulties to us.41 . My brother _(拒绝) to move the heavy box, but I didnt give up.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空42 . How much _(be) these shoes?43 . What color are your _ (short )?44 . This blue skirt is 18_ (dollar).45 . _(that) shoes are too big for me.46 . Is this_ (you) new bag?Yes.it is.六、单词填空根据图画和短文的内容,在短文的空白处填上一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。I am a Chinese boy. My English name is Bob. I live far from47 . . I often go to school by bike. I do not like to be48 . . I always get to school on time.Today I49 . to school by 50 . as usual(往常一样). Suddenly my bike doesnt51 . . I cant ride it, so I haveto get off the bike. I try my best, but it still doesnt work. Im very worried and I52 . know what to do.Just at the moment, an old man come over. He 53 . me what happen. I tell him the sad thing. He says that he can help me. A few minutes later, he mend(维修 the bike well. I am so54 . and say, “Thank55 . very much!”But the old man go away without saying any thing. Then I ride to school as fastas I can. Luckily, I 56 . to the classroom in time.七、书信作文57 . 第二节:书面表达假如你是八中学生王凯,你在国际部公告栏中看到了一则招募寄宿家庭(host family)的信息,你很感兴趣。请你根据招募要求写一份邮件。Host Families Wanted Twenty students from Lyndon School, USA are coming for a one-month study. They need 20 host families.Do you want to be a host family? If so, introduce yourself, your family, your hobbies If youre interested in it, e-mail the information to Lyndonschool gmail. com.Student Union No 8 Middle School要求:1.邮件中不能出现真实姓名等相关信息; 2.不少于70词。To: Lyndon SchoolSubject: A host family for youDear American friends,_Yours,Wang Kai八、其他选择与下列句中划线部份相同或相近的选项。58 . The Smithsare having dinner at home at the moment.AMr SmithBMrs SmithCThe Smith familyDMr Smith and his son59 . Lucydoes better in drawing than her twin sister.Ais better forBis better atCis better toDis better in60 . What do you often do after supper?I often watch TV. but sometimesgo out for a walk.Asome timesBsometimeCat timesDsome time61 . All the childrenhad a good timeat Marks birthday party.Ahelp each otherBenjoy themselvesChad a wonderful timeDhave a big dinner62 . Den Yaping could play ping-pongwhen she was four.Aat the age of fourBfour years laterCfor four yearsDfour years age第 9 页 共 9 页

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