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英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:一般将来时(选择题)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Three girls _ the bird_ a bag. ( )Acaught; toBcatches; inCcaught; with2 . Can I have a rabbit? ( )_.AGoodBYes, you canCNo, you can3 . What _ John do? ( )AisBcanCdo4 . Many foreigners _ China again in 2010.Awill visitingBvisitCare going to visitDwill going to visit5 . Whereyou just now?Iat the library.Awas; wereBare; wasCwere; was6 . She London Eye tomorrow. ( )AvisitedBvisitCis going to visit7 . - _ you on holiday soon? ( )- No, I _ on holiday next month.AAre; going to; willBAre; going to be; willCAre; going to; will beDAre; going to be; will be8 . I _ late. ( )AamBisCare9 . Its _ warm. ( )AtoBtwoCtoo10 . It _Childrens Day next Monday.Ais going toBis going to beCwas11 . Mr Wang_go fishing this afternoon.( )AwillBshallCbe12 . Im _ _in our class.AthinBthinnerCthe thinnest13 . The boys have _ already. ( )Atwo breadBtwo breadsCtwo pieces of bread14 . We _ go to the Summer Palace next Sunday. ( )AwillB/Chave15 . The spring is _.( )AcomeBcomesCcoming16 . I will _ them.( )AtakeBtakesCtaking17 . Do you use chopsticks _England? ( )AatBtoCin18 . Welikesports.We_strong! ( )AamBisCare19 . _ summer, I went to Hangzhou with my classmates and my teacher. ( )AWhenBNextCLast20 . Do you want juice coffee? ( ) Juice, please.AandBorCwith21 . We _ some pictures tomorrow. ( )AtakeBare takingCare going to take22 . Jack and Jill _ draw together. ( )Ais going toBare going toCare23 . _ a concert next Saturday? ( )AThere will beBWill there beCThere can beDThere are24 . Look, there is _ old woman near _ house.Aan; theBan; aCa; the25 . My aunt likes to go for a walk after dinner _summer.AinBtoCfor26 . It will _ cold soon.AisBbeC/27 . Tomorrow I _ a badminton game. ( )Aam going to watchBam watchingCwatch28 . Where are you going, Sam? Im _ Damings home. ( )Agoing toBtaking toCmoving toDg o to29 . ( ) I run _ four oclock.AatBonCin30 . Lily _ some flowers for her mother tomorrow. ( )Ais pickingBwill pickCpicks第 4 页 共 4 页

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