英语四年级下册Unit 7 What's the matter 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷

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英语四年级下册Unit 7 What's the matter 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷_第1页
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英语四年级下册Unit 7 What's the matter 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷_第2页
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英语四年级下册Unit 7 What's the matter 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷_第3页
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英语四年级下册Unit 7 Whats the matter 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I liked to _ in winter before. ( )Aice-skatingBgoing ice-skatingCice-skate选出每组中与其它词不同类的一项。2 . AdoorBwindowCbeef3 . AstrongBuncleCtall4 . AchickenBbedCsofa5 . AbeefBnoodlesCEnglish6 . AcookBnurseCfarmer7 . Look! Ive got _ toys. ( )AanyBsomeCa8 . What _ he _? ( )Ais; likeBdo; likesCdoes; like9 . On Mid-Autumn Day, Ill _ with my family. ( )Aeat chocolate eggsBeat zongziCeat mooncakes10 . There _ a ruler and some pencils in the pencil-box. ( )AbeBisCareDhas二、填空题根据中文意思,完成句子。每空一词。11 . I am _(饿)I want some bread to eat.12 . You look _(累), please sit down.13 . Jim likes _(游泳)very much, he often swims in summer.14 . How many _(馅饼)would you like? Three.15 . Whose dress is this?Its my _(妈妈).三、排序题16 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_) Yes, I do.(_) No, Im not.(_) Then, do you like hot dogs?(_) Are you ill, Tom?(_) Thanks, Mum.(_) Heres a hot dog for you.四、英汉混合英汉互译。17 . 集邮_18 . famous people_19 . 新照片_20 . 长城_21 . lots of_五、匹配题22 . 读问句,选答语,将其字母标号填入括号内(_) 1. Has Tom got a pen?(_) 2. How do you go to work each day?(_) 3. Heres a present for you!(_) 4. Is it under the book?(_) 5. Where is the desk?(_) 6. What is this?AThank you. BYes, he has.CIts a dress. DIts in the classroom.EYes, it is. FI walk.第 3 页 共 3 页

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