英语六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits单元测试卷(二)

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英语六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits单元测试卷(二)_第1页
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英语六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits单元测试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . My hobby is _ basketball. ( )AplayBplaysCplaying2 . 见到客人站着,你应说,ASit down.please.BHow are you?CIm fine,too.3 . Whostayed_ youyesterday?( ) My mother.AwithBofCfor4 . My father always puts his thing order. ( )AonBatCforDin5 . ( ) _ Bob play basketball every day?ADoBDoes6 . ( ) Everyone _ get birthday cards.Alike to BlikeClikes toDis liking7 . You can your books and toys . ( )Aputs; in orderBputs; in hereCput; in orderDputting; in order8 . There _any chairs here now. ( )AwerentBareCarent9 . They will go, would you like to go with?Ashop , themBshopping , theyCshopping , themDto shop , theirs10 . Every morning Bens grandfather _ for a walk around the lake.AgoBgoesCwentDis going二、阅读选择根据短文选择正确答案Mother: Good morning, Doctor!Doctor: Good morning, Mrs Brown. Whats wrong with your son, John?Mother: He looks ill.Doctor: Hello, John. How do you feel now?John: I dont feel well, Doctor.Doctor: Open your mouth, John. Show me your tongue. Say “Ah”.John: AhDoctor: John has a bad cold, Mrs Brown.Mother: Can he go to school?Doctor: No. He must be in bed and take some medicine.Mother: Thank you ,Doctor.11 . The doctor comes to see John _.( )A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at night12 . John is _ . ( )A. a doctor B. the doctors son C. Mrs Browns son13 . Whats wrong with John? He is _ . ( )A. feeling ill B. ill C. very good14 . Can John go to school? _ . ( )A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. I dont know.15 . The doctor asks John open his mouth to see his _ . ( )A. stomach B. tongue C. teeth三、填空题16 . 仔细阅读句子,用括号中给出的词的正确形式填空,使句子完整。1. Mary Chen _(go)to Lake School at eight oclock yesterday.2. Mr. Washington will_(play)football with his friends.3. I love_(work)with my computer.4. Beijing is one of the_(big)cities in the world.5. Look! Nick is_(read)the story book.四、单词拼写17 . 补全对话,根据提供的首字母填入所缺的字母。(18分)(1)What a you g to do today?I a g to pl the violin.(2)I he going t buy a book? Y ,he is.(3)Wh are th g ?Theyre g t the park.(4)A the girls g t do their homework?N , they a .五、英汉混合英汉互译。18 . 谁住在森林里?_19 . 猴子生活在森林里。_20 . 森林是鸟类的家。_21 . Who lives in the sea?_22 . 鸟类和大象生活在大森林里。_六、句型转换23 . 句型转换,按括号的要求改写句子(1)She found it interesting to listen to music.(同义句)She _ _ _ music.(2) Maybe you can find it somewhere.(否定句)Perhaps you _ _ _ _.(3) You must look after your pet.(提问)_ _ you _?(4) Theres a little milk in the bottle. (提问)_ _ _ _ there in the bottle?(5) The weather is very bad today.(改为感叹句)_ bad _ it _ today!(6) Did you hear from your parents last week?(同义句)Did you_ _ _ from your parents last week?七、连线题24 . 将问句和答语连线1. Whats this?AYes, she does.2. Is it a panda?BYes, I do.3. Do you like apples?CIts a football.4. Does Anna like meat?DNo, he doesnt.5. Does Alices father like dogs?EI like elephant.6. What do you like, elephant or monkey?FYes, it is.第 5 页 共 5 页


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