英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:There be句型

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英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:There be句型姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ an earthquake (地震)in Lushan on the 20th of April.AisBwasCis going to be2 . How many do you have in your home? ( )I have three.AbedroomsBkitchenCbathroom3 . Where _ the bird? ( )AamBisCare4 . Is there _apple juice in the fridge ?( )AsomeBanyCa lot5 . his mother cooking meat with potatoes? ( )AIsBDoCAre6 . A: Where are the toy cars? ( )B: _ on the bed.AItsBThere areCThey are7 . Here _ a card for you. ( )AisBareCs8 . Can I also _ his pen pal? ( )AisBamCbe9 . Have you got _ nails? ( )AsomeBanyCmuch10 . There _ a lion and a mouse in the forest long long ago. ( )AisBwasCareDwere11 . The children _ playing football. ( )AamBisCare12 . There fifteen apples. ( )AareBisCdo13 . ( )(8)There _a football and two basketballs in the sports hall.AisBareCarent14 . Elephants _ fat. ( )AisBareCam15 . I didnt eat _bananas. ( )AmuchBsomeCany二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案填在题前括号内。It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the beach with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball on the sands, We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired but happy.根据短文内容,找出正确选项:16 . It istoday. ( )ASundayBSaturdayCThursdayDFriday17 . The weather was. ( )AcloudyBwindyCsunnyDsnowy18 . I got up at. ( )A7:00B7:30C8:00D8:3019 . I went to the beach with. ( )APeterBAnnCBettyDAlice20 . Where did the men fish? ( )AOn the beach.BOn the boat.COn the sand,DIn the boat.21 . 阅读并判断,相符的写T,不相符的写F。 Im an American student. My name is Peter. Im twelve. I have a brother.Hes Steven . We are in the same grade, but in different classes. We go to school five days a week. On Sundays we go to the park, there we catch insects. On Saturdays we watch TV at home .My parents are teachers. They teach Chinese. I can speak Chinese. But Steven can speak only a little .I like to read books. Now I am reading a book about China. I like China very much. I hope to visit China some day.( )(1) Steven can speak Chinese well.( )(2) Steven and Peter are in the same class.( )(3) They go to school from Monday to Friday.( )(4) Steven comes from America.( )(5) They watch TV on Saturdays.三、完形填空完型填空。Jack: Hi, Sally. _ my storybook?Sally: Look! Its on the desk, _ your bag.Jack: I cant _ my pencil box.Sally: Let me see. Oh! Its _ your chair.Jack: Oh! Yes, it is.Sally: You should _ your desk clean.22 . AWhere areBWhereCWheres23 . AinBtoCat24 . AlookBfindCfinding25 . AunderBinCfor26 . AtalkBtakeCkeep四、填空题27 . 选词填空。Welcome shopping centre How much glass take helpWelcome shopping centre How much glass take help(1) There is a new _ near our school.(2) _ to our school!(3) May I _ you?(4) _ is this blouse?(5) Its a good schoolbag. OK. Ill _it.(6) A _ of juice, please!28 . Fillintheblanks(用所给词的适当形式填空):1.Thosesweets_(be)twelveyuan.2.How_(many)arethesebiscuits?Theyreeightyuan.3.Two_(bottle)ofjuice,please.4.Theirteacher_(notlike)crisps.5._(therebe)muchwateroverthere.6.Whatshapes_(be)thesandwiches?Theyre_(triangle).7.Ilike_(paint),I_(notlike)running.8.Those_(policeofficer)bicyclesareold.用所给单词的适当形式填空。29 . What can people do _ (keep) us _ (health)?30 . They like _ (drink) _ (tomato) juice.31 . To keep _ (safe) on the road, we must know a lot about road _. (safe)32 . There _ (be) eight bags of rice in the kitchen this morning.33 . _ (do) climb up the tree. OK, Im sorry.34 . The boy mustnt _ (play) football in the street35 . 看图片,回答问题。【小题1】-Is there a shelf in the room?-_【小题2】-Wheres the chair?-_【小题3】-Is there a curtain in the room?-_【小题4】-Are there any books in the room?-_【小题5】-Are there any end tables in the room?-_五、汉译英根据汉语完成句子。36 . Tom想要在电脑上画画。Tom _ the computer.37 . 他正在收集大量照片。Hes_ a lot of _.38 . 我打算去看我的朋友。I _ my friends.39 . 她喜欢乘飞机旅游。She _ plane.六、句型转换按要求写句子。40 . I like the music.(改为一般疑问句)_41 . The colour is pretty.(改为复数句)_42 . My favourite season is winter.(改为同义句)_43 . I can swim.(改为否定句)_44 . Which season do you like best?(根据实际情况回答)_七、改错45 . 选出错误的选项,并在横线上改正。1.(A)Do(B)yourbrother(C)speakEnglish?_2.(A)We always (B)has a(C) special meal._3.(A)There is lots of(B) Chinese shops (C)there. _4.(A)Read books (B)is my(C)hobby._5. Three(A)monkeys(B)iseatingthe(C)bananas._46 . 选错并改正。( ) 1.Are thereanycomputer roomin the school?A B C( ) 2.Whatareon the tree?There aresome apples.A B C( ) 3.This bed is to soft for me.A B C( ) 4.I have a animal friend.A B C( ) 5.What can your sisterdo? She candancing.A B C第 8 页 共 8 页

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