英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 Don't touch the machines please 练习卷

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英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 Don't touch the machines please 练习卷_第1页
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英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 Don't touch the machines please 练习卷_第2页
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英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 Don't touch the machines please 练习卷_第3页
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英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 Dont touch the machines please 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This old man is blind, he cant _.( )AhearBseeCwalk2 . 给下列词组,选择正确的汉语意思。(_) 1. January 1st A. 一月一日 B. 一月份(_) 2. at home A. 回家 B. 在家(_) 3. Spring Festival A. 春节 B. 中秋节(_) 4. New Years Day A. 春节 B. 新年(_) 5. twelve months A. 十二个月 B. 十二月3 . Dont _. Dont _.Your mother will be better soon. ( )Aworried; be sadBworry; be sadCbe worry, be sad4 . How many apples _ in the box?Ais thereBare thereCthere areDthere is5 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbicycleBspaceCbus看看,选择正确的图片。6 . The monkey is funny. ( )AB7 . This is my cousins hat. ( )AB8 . The cat is in the box. ( )AB9 . I can see a scarf. ( )AB10 . ( )AHe likes basketball.BHe likes table tennis.11 . Your socks are too small Try this on.( )AoneBaCpair12 . Is this your pen?AYes ,this is.BYes, thiss.CNo ,this isnt.DNo,it isnt.13 . Judy _ blue dress. ( )AlikeBdoesnt likeCdont like二、情景交际14 . 你想表达那位男士是你的爸爸,你应说:_( )AThe boy is my brother.BThe man is my father.15 . 当你想告诉别人,不许推人,应该说_ ( )ADont shout.BDont push.16 . 当你想问怎么回事时, 你可以说:( )AWhat are you doing?BWhats the matter?17 . 昨天是国庆节,你怎样告诉别人?( )ATomorrow is National Day!BToday is National Day!CYesterday was National Day!18 . 当你想说自己是一名小学生时,你应说:AIm a pupil.BThis is a pupil.第 3 页 共 3 页

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