英语四年级下册Unit_6_Shopping Part_B-C 练习卷

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英语四年级下册Unit_6_Shopping Part_B-C 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Whos that thin boy? ( ) _AShe is me.BHe is my father.CIts me.2 . The jacket is too big. I _ buy it.( )AwillBwant toCwont3 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AeggsBfishCjuice4 . -What do you often do on the weekend? ( )-_.AI often read a book .BIm sending grandpa an e-card .CI can make a birthday card.5 . . -is the pen? -Blue.AWhatBWhat colourCHow many6 . How do you _ this sweater? ( )AlikeBdoChave7 . _ I have an apple, please? ( )ACanBcanC/二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hello, boys and girls. We have some clothes on sale today. Do you like sweaters? Do you like pants? We have many sweaters and pants in all colour. The sweaters are only twenty yuan for each. And the pants are only fifteen yuan for each. For girls. we have white dresses for twelve yuan, red skirts for ten yuan, and hats for eight yuan. For boys, we have black shirts and blue shorts. Theyre both ten yuan for each. Come to our shop and have a look.8 . Theshophavemany _inallcolour. ( )AsweatersBpantsCAandB9 . Thepantsareonly _ yuanforeach. ( )A20B15C3010 . Doestheshophavereddresses? ( )AYes,itdoes.BNo.itdoesnt.CYes.it is.11 . The _ aretenyuan. ( )AwhitedressesBhatsCblueshorts12 . Ihavetwentyyuan,soIcantake _. ( )Aapairof(一条;双)pantsandahatBahatandablackshirtCasweaterandared skirt三、填空题选词填空。A. are B. on C. for D. too E. at13 . Look _ that dress. Its very cheap.14 . We have many colours _ you.15 . These sunglasses are¥200. Theyre _ expensive.16 . The gloves _ nice.17 . Its cold today. I can put _ my sweater.四、排序题18 . 欢乐之旅。快把打乱车厢的列车重新组装好,开往欢乐谷吧!AIts very pretty. But its not for sale. BThey are too expensive.COh! How much are these sunglasses? DTheyre $ 85.EAmy. Look! How do you like this dress?( )-( )-( )-( )-( )五、英译汉翻译下列句子。19 . Lookatthatdress. _20 . Istheumbrellatooexpensive?_21 . Howmuchisthisskirt?_22 . CanItrythemon?_23 . Theyrejustright. _六、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. How much is it?B. Ill take it.C. Can I help you?D. Its expensive. E. What colour do you like?A:24 . B: Yes, I want a T-shirt.A:25 . AGreen.A: Look at these ones.B: This one is pretty. 26 . A: Its sixty yuan.B:27 . A: How about this one? Its only ten yuan.B: Its nice. 28 . 七、改错改正句子29 . He go to school by bus last week._30 . Didnt you saw him just now?_31 . He wait her three hours ago._32 . How is Tom yesterday?_八、匹配题选出相对应的答语。A. Lets go to the lunch room.B. Thank you.C. Zoom? I dont know!D. Yes, we do.E. Its on the first floor.F. Yes, it is.33 . Wheres Zoom?(_)34 . Is this the computer room?(_)35 . Wheres the music room?(_)36 . Welcome to our school.(_)37 . Im hungry.(_)38 . Do you have a big playground?(_)第 5 页 共 5 页

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