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英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:情景交际选择姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . 当你看到远处有一支漂亮的钢笔,会说:( )AWhats a nice pen?BThats a nice pen.CThis is a nice pen.2 . 你在教室里捡到一只笔,想知道是谁丢的,应该问:( )AIs it very old?BWhose pen is it?3 . 向别人祝贺生日快乐时,你会说:_( )ANice to meet you.BHappy birthday!4 . 当你问“How much is it?”时. 售货员会说:AHow do you like it?BIts 5: 00.CIts 5 yuan.5 . 你不知道同学的年龄,你可以问他(她):( )AHow old are you?BWhat time is it?6 . 当你知道今天是李林的生日的时候,你会对李林说:( )AHappy birthday, Li Lin.BHappy every day!CHow are you?7 . 你想让别人看你的新书包,你该怎么说? ( )AI have a new book.BLook! I have a new schoolbag.8 . 当你想问这是谁的外套,应这样问:( )AIs this whose coat?BWhose coat is this?CThis is whose coat?9 . ( )你向别人说看看那只大象,应说:_ALook that elephant.BLook at that elephant.10 . 当你想说“每个人都想健康和强壮。”时,你会说:( )AEveryone wants to be healthy and strong.BPeople want to be healthy and strong.11 . 小朋友们在讨论自己喜欢的水果,但是丽丽既不喜欢苹果也不喜欢橘子,这时丽丽会这样说:( )AI dont like apples or oranges.BI dont like apples and oranges.12 . 当你想知道别人卧室里有什么时,你应该说:( )AWhats in your bedroom?BWhere is your living room?13 . 你的小伙伴因为生病而不能和你一起去动物园了,你可以说:( )AI can try.BWell done.CWhat a pity!14 . 你想知道远处的物体是什么时,你会问:( )AHow are you?BWhats that?CWhats this?15 . 小猴子想问对方有没有美术教室,它应该这样说:_ ( )ADo you have a computer room?BDo you have an art room?16 . How many boys can you see?(用“十九个”回答)_17 . 从商店刚买回的雨伞应该这样描述:AThis umbrella is new.BThis umbrella is old.18 . 当你想知道那些书多少钱时,你会用哪句话来询问:( )AHow many books are there?BHow much are these books?CHow much are those books?19 . 放学了,老师会说:( )ASchool is over.BClass begins.20 . 情景反应。1.教师节时,我们为老师送去祝福,我们应该说:_2.你的亲戚朋友过生日的时候你应该对她说:_3.当你过生日时,别人对你说Happy birthday to you.你应该回答:_4.过新年的时候,你应该对亲戚朋友说:_5.当别人给你说 Happy New year!时,你应该回答:_21 . 怎么用英语表达你有一本新书? ( )ALook, this is my book.BI have a new book.22 . 当你不知道医院在哪儿,应该问:( )AWhere is the hospital, please?BHow can I get the cinema, please?23 . 当你想说“我妈妈需要一件毛衣。”时,应说:_ ( )AMy mother needs a sweater.BMy mother need a sweater.24 . 你喜欢面条,可以这样表达:( )AI like noodles.BI like eggs.25 . 你想知道今天是什么天气,你可以说:( )AHow is the weather today?BWhat is the weather today?26 . 当别人问你有几根手指时,你说:_ ( )ATheyre big.BTen.27 . 当有人问路时,你想告诉他沿街直走,并在交通灯处左转,你会说_ATurn left at the street.BAcross the road.CGo down this street and turn left at the traffic lights.28 . The black one is a bird.这句话的意思是:A黑色的那个是只鸟。B绿色的那个是只鸟。29 . 当你和一个英国人聊天时,你会闲聊什么?下面哪个是最好的选择? ( )ADid you have a good trip?BBeautiful weather, isnt it?CDid you eat something?第 4 页 共 4 页

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