英语六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now Part B Let's talk 练习卷

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英语六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now Part B Let's talk 练习卷_第1页
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英语六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now Part B Lets talk 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AmyBwhereCyour2 . Come and _ my old books.AlookBlookedClook at3 . sister is an English teacher.AJim and KateBJims and KatesCJims and KateDJim and Kates4 . Look! The boy _ in the playground. ( )Ais playing footballBis playing the footballCplays footballDto play football二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。When did people start to use fire? No one knows, but we know it was a long time ago. At first, people only ate raw meat (生肉). When they started to use fire, they began to cook meat. Cooking meat on a fire made it delicious, healthy and safe, so people became stronger. Long ago, people lived in the cold and wet caves (冷湿的山洞). A good fire could make them warm and dry. Fire is the great thing, but its also very dangerous. Dont play with fire and when you see a fire, tell an adult (成年人).5 . When did people start to use fire? ( )A200 years ago.B100 years ago.CLong time ago.6 . At first, people ate_.( )Ameat ballsBraw meatCsafe food7 . When they started to use fire, they cooked meat_. ( )Aon a fireBin a kitchenCin a hot pot8 . Long time ago, people lived in the _caves.( )Awarm and safeBcold and wetCclean and dry9 . When you see a fire, you must_. ( )Acook meatBplay with itCtell an adult三、英汉混合英汉互译10 . 黄色_11 . 白色_12 . 黑板_13 . 熊猫_14 . 名字_15 . dog _16 . purple _17 . black_18 . white cap_19 . black and white_四、其他按要求完成。20 . classroom, We,a, have, new(.)(连词成句)_21 . teachers, Let, clean, me, the, desk(.)(连词成句)_22 . 看图选择句子。( )ALet me clean the blackboard.BLet me clean the windows.23 . _(看图写句子)24 . _(看图写句子)第 3 页 共 3 页

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