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内蒙古自治区2020版九年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in_of the small towns in England. When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to London, the_of England. There were several younger children in the_.Their life was_.So Dickens could not go to school. He didnt go to_until his father came out of prison (监狱).At that time he was_twelve years old. But he did not finish school. Two years_, he began to work. He often went to the library to_books. He read a lot. Then Dickens wrote lots of novels and stories all his _.Dickens died over a hundred years ago._ people are still reading his books with great interest.1 . AanyBoneCsomeDa2 . AcityBtownCcapitalDcountry3 . AschoolBclassCcityDfamily4 . AgoodBhardCeasyDwonderful5 . AschoolBa schoolCthe schoolDschools6 . AalreadyByetCstillDnever7 . AagoBbeforeClaterDsince8 . AseeBbuyCsellDread9 . AmoneyBhomeCclassDlife10 . AButBSoCWhyDWhile二、阅读单选阅读理解请阅读上面的几则寻物及招领启事, 并完成下列各题。11 . Please call _. She found a watch.AHelenBLisaCSueDTim12 . I lost a set of keys.Call _ at _. She found a set of keys.ASue; 531-3754BHelen; 422-9856CTim; 524-6374DTom; 483-927613 . What color is Tims cat?AYellowBWhiteCBlackDYellow and white14 . _ lost his computer game.ATomBSueCTimDLisa15 . _ found a notebook and her number is _.ASue; 531-3754BLisa; 425-9536CHelen; 422-9856DTim; 524-637Hobbies can be anything. They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things. But how to pick a hobby?Think back to what you loved as a kid.Did you like to ride bikes with friends? Did you love to paint or draw? Think about what got you excited as a kid and what you could do for several hours. If you rode bikes, why not get a new bike and go around your neighborhood? If you loved drawing, take a class at an art museum. Look at what interests you.Do you enjoy reading books? Maybe you want to try your hand at writing them. Do you like a cold beer at the end of the day? Maybe your hobby could be trying to make beer at home. Turn what you love into a hobby.Look into your skill.Some hobbies need skills. If you have little patience, you may not enjoy hand-sewing. But if you love repairing and building things, you can have a hobby like working on old radios or building furniture.Pay attention to what excites you.What you often talk about can show what you love most. Think about the topics you always go on about. Ask your friends what you talk about most. Then you can decide how to tum it into a hobby.16 . What is the benefit of having hobbies?AMaking you smart.BLetting you try new things.CMaking your life exciting.DLetting you love many things.17 . If you love reading, what might be your hobby according to the passage?AWriting stories.BRepairing old radios.CMaking food at home.DStudying at an art museum.18 . How can you find out what excites you?AThink about what you loved as a kid.BLook at what you are good at.CLearn to try many new things.DAsk others what you talk about most.19 . From the passage, we can learn that_.Aif you are skilled at something, you can pick it as a hobby.Bif you don t like something, you can make it your hobby.Cthe thing you loved to do as a kid can t be kept as a hobby.Dthe thing you talk least with your friend can be your hobby.20 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AHow to write books.BHow to excite a kid.CHow to find a hobby.DHow to try new things at home.If your mother told you to eat carrots so youd be able to see in the dark, she was right. It turns out that feeding kids carrots is just one of a number of things to keep eyes healthy. Other things include regular eye exams, and sunglasses or hats are also very helpful, experts say.While eye disease is sometimes hereditary(遗传的), some are still preventable(可预防的), said Dr. Ron Weber, an Atlanta-based ophthalmologist. For example, nearsightedness, “not only has a genetic(基因的) component but is also influenced by how kids use their eyes during childhood,” he told Reuters Health by phone.He said that extended close work, such as reading, has long been thought to cause nearsightedness. Recent support has come from a study in which people with a higher level of education were more likely to have nearsightedness, because they spend more time reading or working on computers. Another study showed that children who spend more time outdoors are less likely to become nearsighted.But these findings dont mean kids should be stopped from reading or working on the computer. Instead, Weber suggests, make sure a childs environment is bright enough while they are doing close work. Parents should also help kids get into the habit of holding their reading material at the perfect distance about 18 to 22 inches, he said. Finally, taking a break every five minutes or so, to let the eyes relax and focus on an object in the distance, will also help.One of the most important things a parent can do to help_eye disease and vision problems is to make sure their child gets regular eye exams, beginning early in life. “The majority of vision problems in children are preventable and treatable,” said Dr. Ida Chung.21 . What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?AIt is important to keep your eyes healthy.BPeople seldom pay attention to eye health.CIt is necessary to give your kids carrots.DAll the eye disease are hereditary.22 . Which one is good for our eye health according to the third paragraph?ASpend more reading on computers.BSpend more time indoors.CSpend more time doing outdoor activities.DSpend more time working on computers.23 . The underlined part in the last paragraph means_.AtreatBstopCcoverDincrease24 . Which can be the BEST title for this passage?AEating carrotsBEye diseaseCHow to keep eyes healthyDThe importance of eye health.Switzerland is famous for its watches. However, this country didnt invent the watch. It was the British who did. Here is a story of how the watch was brought to Switzerland.Many years ago, an Englishman traveled to Italy. This Englishman traveled in a carriage. On his way, he stopped in s small town called Geneva in Switzerland.There was a carriage watch in it. This was the earliest kind of watch. A blacksmiths assistant happened to see the watch. He wanted to know what it was and asked the Englishman about it. “It is a carriage watch,” said the man. “This machine can tell the time but it isnt working now.”The blacksmiths assistant wanted to try to repair so the traveler handed him the watch. The assistant was a very clever man, so it was easy for him to repair it. He even remembered how it was made. As soon as the traveler had gone on his way, he made a watch of exactly the same type.So the watch-making was started in Switzerland. Today, Swiss watches are sold in countries all over the world.25 . What is Switzerland famous for?ATVs.BPens.CWatches.DShoes.26 . What can the carriage clock tell?AA story.BA joke.CThe time.DA lie.27 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe blacksmiths assistant didnt want to have a look.BThe blacksmiths assistant wanted to wear the watch.CThe blacksmiths assistant wanted to repair the watch for the man.DThe blacksmiths assistant only wanted to keep the watch.28 . From the passage, we know that _.AJapan started the watch-making.BSwiss watches are sold only in Switzerland.Cthe English traveler was the inventor of the watches.DSwiss watches are sold all over the world.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空29 . _(散步) is good for your health.30 . Jack is not strong. He _ (需要) to do morning exercises.31 . Lucy likes the number _ (九十九).32 . Morning exercises help us get _ (准备好) for a day.33 . Shirley likes going fishing on _(周末).34 . He _ (很少) goes to buy books because he has many at home.35 . Simon likes _ (聊天) with his friends after lunch.36 . How many _ (次数) do you play tennis every week?37 . Can you tell me these _ (英雄) names?38 . Do you_(练习)basketball after school?四、用单词的正确形式完成短文Earthworms(蚯蚓)are friends of farmers in many countries. They can make 39 . in the soil(土壤),so rain and air can get through.That helps plants grow. But now in the United States, some earthworms are causing 40 . .The earthworms are called Asian jumpers. They first came to the US from Asia. They are big and strong. They can jump off the ground. They can also grow as long as 15 cm. The strong worms can get into very hard 41 . . So in the 1980s, American farmers used them a lot. Now these worms are everywhere in some American forests.However, Asian jumpers are big eaters. They also like to live in very big grounds. When they get into the forest, they eat the leaf litter (落叶层)on the forest floor very quickly.It is not 42 . for the forest. Many plant seeds(种子)need the leaf litter to grow. Some other animals also eat the litter as food. Asian jumpers take their food away. The leaf litter also protect the soil. The Asian jumpers eat the litter and open up the forest to danger.A 100-year-old woman from New Jersey has become the oldest competitor in the 43 . of the United States Bowling Congress Womens Championships(保龄球联盟妇女杯冠军赛).Emma Hendrickson was presented with a medal to celebrate her 50th appearance in the championships. She also 44 . a gift in recognition of her status(身份)as the oldest participant(参赛者).The great-great-grandmother did well during team competition at the National Bowling Stadium. Hendrickson, who celebrated her 100th birthday less than a month ago, says her teammates sometimes help her line the pins(保龄球等的木瓶)up, 45 . her eyesight has weakened over the years.I can see the ten pins clearly when theyre standing, but its difficult to see which pins are standing for spares(被击倒), ”she says. Hendricksons bowling activity is supported by her 27 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great great children. She has no 46 . to stop and has already signed up to compete in the 2020 event.五、语法填空Nora and Justin, the couple, both 35, got tired of life and wanted more. Two years ago, they sold their house, left things behind, b47 . a truck, and hit the road. They havent looked back since.Nora grew up in a small fishing village on an island. Justin is from a small town in the south of the USA. They have been m48 . for about four years. Since they began their journey, they have visited c49 . such as China, Australia, and Mexico. When they chose to live this life, it was because they were l50 . for more. They wanted to find out what meant the most to them. Theyve found that less is more. Justin works online. He is able to work and travel anywhere in the world as long as he can get to the I51 . .One of the greatest things of travel is that they have built some of the most meaningful relationships with the people on the road. These people have helped them to learn w52 . they really are. Nora and Justin met some travelers. They sailed, cooked together, shared stories a53 . the fire. These friends quickly became family. Nora and Justin each have learned and found new hobbies and talents. Nora is i54 . in taking photos, and Justin has fallen in love with sailing. If you are thinking about living a life like t55 . , they say “Dont try to work it all out in the beginning. You will change b56 . your views on life will change later when you travel. Stay open, follow your heart, and do what you want.” Nora also says: “This journey has been life-changing and life-giving to them.”六、信息匹配【选项A】【选项B】【选项C】【选项D】【选项E】57 . It is a team sport played by two teams of four players each team on a rectangular (矩形) area of ice. The game is played with 16 large granite (大理石) stones. Each stone weighs 19. 96kg. The team with the most points wins the game. 58 . It is played between two teams. The players wear ice skates on their feet and can skate across the ice at very high speeds. They hold hockey sticks, which they use to push, shoot or pass a puck. (冰球) around the ice. 59 . Players ski along paths to compete in the sports events. They jump forward and land as far as possible down the hill below. Players must hold their skis in a V-shape before landing. 60 . It is seen as the joining of two sports; skiing and shooting. It has its roots in skills practiced in the snow-covered forests, where people hunted on skis with guns hung over their shoulders61 . It is both an art and a sport, in which people skate around on ice, doing jumps and spins(旋转). The name means to make figures (规定动作) or patterns on the ice. People skate with music. 七、话题作文62 . 我们的初中校园生活丰富多彩,请以My school life为题,写一篇作文。要求语句通顺,字数80词左右。注意:文中不能使用真实的姓名和校名。My school life_第 10 页 共 10 页

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