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山东省2019版九年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The lovely girl had all the flowers _, didnt she?AwateringBwateredCto waterDwater2 . An explosion(爆炸)happened in Xiangshui, Yancheng last week. People wondered _.Athat why it happenedBhow did the government help solve the problemCwhat caused the terrible accidentDhow many people are killed in the accident3 . She _ be in the school library because shes just asked for leave from school.AmayBmustCcantDmustnt4 . Is it hard work that brings success? The answer is “YES”. Success follows only those _ work hard. The harder you work, the luckier you will get.AwhichBwhoCwhat5 . _my surprise,Class Two won the football game yesterday afternoonAWithBAtCForDTo6 . This course is too easy for her son. She is planning to change to _ one.AanotherBotherCthe otherDothers7 . LiMing used _ on the right in China, but he soon got used _ on the left in EnglishAto drive; to driveBdriving; drivingCto driving; to driveDto drive; to driving8 . I have _ encyclopedia about animals and plants.AaB/CanDthe9 . His chair _ plastic.Ais made fromBis made ofCis made up ofDmakes of10 . The film called Harry Potter is one of _ in the world.Amost popular filmBthe most popular filmCthe most popular filmsDmost popular films二、补全对话5选5补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。A: Look, a CD is on the floor.11 . B: Let me have a look. Oh, its not a CD. Its a movie DVD.A12 . B: It might be Peters. I saw a DVD in his hand just now.A:13 . B: Action movies.A: But its a cartoon DVAB: Oh, it could be Bills. He watched cartoons a lot.A: No.14 . I saw Dave looking for something earlier today.B:Well, can the DVD be his? Oh, look!15 . A:Whose?B:Daves.AWhose DVD is it?BIt has a name on it.CWhat kind of CD is it?DI think it might be Daves.EWhat kind of movies is Peter interested in?三、补全短文6选5There is a beautiful country in South America. Its in the shape of a heart. The country is Brazil.Carnival (狂欢节) is the most famous holiday in Brazil. 16 . It is important to people because its a time of happiness, freedom, and almost a whole week without work.17 . People in many countries celebrate Carnival but the celebration in Brazil is the most famous. During the festival, people wear colorful costumes, go out into the streets and dance with their friends, relatives or strangers.18 . During the holiday, people close shops and come out on the streets to celebrate life. There are many different Samba schools. They make a parade (游行) to show their music, art pieces and hand-made cars. 19 . Every year the parade tells a different story. Each city has one or more schools like this.I like Carnival, but I dont agree that the party should keep going on. 20 . Unluckily, some people arent friendly and give it a bad name, leaving a bad impression (影响) of this holiday, but it is the only national holiday that makes all different kinds of people stay together.APeople follow them all the way.BCarnival in Brazil is an important holiday. CCarnival is one of the worlds biggest celebrations.DIt is not about a big moment in history or about a famous person.ELike at every other popular party, people drive, dance and have fun. FDifferent cities of Brazil have their own ways of celebrating this week-long holiday.四、完型填空As a teenager, I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others. Because of that, I often made them feel uncomfortable. And now I often _ my bad action.I still remember it was early autumn. Some _ started to turn yellow and the weather became cool. One day, as I was getting ready for school, my mother carelessly handed me my fathers vest (背心) instead of mine. At that time, I was getting to have a _ size than my father, so when I put on the vest, I felt as if I wasnt able to breathe! I realized that it was a small mistake which was _ by my mother, but somehow the breathless feeling was so strong that it made me very angry. My mother said sorry with a smile, but I shouted at her without thinking much. I was almost mad. I got it off my body so wildly that I made a hole in it. I put on my own vest and _ out of the house before my mother could stop me.Later, my mother shared her bad feelings with my father, “See what your son has done.” I got afraid because I didnt know what he would do to me. Instead of saying he would blame or beat me, my father _ asked my mother to mend the vest.Later when my mother told me about my fathers response, I felt terribly sorry for my bad behavior. My fathers gentle kindness taught me a lesson which I would never forget.On that day, I decided not to let anger _ me any longer. Of course, there are times when I am angry. However, whenever that happens, I will try to remember my fathers _ . It always reminds me to think about others feelings when I get angry.21 . AforgiveBpreventCrealizeDregret22 . AleavesBphotosCbridgesDclothes23 . AthinnerBsmallerClargerDshorter24 . AgivenBmadeCshownDchosen25 . AlookedBwalkedCrushedDran26 . AsadlyBangrilyCbravelyDquietly27 . AforgetBcontrolCleaveDtrust28 . AwristBvestCsuggestionsDfeelingsFood is very important. Everyone needs to _ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _. We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are _ in everything around them. They learn _ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to _ story books, science books , anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _ to find out the answers.What is the best _ to get knowledge ? If we learn _ ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are _ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand _ .29 . AsleepBreadCdrinkDeat30 . AsportBexerciseCknowledgeDmeat31 . AinterestingBinterestedCweakDbetter32 . AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything33 . AlendBreadClearnDwrite34 . AtryBhaveCthinkDwait35 . AplaceBwithCwayDby36 . AonBwithCtoDby37 . AoftenBalwaysCusuallyDsometimes38 . AharderBmuchCbetterDwell五、阅读单选Health is very important to everyone and we all want to keep healthy. But in a world full of junk food(垃圾食品),it is not very easy to do so. Now let me tell you some useful ways to keep healthy.First, we should eat right kinds of food. As we all know, eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for our health, because they are rich in fiber and low in fat. A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy, too. And we shouldnt eat too much meat or candy, because too much meat may make us fat and too many candies may be bad for our teeth. And dont drink too much coffee.Second, we should eat in a right way. We cant eat too little or too much. That can make us sick. And we must have meals three times every day on time, too.Its necessary(必要的)for us to have right food and healthy eating habits.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。39 . The writer tells us _ ways of keeping healthy.A1B2C3D440 . Why are fruit and vegetables good for our health?ABecause they are delicious.BBecause they are sweet.CBecause they are cheap.DBecause theyre rich in fiber and low in fat.41 . The underline word sick meansA生病的B烦闷的C可爱的D重要的42 . To keep healthy, we should .Aeat all kinds of fruitsBdrink milk three times a dayCeat in a right wayDeat four times a day43 . What can we drink every day according to the writer?ACola.BMilk.CTea.DCoffee.Has a doctor ever given you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine? Are you able to read the note easily? Some doctors write clearly , but most doctors do not. Chemists(药剂师) have more chances to read doctors notes, but sometimes doctors write so badly that even the chemist cant read them.One day a lady wrote to a doctor inviting him to have dinner at her house. The doctor wrote an answer, but he didnt write clearly and the lady couldnt read it.“What shall I do?” she said to her husband, “I dont know whether he is coming or not. I dont want to give him a telephone call and say that I cant read his writing.”Her husband thought a moment, then he had an idea.“Thank you,” said his wife. “Thats a very good idea.”She went to the chemists shop and gave the doctors note to the chemist. The chemist looked at it very carefully. Then he said politely, “Could you wait a moment, madam?” He went to the back of the shop. After a few minutes he returned carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the lady and said, “Three times a day and one spoonful at a time.”44 . It isnt _ for us to read the notes written by most doctors.ArightBpleasedCeasyDdifficult45 . A chemist is a person who _.Atakes medicineBstudies chemistryCcan read doctors writingsDsells medicine46 . The lady wrote a doctor a letter because _.Ashe wanted to see himBshe wanted to invite him to dinnerCshe wanted to get some medicine for her husbandDshe didnt want to give him a telephone call47 . . The husband thought _.Athe chemist could give them answerBthe letter was for the chemistCthe chemist would give them the right medicineDthe chemist couldnt read, either48 . After reading the story, we know _.Athe doctor agreed to come to the ladys houseBthe doctor refused to come to the ladys houseCthe chemist couldnt read the doctors noteDthe doctor could not read the doctors note, either六、阅读判断Amy Brown is nine years old. She has a bad cold and cough(咳嗽) .So she goes to see a doctor. The doctor gives her some cough medicine. There are some words on the bottle of medicine.Cough MedicineShake(摇动) well before use.Take three times each day after mealsDoes(剂量) adults(成人): 2 teaspoonfuls children 8-14 : 1 teaspoonful children 4-7: 1/2 teaspoonful Not suitable(适合) for children below(在以下) the age of 4.Put it in cold places.Use before Oct.2006.根据短文,判断对错. 对的写T,错的写F.49 . Amy should take three teaspoonfuls every day.50 . The medicine shouldnt be put in a hot place.51 . If a two-year-old child has a cough ,he has to take 1/4 teaspoonful.52 . Dont take the medicine without shaking well.53 . Its good for Amy to take the medicine after Oct.2006.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。54 . I cant go out at school nights. Its one of my _.(家规)55 . If you really think a _can bring good things to you,simply choose it,but dont forget to make your owneffort.(幸运数字)56 . We should keep our dreams in mind and _ any possible chance to realize them.(寻找)57 . No matter how you _or where you work,you need to know what you work for.(谋生)58 . My friend trusts me _ and she is always around me when I need help.(一直,总是)八、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文。thank early reply call host be reason late bring inviteSometimes you receive an 59 . .If you receive it. be sure to 60 . to it quickly. If you cant go, you should tell the host and give some 61 . why you cant go there. If you can go there, make sure of the place and the time, And make a note of your 62 . telephone number. Let the host know if you may 63 . a little late, You should arrive twenty minutes 64 . but dont stay too 65 . .You dont have to 66 . a gift for your host. If you would like to67 . your host, you can send a note of thanks to yourhost or 68 . your host afterwards(以后)to express(表达)your thanks.九、填写适当的单词补全对话A: Hello! May I speak to David, please?B: Hello! This is David speaking. Whos t69 . ?A: Simon speaking. What are you going to do tomorrow?B: I have no i70 . . Do you have any plans?A: Yes. Shall we go to the zoo?B: Good idea. We can see different kinds of animals there. A71 . them, I like pandas best.A: So do I. I cant wait to see them. B72 . the way, can we feed the pandas?B: No, Im afraid not. It may h73 . them.A: I see. Can you take your c74 . with you? Mine is broken.B: No problem. How can we get there?A: The No.8 bus can take us there.B: When shall we meet?A: Lets m75 . it half past eight in the morning.B: All right. See you then at the school gate.A: See you.十、填空We all know the strange feeling of watching the time change on a oclock.You never really see it change because the hands move so slowly. But, of course, the time is changing all the time.Human faces, like clock faces, are also changing. And like clocks, the changes take place too slowly to be noticed. Over many thousands of years, though, huge changes are possible. For example, the human brain tripled (三倍的) in size. Our faces became flatter, and we began to think more.If our heads became larger in the past, how will things change in the future? Unlike the changes of a clock face, the changes in human faces are not easy to predict (预测). It is mainly because of the way in which we can now control parts of nature. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, all changes were natural, but now we can actively choose paths for our own evolution(进化).A US artist named Nickolay Lamm has recently offered an idea at what human faces may one day look like. The designs, inspired (受启发) by his conversations with scientist Alan Kwan, show humans with larger heads and eyes. In particular, Lamm predicts the forehead may be larger because of increasing usage of the brain.Just a few hundred years ago, most humans were working in the fields, while nowadays more and more people get education. These are just predictions, and no one can be sure how human beings will evolve(进化) in the future. But with such huge changes in our environment, it seems likely that we will look very different one day.Changes to human facesSimilarity between the changes to the76 . and ones to human facesThey both keep changing all the time. But these changes are too 77 . to be noticed.Over the time, it is 78 . for huge changes to take place.79 . of human faces changes in the pastThe human 80 . is three times as large as it was thousands of years ago.Human faces became flatter and humans began to think more.Possible changes in the 81 . It is hard to predict. One of the main82 . can be the way in which humans can control parts of the nature.A US83 . , Lamn, shows humans with larger heads and eyes.Lamn predicts that because humans84 . the brain more often, the forehead may be larger.ConclusionHow human beings will evolve is 85 . . But the huge changes in our environment are likely to make humans look very different.十一、材料作文86 . 假设某中学生英文报开展关于计算机与学生生活的征文活动,请你根据下表所提示的要点,以“Computer in my life”为题,用英语为该报写一篇短文,简述计算机在你生活中的用途,并就计算机对你生活的影响谈谈你的感受。注意:1、表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2、词数80词左右,开头已经写好,不计入总数。3、表达中请勿提及真实姓名和校名。用途学习搜索信息,拓展阅读交流聊天,讨论问题,收发电子邮件生活欣赏音乐,购买商品其它(请自拟一点内容)感受计算机对你生活的影响(请自拟一点内容)Computer in my lifeThe computer has become an important part of my life._第 13 页 共 13 页

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