英语六年级下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans单元测试卷

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英语六年级下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . We are going to Xian _. ( )AyesterdayBlast weekCtomorrow2 . There_ a birthday party this Sunday. ( )Awill beBis going to haveCare going to beDwill going to be3 . Help _!AmeBI4 . like to wear a kilt. ( )AThe AmericanBThe ChineseCThe ScottishDThe British5 . Tina is _ a travel book in the bedroom. ( )AreadBreadsCreadingDto read6 . We _ New York tomorrow. ( )Awill visitBare visitingCvisit7 . The horse is. ( )ArunBrunningCrunning8 . -_does your father work? ( )-He _in a bank.AWhere; worksBWhat; workCWhere; workRead and choose(读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的单词)9 . ALook at the sea.BI have eggs in the evening.CIts eleven oclock.10 . AIts easy.BShes three years old.CHow happy I am!11 . AI like fish.BThe thin girl is May.CI ride a bicycle.12 . AHes still working.BShes my good friend.CThats a pretty doll.13 . AEat some apples.BIts a big egg.CCome and help me.14 . -Will you go to Beijing by bus?-No, I _.AwillBwontCwould15 . Beijing is the capital(首都) of China. London is the capital of _. ( )Athe USBFranceCthe UKDAustralia二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。John is eight years old, and he is a very funny boy. He works hard, so he is good at his subjects. And his teachers and parents like him very much. But he has a very big head.Now this school year finishes and he goes to his uncles home for summer holidays. He will stay there for ten days. His uncle lives in a mountain village and its about four hundred miles away from his city. He takes a train (火车) to a small town, there his uncle meets him at the train station and takes him to his house by bike.John makes some friends there soon. They play games and swim in the river happily. But one afternoon he cries (哭) to his aunt, All the children make fun of me. They say I have a big head.Dont listen to them, his aunt say, You have a beautiful head. Now stop crying and go to the store to buy fifteen tomatoes for me.Where is the shopping bag?Oh, dear. I dont have one. Use your hat.16 . John does well in his subjects because_. ( )Ahis teachers like himBhe works hardChis parents like himDhe is a very funny boy.17 . The underlined words make fun of means _. ( )A羡慕B责怪C取笑D讨厌18 . Which of the following is not right? ( )AAfter the term finishes, he goes to his uncles home.BJohn and his uncle go home by train.CJohns aunt wants him to buy some tomatoes for her.DJohns home is far (远的) from his uncles home.19 . From the last words, we know _.( ) AJohns aunt has a big headBJohn cant buy tomatoesCJohn really has a big headDJohn has a beautiful hat20 . Whats the best title of this article? ( )AA Funny BoyBA Big HatCA Boy with a Big HeadDJohn and His Uncle21 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案Many people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You cant open the window. You cant choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. The stations are usually in cities. When you cant catch a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train. You can see many interesting things on your way. And the trains are fast too.I also like cars. You can start your trip when you want to, and you dont need to reach a train station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.【小题1】Why do many people like to travel by plane? ( )ABecause it is fast.BBecause you can walk around in the plane.CBecause it is late.【小题2】Which is not the good thing about the train? ( )AIt is safe.BThe stations are usually in cities.CYou cant see interesting things on your way.【小题3】If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out? ( )AA bus.BA car.CA train.【小题4】We dont have to wait if we travel _. ( )Aby carBby planeCby train三、完形填空完形填空。Doctors tell us that holidays are important. We should have a _ from work for a week or two every year. If it is possible(有可能的), they say, we should _ our homes or go to another _ of the country. We should go away for _. Then, after the holidays, we will be _ and get ready for _ again.But some people do not want to leave their homes to _ in other places. They do not like a sudden change in their lives. They think their _ are the best of all. And some people can have a rest in _ way. They can go to visit their friends. They can have _ holidays together.22 . ArestBmeetingCtime23 . AstayBleaveCgo24 . AcitiesBtownsCpart25 . AworkBstudyCholidays26 . AbetterBhealthyCbad27 . AworkBsportsCstudy28 . AgoBcomeCstay29 . AworkBhomesCroom30 . AoneBotherCanother31 . AbetterBbestCwell四、填空题32 . 根据所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)(1)Who _ (want) _ (play) basketball with us?(2)Childrens Day is _(come), Mum would like _(buy)things for me.(3)You_(be) late. Dont _ (be ) late again(4)Its time _ (have) lunch. Lets _ (go) now.(5)I _ (get ) up at 6:30 every day. (6)Who _ (be) on duty today? Lucy and Lily are.五、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Sallys old grandfather lived with her. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and come home at half past twelve for his lunch. But one morning a police car stopped near Sallys house at twelve Oclock, and two policemen helped her grandfather to get out. One of them said to Sally: The old man lost his way in the park and called us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home.” Sally was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left. But, grandfather,” she asked, you go to the park every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way? The old man smiled and said, I didnt lose my way. I was just tired and didnt want to walk home.”33 . Sallys grandfather didnt go for a walk in the park every morning. (_)34 . One morning a police car stopped near Sallys house. (_)35 . Sallys old grandfather lost his way and called the policemen for help. (_)36 . Sally thanked the policemen and they left. (_)37 . The old man didnt lose his way, he was just tired and didnt want to walk home. (_)阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Exams(考试) are over. Its time for holiday! What do you want to do in the coming holiday? Lets listen to what the students say.Liu Tao: I will have a good rest in the holiday. Ill play basketball with my classmates and play computer games. Then I should do my homework. Finally, I want to visit Hainan to see the beautiful sea there. I would like to go there with my parents, and we will go there by air.Yang Ling: I want to learn how to cook from my parents this summer. My parents always cook nice food for me. I want to learn how to make the dish myself. After all, parents cannot cook for me all the time.Mike: I want to watch lots of DVDs this holiday. I feel tired after taking so many exams. Watching films can give me a good rest.Su Hai: I just want to visit my grandparents with Su Yang. They love me very much, but they live in the countryside and we have no time to visit then when we are at school.38 . Liu Tao would like to have a trip in the coming holiday. (_)39 . Yang Ling always cooks for herself in her family. (_)40 . After the exams, Mike wanst to watch many DVDs in the holiday. (_)41 . Su Hai often goes to see her grandparents when shes at school. (_)42 . The reading doesnt tell is how Liu Tao will go to Hainan. (_)六、汉译英根据中文提示,完成下列句子。43 . 你爸爸将在那儿待多长时间?他会在那儿待两年。_ your father stay there?_ stay there for two _.44 . 明天我不坐飞机去上海。I _ go to Shanghai _ tomorrow.45 . 你什么时候去看望你的叔叔?我下个月将去看望他。_ you visit your uncle?_ him next _.46 . 明天我和我的朋友们将是忙碌的。My _ and I _ tomorrow.47 . 你暑假的计划是什么?Whats your _ the summer _?七、英汉混合英汉互译48 . dont shout _49 . want to _50 . dont sleep _51 . 一些糖果_52 . my milk _53 . 我很抱歉。_八、句型转换54 . 句型转换:1. This is his red bike. (同义句)This is .2. The girl in the car is Alice.(就画线部分提问)is Alice?3. Is there any money in your hand?(肯定句)_4. The Black family like Chinese very much.(同义句)like Chinese very much.5. Its time for break. (同义句)Its time .6. They are brown boxes.(就画线部分提问)they?7. These are their balls.(就画线部分提问)these?九、填内容补全对话根据所给情境完成对话。A: 55 . will you do for the summer holiday?B: I will visit Disneyland.A: 56 . will you go there?B: Ill go there 57 . July.A: 58 . 59 . will you stay there?B: Ill stay there for a week.A: Thats wonderful. Can you 60 . me some photos after the holiday?B: Sure.根据上下文补全对话。A: 61 . are you going 62 . the summer holiday, Liu Tao?B: Im going to Hainan. My uncle lives there.A: 63 . is the weather there in summer? Is it hot?B: Yes, but the air there is fresh. Its good 64 . our health.A: What will you 65 . there?B: First, Ill 66 . some seafood and fruit. Then. Of course, Ill 67 . swimming.A: How 68 . will you stay there?B: You know people in Hainan 69 . visitors. So I want to stay there longer(更长).A: Thats really great. I want to 70 . it too.十、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. What about you?B. How long will you have to work?C. Is there anybody to go with you?D. Do you like it?E. Wish you a good time.F. What are you going to do?G. We will go there together.A: The summer holidays will start next month. 71 . B: Id like to go swimming.A: Thatll be very interesting. 72 . B: Yes, Dad will go with me. He is very good at swimming. I need a teacher. I just started to learn it last year. 73 . A: I am going to help my father with his farm work. Its the busiest time of the year for him.B: 74 . A: Maybe three or four weeks. Then I can do some other things, like playing football or swimming.B: 75 . A: Thank you.十一、书面表达76 . 书面表达。愉快的暑假就要来到了,你想出去旅游吗?你想去哪些地方,哪些城市?请以“My summer holiday plans”为题,为自己制订一个旅游计划吧。My summer holiday plans_第 11 页 共 11 页

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