英语四年级下册专项训练四: Bye-Bye易错题

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英语四年级下册专项训练四: Bye-Bye易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Imyour left. ( )AbetweenBonCturn看图,选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号里。2 . I like _.( )Aplaying basketballBplay basketballCplaying football3 . You should _.( )Asee a doctorBdo more exerciseCtake a deep breath and count to ten4 . The old man is a _. ( )AfarmerBcleanerCscientist5 . Ms Zhang _. ( )Ateach ChineseBteaching ChineseCteaches Chinese6 . My aunt is a _.( )AreporterBteacherCpolice officer7 . I m going to _ in the cinema.( )Atake a tripBthe supermarketCsee a film8 . Look _ the rabbit. Its white and little. ( )AatBto9 . _ gloves are these? ( )Its my cousins.AWhosBWhoCWhose10 . I _ a boy and you _ a girl. ( )Aam; amBam; areCare; are11 . -Where is Su Hai? ( )-She _ in the playground just now?AwasBwereCis12 . How many can you see? ( )ArobotsBrobotCrobotes13 . Did you _ anything else? ( )AdidBdoesCdo14 . -_ were the sheep doing ? -They were drinking water .AWhatBWhereCWho15 . is she?( )She is Amy.AWhoBHowCWhat16 . We can use water _things. ( )Ato cleanBcleanCcleaning17 . Mybrotherwants_amovieactor.( )AisBbeCtobeDtois18 . _ pens do you see? I see 11.AHow manyBHow muchCHow old19 . This is Kate. She is _ America. ( )AbesideBonCfrom20 . Look! There _ so many _ in the sky. ( )Ais; cloudsBis; cloudCare; cloudDare; clouds21 . You _ take any candy from strangers. ( )AmustBshouldntCmay22 . _ you like coffee? ( )AAreBIsCDo23 . Did your mother like the postcard?(做出否定回答)_24 . _programmes are detective films.( )AI favouriteBHe favouriteCMy mothers favouriteDLisa favourite25 . Let Liu Tao _ them _our school. ( )Ashows, toBshow, aroundCshows, aroundDshow, to26 . - Whose pants are these? ( )- Theyre _.AMikeBMikesCJohn27 . Its timefootball. Lets go to the playground. ( )Afor playingBfor playCto playing28 . Labour Day is in May, Mothers Day is_ in May. ( )AtooBalsoCtwo29 . I eat ice cream in summer. ( )AB30 . Lets _ at a map. ( )AlooksBlookClooked31 . Are these pears?_. They are apples.AYes, they areBNo, they areCNo, they arent32 . What _your family like to do? ( )AisBdoesCare33 . Haveapple. Sorry, I dont like. ( )Asome, applesBan, appleCan, apples34 . I would like some . ( )AtomatoBtomatosCtomatoes35 . Robin has GPS. He can.( )Aread booksBfind foodCfind the way36 . Most of the children enjoy _ computer games.Aplay BplayingCplayed Dto play37 . She _ play with her toys. ( )AwantBwants toCwant to二、情景交际38 . 询问别人是否有新老师时,你应该说:_AWhos your new teacher?BAre you a new teacher?CDo you have a new teacher?三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。39 . Leo likes _(ride) a bike to school every day.40 . Lets _(go) home now.41 . Does your grandparents _(live) in the city? No, they dont.42 . Liu Tao rides very _(good).43 . Bobby wants _(show) his bike to Sam.44 . My father is a bus _(drive).45 . Wang Bing _(not do) his homework on Sunday.46 . We cant eat these nice _(mushroom).47 . _(who) gloves are they? They are big and new.用动词的正确形式填空。48 . What are you _ (do)?I _ (watch) TV.49 . Its 9:00 p.m. My parents _ (read) newspapers.50 . Look! The boy _ (throw) rubbish on the floor.51 . Tom and his sister _ (wait) for their parents at the moment.52 . Where is Miss Zhang?She _ (talk) with the pupils.53 . Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获)54 . 用“be”的适当形式填空(1)There _four beds in the room.(2)_this your box?(3)There _many flowers in the park.(4)There _a pen, a book and two pencils on the table. (5)_you a new student?Yes, I _.55 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Three years ago we _ (begin) to learn English.2. _( Jack) father gave a car to him yesterday.3. My father wants us _ (go) to Beijing with him.4. We _ (do) role play just now. 5. My teacher taught me _ (read) these words.6. I am good at _ (play) football.7. I am _(interest) in English. 8. Here _(be) some words.9. I had a lot of _ (fun).10. Let me _(learn) this sentence.四、句型转换56 . There were some fruit trees on the farm.(改为一般疑问句)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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